EOP-1 Primary Actions Flashcards
What is the first box, its actions and RNO actions for EOP-1 primary side?
On reactor trip:
- Verify via matrix lights, power lowering & negative startup rate.
If not tripped, then:
- Trip at C-02, C-06 or Toggles to Off.
Verify all full length control rods inserted via ppc page 410 and matrix lights.
- If more than 1 rod out, then emergency borate.
Announce reactor trip, time, full length control rods and contingencies.
What is the second box, its actions and RNO actions on EOP-1 for the primary side?
Verify at least one CCW pump operating via lights/Hdr Pressure
- No pumps, less than 10 minutes and Surge Tank >47%, Start a CCW pump
Verify at least two SW pumps operatoring via lights/Hdr Pressure
- No pumps, less than 10 minutes, Start available SW pumps
Verify greater than 42 psi on both Critical SW Hdrs.
- If less than 42 psi, start SW pumps
- If no SIAS, close CAC HI CAPS as necessary to raise pressure.
- If CAC HI CAPS closed & less than 42 psi, close CV-1359
PCP seal cooling adequate by CCW and SW criteria met plus verify CV-0910, CV-0911 and CV-0940 OPEN
- If PCP seal cooling not adequate
- Trip PCPs at C-02 or open 252-102/202 A/B incoming on C-04
- Close CV-2083, CV-2191, CV-2099.
What is the third box, its actions and RNO actions for EOP-1 Primary?
Is PZR Level 20 - 85% and trending 42 - 57%
- Operate PLCS and Manually Operate Charging and Letdown
Subcooling Check (no actions)
- With PCP then use SMM
- Without PCP then use CETS
USE PPC TRIP PAGE AND 11-2. Adjust Level parameters to 20%.
What are the actions and RNO actions for the 4th box on EOP-1 Primary?
- At least one PCP operating
- Loop Delta-T < 10F
- Use loop temps for 1 & 2 if faulted SG
- Subcooling of at least 25F
- If a PCP operating, record SMM subcooling at least 25F
- If no PCP operating, record CET subcooling at least 25F
- Monitor for time less than 25F subcooled (EI Plan)
What are the actions and RNO actions of the 5th box on EOP-1 Primary?
Verify Containment Pressure < 0.85 psig via PIA-1814 and PIA-1815
If >= 4.0 psig, THEN:
- Verify EK-1126, “CIS INITIATED” or puse LEFT and RIGHT “High Radiation Initiate” Pushbuttons.
- Ensure Closed MSIVs, MFRVs, Bypass FRV and CCW Iso valves
- Verify EK-1342 “SAFETY INJ INITIATED” or push “Initiate” pushbuttons
- Ensure available HPSI and LPSI pumps operating with loop isolation valves open.
What are the actions and RNO actions for the 6th box of EOP-1 Primary?
Check Containment Temp < 125, if not THEN
- Ensure all available CAC fans running
- OPEN CAC HI CAPS as capacity permits
Check Containment Pressure < 0.85 psig via PIA-1814/1815, if not THEN,
Ensure all available CAC fans running
OPEN CAC HI CAPS as capacity permits
If >= 4.0 lbs, then:
- ENSURE OPERATING all available CAC ‘A’ Recirc Fans
- ENSURE OPEN all available containment spray valves
- ENSURE OPERATING all available spray pumps with at least 1425 gpm flow in each spray header
What are the last two check and RNO actions on the EOP-1 Primary card?
Verify Instrument air > 85 psig
RNO: START available Instrument Air Compressors or cross-tie FWP air.
Verify SIRWT > 25%
RNO: PERFORM preand/or post-RAS actions as required per EOP- Supplement 42.
How would AOP-8, loss of C bus, impact EOP-1 Primary card actions/RNO?
Loss of C bus results in a loss of:
- P-7B, standby SW pumps should start - verify and take action per AOP.
- C-2A/C via LCC-11, standby C-2B should start, verify and take action per AOP.
- P-52A/C, standby P-52B should start, verify and take action per AOP.
