enculturation Flashcards
move to another coutnry to get global perspective, foreign lanuage, more job opputunities
individual changes old culture and has new
values enculturation
effect of enculturation on cognition- attitudes, gender roles, social releationships
want old and new culture
acculturative stress
anxiety e depression from moving
acculturation gaps
more acculturative than parents
language issues
protective factoea
factors to lessen how much individual acculturates and mental health affect
reactive identification
when individual strenghtens identity as response to descrimination
attrition rate
number of peple droppin out
reverse culture shock
stress suffered going back to oringinal culture
cultural dimensions
high vs low power
masculine vs fem
collectiviatt vs individualist
indulgance vs restraint
long term vs short
uncertantity avoidance index