ENT Flashcards
A 14 year old field hockey player presents with prominent adenopathy, white purple exudates in the throat and an enlarged liver. What diagnosis should you be thinking of?
Acute sinusitis is most commonly caused by which two pathogens?
Strep pneumoniae and haemophilus influenzae
Acute swelling and pain in the cheek that increases at meals. What diagnosis should you be thinking of?
Sialadenitis (salivary gland infection) - Staph aureus
After 7 days of sinusitis what antibiotic would you start?
Amoxicillin or bactrim
An x-ray of the skull reveals coalescence of mastoid air cells. What diagnosis should you be thinking of?
Describe the result of a weber test with ina patient with conductive hearing loss.
Patient will report the sound louder in the affected hear.
Describe the Rinne test?
Place the tuning fork on the mastoid and then move it next to the ear.
Describe the Weber test?
Tuning fork placed in the middle of the forehead
Erythematous sandpaper rash should make you think of what diagnosis?
Scarlet fever
How do you treat allergic rhinitis?
Intranasal corticosteroids, antihistamines
How long should pressure be applied to treat epistaxis?
15 minutes
In a patient with sensorineural hearing loss what will be the results of the Weber test?
Patient will hear the sound louder in the unaffected ear.
List four complications of untreated strep throat.
Scarlet fever, glomerulonephritis, rheumatic fever, local abscess
List the four things that suggest group A beta hemolytic strep in a patient with pharyngitis.
Fever, tender anterior cervical adenopathy, no cough, exudate in the throat
List the time of year each allergen is most prominent. Pollen, Grass, Ragweed and Mold.
Pollen tree and flower = spring, grasses are the summer, mold and ragweed are fall
New onset hoarseness which has lasted the past 2 weeks in a smoker. What diagnosis should you be thinking of?
Laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma
Oral herpes is best treated with oral or topical antivirals?
Systemic antivirals will help, but are only indicated for severe cases.
Patient complains of feeling the ground rolling under their feet at times. What diagnosis should you be thinking of?
Patient presents drooling, with stridor and in tripod position what is dx and how do you treat it?
Epiglottitis, erythromycin
Patient presents with a hot potato voice or muffled voice. What diagnosis should you be thinking of?
Peritonsillar abscess
Patient presents with acute onset of continuous severe vertigo for the past 5 days. Patient does have a history of URI 2 weeks ago. What diagnosis should you be thinking of?
Patient presents with one unilateral hearing loss and a decrease in speech discrimination. They have also had difficulty with balance over the past week. What diagnosis should you be thinking of?
Acoustic neuroma
Patient presents with round ulcer in her mouth that is yellow-grey with a red halo. It is on the buccal mucosa and it is painful. What diagnosis should you be thinking of?
Aphthous ulcers
Patient presents with several episodes of vertigo over the past several weeks. He has had intermittent unilateral hearing loss and a “blowing” in his ears. What diagnosis should you be thinking of?
Meniere’s disease
Small grouped vesicles on the vermillion border should make you think of what diagnosis?
Thumbprint sign on lateral neck x-ray is hat diagnosis?
What are three possible treatments for peritonsillar abscess?
Needle aspiration, I&D, Tonsillectomy
What does Kiesselbach’s plexus refer to?
A group of vein’s in the anterior nose which bleed a lot
What is the treatment of choice for strep throat?
PCN, amoxicillin, erythromycin
What time frame are we talking about for chronic sinusitis?
> 3 months
What type of hearing loss is associated with aging?
What type of hearing loss would be caused by cerumen impaction?
What virus causes mumps?
When is watchful waiting with a diagnosis of acoustic neuroma?
Tumor is very slow growing so in an elderly patient with small tumor following it is the way to go.
Which is the most commonly affected sinus in acute sinusitis?
White oral lesion which can not be scraped of should make you think of what diagnosis?
Oral leukoplakia
White oral lesions which can be scraped off leaving punctate bleeding.
Oral candida