energy systems (SAC 3) Flashcards
intensity & duration ATP-PC
- very high intensity
- very short duration (1-10 seconds)
intensity & duration anaerobic glycolysis
- high intensity
- short duration (10-60 seconds)
intensity & duration aerobic (glycolysis)
- low (submaximal) intensity
- long duration (60+ seconds)
e.g longer duration efforts
intensity & duration aerobic (lipolysis)
- at rest
- 60+ seconds
rate & yield
rate - how quickly ATP is resynthesised (influences the intensity of the activity)
yield - amount of ATP that is resynthesised during exercise (influences the duration of the activity)
ATP rate & yield ATP-PC
- explosive & instantaneous
- extremely limited (very low)
ATP rate & yield anaerobic glycolysis
- fast
- small amounts (low)
ATP rate & yield aerobic (glycolysis)
- medium
- large amounts
ATP rate & yield (lipolysis)
- slow
- very large amounts
fuel source ATP-PC
- creatine phosphate
fuel source anaerobic glycolysis
- glycogen
- glucose
fuel source aerobic
- glycogen & glucose
- triglycerides & free fatty acids
recovery ATP-PC
(sitting down, not moving, covering legs with blanket)
- helps restore PC faster (98% PC replenishment in 3 minutes)
recovery anaerobic glycolysis
(e. g walking, stretching, swimming)
- helps metabolise/oxidise metabolic by-products (hydrogen ions)
- helps remove lactic acid build up
recovery aerobic
- active recovery
- massage/hydro
(e.g gatorade/lollies)
- consume within 30 mins post activity
(muscles during this time are vasodilated and receptive to high Gi foods due to glycogen depletion)
fatigue mechanisms ATP-PC
- fuel depletion (creatine phosphate)
- due to the depletion therefore we will get greater contribution from the anaerobic glycolysis system which produced energy at a slower rate
- therefore this will lead to a decreased intensity
fatigue mechanisms anaerobic glycolysis
- accumulation of metabolic byproducts
- this leads to increased muscle acidity, which decreases enzyme activity and the ability to produce/resynthesise ATP is decreased and therefore energy production is decreased ATP is decreased
- therefore this will lead to a decreased intensity
fatigue mechanisms aerobic (THERMOREGULATION)
- increases blood flow to the skin to cool down, which therefore decrease the amount of blood to the active muscles, this increases the presence of hydrogen ions
- therefore this will lead to a decreased intensity
fatigue mechanisms aerobic
- when depleted we have to use fats for energy which are utilised at a slower rate
- therefore this will lead to a decreased intensity
- consistent high GI ingestion in game, increases glycogen sparing, so glucose is utilised instead of glycogen (decreased fatigue)
lactate inflection point (LIP)
- lactate inflection point is when lactate production exceeds lactate removal/metabolism
- above 80% max HR we are most likely working above LIP
- exercise intensities beyond the LIP are associated with a more rapid onset of fatigue
- hydrogen ions accumulate beyond LIP
VO2 max and LIP
- the maximum amount of oxygen that the body can uptake, distribute and utilise per minute
- LIP is closely linked to VO2 max, the greater your VO2 max the higher your LIP
- (elite aerobic athletes have higher LIP)
- (higher LIP = able to work at an higher intensity for longer)
ATP-PC & sporting examples
- provides energy for resynthesis of ATP through the breakdown of creatine phosphate without O2
- jump, kick, hit
- 100m sprint
- weight-lifting
anaerobic glycolysis & sporting examples
- provides energy for resynthesis of ATP through the breakdown of glycogen through a series of chemical steps without O2
- repeat sprint efforts
- efforts/tackling
- 400m run
aerobic system & sporting examples
- provides energy for the resynthesis of ATP through the breakdown of various fuel (glycogen & triglycerides) through a series of chemical steps which require O2
- marathon running
- tour de france (bike riding)
energy system interplay
- all energy systems contribute to ATP resynthesis at all time
- the level just increases or decreases based off the intensity/duration of the activity
- system contributing the most = major contributor
how to answer energy system interplay question
- state that all the energy system work together to resynthesise ATP
- link ATP-PC energy system to event, I.D, rate, yield and game example (e.g jumping)
- link anaerobic glycolysis energy system to event, I.D, rate, yield and game example (e.g repeat sprint efforts)
- link aerobic energy system to event, I.D, rate, yield and game example (longer duration = aerobic major contributor)
- In activity recovery - link aerobic energy system working during periods of rest playing a part in PC replenishment or H+ ion metabolism
- data reference or specific game reference (with numbers)
oxygen deficit
- anaerobic & ATP-PC
(high intensities or before enough oxygen has reached the muscles
ATP & PC difference
ATP = provides energy for muscular contraction
PC = is a fuel that is broken down in order to resynthesis ATP
CP restoration during game breaks
- breaks allow for CP restoration through the aerobic energy system
EPOC duration
- higher intensity & duration = longer EPOC
- use active recovery with EPOC which will extend EPOC and allow oxidation of hydrogen ions and refuelling
- also eating high GI foods during EPOC for glycogen resynthesis (within first 30 mins after)