Endocrine - Diabetes & Obesity Flashcards
Type 1 - Diabetes
Type 1 accounts for what percentage of diabetes?
Type 1 - Diabetes
What age does it usually start?
generally quick in ages 25 or younger
Type 1 - Diabetes
What is the mechanism of disease?
The autoimmune destructs beta cells in the pancreas = lack of insulin
Type 1 - Diabetes
What is the management?
- Insuline injections
- Diet
- Exercise
Type 1 - Diabetes
What is it often called?
“Insulin dependent” or “juvenile diabetes”
Type 2 - Diabetes
Type 2 accounts for what percentages of diabetes?
Accounts for 90%+ of all cases
Type 2 - Diabetes
What age does it usually start?
Gradual onset over time
- around 45+ y/o when diagnosed
Type 2 - Diabetes
What is the mechanism of disease?
Characterized by insulin resistance = insulin deficiency
- leads to progressive decline in beta cell function over time
Type 2 - Diabetes
What is the management?
- diet
- exercise
- weight loss
- oral meds
- in some cases insulin injections
Type 2 - Diabetes
What is it often called?
“non-insulin dependent” or “adult onset”
What is the prevalence in the U.S?
~ 37+ million people have diabetes (11%)
~ 8.5 milly are undiagnosed (3%)
What age is prevalence in the U.S?
29% of adults are over 65 y.o
Limb loss
What is the percentage of people with diabetes suffer from diabetic ulcer?
10-15% experience a diabetic ulcer at some point in time = increased risk
Limb loss
What is the percentage undergo re-amputation?
who undergo amputation - 60% will need re-amputation
- 26% within a year following initial surgery
Limb loss
What is the healing time?
3-20 months
What is the criteria to diagnose diabetes?
- A1C (gold standard)
- Fasting plasma glucose
- Oral glucose tolerance test
What is normal?
< 5.7%
What is pre-diabetic?
5.7 - 6.4%
What is diabetic?
6.5% or >
Fasting plasma glucose
What is normal?
< 100 mg/dL
Fasting plasma glucose
What is pre-diabetic?
100-125 mg/dL
Fasting plasma glucose
What is diabetic?
126 mg/dL or >
Oral glucose tolerance test
What is normal?
< 140 mg/dL
This number is for Oral Glucose Tolerance Test
What is pre-diabetic?
140-199 mg/dL
This number is for Oral Glucose Tolerance test
200 mg/dL
What are the risk factors for diabetes?
- smoking
- 1st degree relative
- hx of CV disease
- hx of hypertension
- hx of hyperlipidemia
- physical inactivity
- 45 y/o or older
- women: polycystic ovarian syndrome or gestational diabetes
- overweight and obese
Gestational Diabetes
What is the mechanism of disease?
Increased insuline resistance contributes to increase blood glucose levels
Gestational Diabetes
When is it diagnosed?
commonly later 1/2 of pregnancy
Gestational Diabetes
What is the prevalence?
8 out of 100 women will develop GDM
Gestational Diabetes
What increases the rate?
With higher BMI
Gestational Diabetes
If sx persist > 6-8 weeks, what happens?
medical management will continue and reclassify the dx has DMII