Endocrine Tumours Flashcards
What is the only type of benign thyroid tumour and is it non-functional?
Follicular adenoma, usually non-functional.
In order of frequency, what are the 4 types of thyroid carcinoma?
Papillary, follicular, medullary, anaplastic.
Describe a papillary thyroid carcinoma.
Cystic solitary nodule May be calcified with psmammoma bodies Mainly lymphatic spread Cause local effects Good survival rates
Describe a follicular thyroid carcinoma.
High stage at presentation Older patients than papillary Usually single non-functional nodule Mainly haematogenous spread Invasive growth pattern More solid with less follicular architecture. Difficult to distinguish from adenoma.
Describe a medullary thyroid carcinoma.
Usually good prognosis C-cell derived Local effects Has amyloid deposition in cells Associated with MEN.
Describe an anaplastic thyroid carcinoma.
Undifferentiated and aggressive
Rapid local growth causing death.
What are the 3 types of pituitary adenoma in order of frequency?
Prolactinoma, GH secreting, ACTH secreting (usually microadenoma).
How common are pituitary carcinomas?
What effect can pituitary tumours have on hormone production?
Can cause pan-hypopituitism.
Where does a craniopharyngioma originate from?
Remnants of Rathke’s pouch.
Describe a craniopharyngioma.
Slow growing cyst that may calcify
Cause headaches, visual disturbances and growth retardation in children
Excellent prognosis
Very rarely SCC may develop after radiotherapy
Describe an adrenocortical adenoma.
Well circumscribed and encapsulated
Yellow/brown cut surface
Well differentiated with small nuclei and rare mitoses
Can be functional but more likely not
Describe an adrenocortical carcinoma.
More likely to be functional (virilising tumours are usually malignant) Rare Low survival Usually vascular metastasis Forms a spectrum with adenoma
What are the 2 main tumours of the adrenal medulla?
Describe a neuroblastoma
Diagnosed in infancy
Primitive appearing cells
Earlier found the better the prognosis