- P-55C not available, P-55A/B operating as needed.
P-7B, C-2A/C, P-52A/C and P-55C not available.
- Impacts to SW, Instrument Air, CCW and Charging
Left Channel/HPSI Train 1 Loop Injection Valves not available:
- MO-3007, 3009, 3011 and 3013
Left Channel/LPSI Loop Injection Valves not available
- MO-3008 and MO-3010.
How does AOP-9, loss of D bus, impact EOP-1 Primary?
On loss of D bus the following go away:
- P-7A/C, P-7B should auto start. Low hdr pressure/close isolations per AOP
- C-2B, C-2A/C should auto start.
- P-52B, P-52A/C should auto start.
- P-55A/B, P-55C should start as needed.
- Close CV-2003, 2004 & 2005. Charging via P-55C is 40 gpm.
- Letdown and PCP is 44 gpm.
- CRDM control power gone. Rods trippable but immovable.
Bottom Line for EOP-1 Primary:
- SW to containment may be isolated. No CACs
- Minimal charging post trip. Pressurizer level will take time to recover. No heaters.
How does AOP-10, loss of E bus, impact EOP-1 Primary Card?
Loss of E bus results in loss of pressurizer heaters.
On trip, D bus heaters will not re-energize.
How does AOP-11, loss of 480 volt buses, impact EOP-1 Primary?
Loss of LCC-11 you lose:
- C-2A/C, C-2B should auto start.
- V-4A, Required V-1A, V-2A and V-3A should be running.
- P-55C, P-55A/B are available.
Loss of LCC-12 you lose:
- C-2B, C-2A/C should auto start at 92 psig.
- V-1A, V-2A, V-3A. Only V-4A for non-required CAC operable.
- P-55A/B, P-55C operating. Isolate letdown for mismatch.
Loss of LCC-13
- V-49B CRDM Cooling Fan Lost, high leakoff temp alarms.
- M-2, Instrument Air Dryer
- EK-1102, Instrument Air Low Pressure could be switching issue. Bypass air dryer.
Loss of MCC-1
- B Boric Acid Pump Lost
- P-77B Shield Cooling Pump Lost
Loss of MCC-2
- CRDM control power
- A Boric Acid Pump Lost
- P-77A Shield Cooling Pump Lost
How does AOP-12, Loss of Y-10, impact EOP-1 Primary?
Loop 1 Tave fails low, ‘A’ Level/Pressure controller output zero.
- ‘A’ Level Controller in service - max charging, min letdown
- ‘B’ Level Controller in service - max letdown, min charging
- Swap to Loop-2. Swap to B Level and B Pressure controller, Swap heaters to B only
- Manual operation until AOP-12 step to place in cascade.
Left Channel CIAS valves will not close on CHP.
Left Channel Equipment will not actuate automatically.
How does AOP-13, Loss of Y-20, impact EOP-1 Primary Card?
Tave Loop-2 fails low, ‘B’ level and pressure controller have zero output
- Swap Tave to Loop-1
- Swap to ‘A’ Level Controller
- Swap to ‘A’ only on Heater Controller
- Swap to ‘A’ Pressure Controller
- Operate in Manual until AOP direction for cascade
- Level slide bar to zero output on both.
Right Channel SIAS equipment will be manual initiation
P-54A will be manual start on CHP
How does AOP-14, Loss of Y-30, impact EOP-1 Primary Card?
Left Channel SIAS will require manual equipment starts
P-54B/C will need to be manualy started on CHP.
How does AOP-15, Loss of Y-40, impact EOP-1 Primary Card?
- Right Channel SIS initiate pushbutton will need to be pressed
- Open CV-3002
- Start P-54A
How does AOP-16, Loss of Y-01, impact EOP-1 Primary Card?
Control Rod Matrix Lights go away
Control Rod LEDs go away
- Use PPC, Power Indications for trip
CV-2001, Letdown Stop Closes
Route PCP bleedoff to Primary System Drain Tank
How does AOP-17, Loss of 125v DC, impact EOP-1 Primary Card?