#3 the sociocultural approach, from key terms booklet Flashcards
ties between indivuals are lose, everyone is expected to look after herselfand her family
from birth people are integrated to cohesive in groups with extended families which provides support
dynamic swt of rules, explicit and implicit which are shared by a group.
these are transmitted between generations and this allows the group to thrive
cultural dimentions
perspective on culture based on values and cultural norms
surface culture
what we can see when we observe a culture (women wear headscalfs)
deep culture
cant see when we observe a culture (belifes atturudes and values
process where someone comes to contact with another culture and adapt the new culural norms and behaviour
cultural norms
rules which indicate expected group behaviour
process of adpoting/internalising schemas of your culture ad the norms for that cukture
inability to emphatise with another culture, assume that all cultures are like yours
unviersal behaviours
rules of human behaviour which can be applied to all cultures
etic approach
is cross cutltural psuchologu where behavour is compared accross spceific cultures
emic aapproach
looks at bhaviours which are culturally specific
deductive approach
hypothesis already decided before study begins,