Ectoparasites Flashcards
What is Fleas Latin name?
Ctenocephalides Felis
Ctenocephalides Canis
What are the clinical signs of fleas?
Token hairs
Puritis alopecia
Skin thickening
How can fleas be diagnosed?
-can remain undetected due to hair length and thickness
-combing hair of animals
-microscopic examination of hair samples
-damp white paper test
How are fleas treated?
-keep environment clean
-vacuum all rooms and use household spray
-bedding should be washed on hot cycle
-treat all animals in household
What are fleas lifecycle?
-on the host, female flea will feed on blood and mates, eggs are laid on host
-eggs fall off into environment
-with right environmental conditions (2-14days) the eggs hatch into larvae which feeds on organic matter in environment and skin debris
-after a well larvae spins into cocoon and pupates
-10 days after flea fully develops and pupates, flea emerges and jumps onto the host
What is ticks Latin name?
Ixodes Ricinus
Clinical signs of ticks?
Swelling of joints
Local inflammation
Local infection
How are ticks treated?
-clean removal of tick including mouth parts
-skin disinfection once removed
What is the ticks lifecycle?
-ticks will be positioned on vegetation and will wave their legs (quest) to allow them to attach to host
-they pierce the skin of host and anchor themselves in position with help of barbed structure
-tick feeds from host for several days
-once female fully engorged, drops old host and lays thousands of eggs in environment and dies
What are the 3 Latin names for sucking and chewing lice?
Cat Biting Louse
Felicola Subrostratus
Dog Biting Louse
Tricodectes Canis
Sucking Louse
Linognathus Setosus
What are the clinical signs of Lice?
Hair loss
Intense irritation
Self inflected trauma
Anaemia if in large numbers
How is lice treated?
-can be treated with effective insecticides against lice
-through cleaning of fomites
-all animals in household treated
How is lice diagnosed?
-visual inspection
-coat brushing
-hair plucks
-adhesive tape strips
-microscopic examination
What is Lice lifecycle?
-sucking lice pierce host skin to suck blood
-chewing/biting lice feed on skin debris and secretions
-lice need to down their life on host
-lice lay eggs individually called nits
-lifecycle is 2-6 weeks
How are Lice spread?
Direct contact of suitable hosts
Indirect contact via fomites