Endocrine Path Flashcards
- Licorice (inhibits 11-beta-HSD type II)
- Liddle’s syndrome (increase Na and decrease K)
Secondary Hyperaldosteronism causes
Fibromuscular dysplasia (young women) Atherosclerosis (men)
Hyperaldosteronism doesnt show hypernatremia or edema b/c…
Aldosterone escape via ANP
Addison’s disease causes
- Autoimmune (developed countries)
- TB (developing countries)
- Malignancy (esp lung)
Tertiary adrenal insufficiency cause
Exogenous steroid use and immediate withdraw
Decrease glucocorticoids on insulin requirements
- Homer-Wright rosettes
- anywhere on sympathetic chain
- firm, irregular mass, crosses midline
- Opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome (“dancing-eyes-dancing feet”)
- Bombesin and neuron-specific enolase +ve
- Over-express N-myc oncogene
Pheochromocytoma rule of 10
10% - malignant, bilateral, extra-adrenal, calcify, kids
Pheochromocytoma associated conditions
neurofibromatosis type 1, von Hippel-Lindau disease, MEN 2A and 2B
Pheochromocytoma Rx
Phenoxybenzamine ..THEN… B-blocker prior to ressection
Hypothyroid heart effect
Mucopolysaccharides deposited b/t fibers causing cardiomyopathy and low voltage EKG
Cholesterol levels in hyper-/hypothyroidism
Hyperthyroidism - increased LDL receptor (hypocholesterolemia)
Hypothyroidism - decreased LDL receptor (hypercholesterolemia)
Pretibial myxedema
Graves disease
Hashimoto thyroiditis
- anti-thyroid peroxidase (anti-microsomal), anti-thyroglobulin
- Risk: non-Hodgkin lymphoma (marginal/B-cell)
- Hurthle Cells
- Non-tender
- germinal centers
Congenital hypothyroidism (cretinism)
The 6 P’s (also short w/ coarse facial features)
- Pot-bellied
- Pale
- Puffy-faced child
- Protruding umbilicus
- Protuberant tongue
- Poor brain development
Subacute granulomatous thyroiditis (de Quervain)
- High ESR, jaw pain, TENDER thyroid
- often post viral
Riedel thyroiditis
- Fibrous replacement of thyroid
- manifestation of IgG4-related systemic disease (autoimmune pancreatitis, retroperitoneal fibrosis, noninfectious aortitis)
- fixed, hard (rock-like) painless goiter
Lithium on thyroid
Graves Rx
B-blockers, Thiomide (blocks peroxidase), Radioiodine ablation
Toxic multinodular
Focal patches of hyperfunctioning follicular cells working independently of TSH d/t receptor mutation
Thyroid storm: COD, Lab, Rx
- tachyarrhythmia
- increased ALP
- 3 P’s: Propanolol, Propylthiouracil, Prednisolone
Jod-Basedow phenomenon
thyrotoxicosis if a patient w/ iodine deficiency goiter is made iodine replete
found w/ hypothyroid myopathy and d/t slow resorption of Ca by SR (causes focal mounding of muscle following percussion) - also has increased CK
Non-toxic multinodular goiter
- d/t relative iodine def
- euthyroid