Endoparasites Flashcards
What is the Latin name of roundworms in dogs?
Toxocara Canis
Clinical signs of roundworms (dogs)?
Wins passed in faeces or vomit
Puppies show distended abdomens
How are roundworms (dogs) diagnosed?
Visual of eggs in faecal flotation sample
How are roundworms (dogs) treated?
-anthelmintic treatment starting from 2 weeks of age, then fortnightly until weaned, then monthly until 6 months of age
-deworming at least 4 times a year
Roundworms (dogs) lifecycle?
-adults inhibit small intestine and lay eggs which are passed in faeces
-eggs become infective after several weeks
-dog infected when ingest food
-eggs hatch in intestine releasing larvae than penetrate the intestine wall
-larvae coughed up and swallowed, returning to small intestine to complete lifecycle
What is roundworms (cats) Latin name?
Toxocara Cati
Clinical signs of roundworms (cats)?
-worms passed in faeces or vomit
-kittens may show respiratory signs due to migrating larvae
-cachexic with distended abdomen
How are roundworms (cats) diagnosed?
ID eggs in faecal flotation
How are roundworms (cats) treated?
-kittens from 3 weeks of age, every 2 weeks until 2 weeks post weaned, then monthly for 6 months
-adults worked 4 times a year
What is Latin name of lungworm?
Angiostrongylus Vasorum
Clinical signs of lungworm?
-heavy cough
-left side heart failure
-ranges from no signs to sudden death
How is lungworm diagnosed?
-fresh faecal samples using Baermann
-bronchial lavage
-commercial serology tests
How is lungworm treated?
-anthelmintic treatment
-supportive treatment and antibiotics
What is lungworms lifecycle?
-larvae ingested by intermediate hosts
-intermediate host ingested by dog
-larvae mature into adults in pulmonary arteries and heart
-eggs hatch into lungs, then larvae coughed up and swallowed
-larvae passed in faeces
What is whipworms Latin name?
Trichuris Vulpis