EMT S's Flashcards
sacroilliac joint
pelvis and vertebrae connection
one of 3 bones in pelvic ring
Special Atomic Demolition Munitions / SADM
suitcase nuclear weapon
saggital plane
left and right
signs/symptoms, allergies, medication, pert. med. history, last oral intake, events leading to injury
scald burn
hot liquid burn
delusions, hallucinations, lack of interest in pleasure and erratic speech
school age
6-12yr old
sciatic nerve
most of leg and foot
white portion of eye
scope of practice
state law outline
sebaceous glands
produce sebum, along shafts of hair
second degree burns
epidermis and some dermis but not subcutaneous tissue
seminal vescicles
sperm sac
sensorineural deafness
perm. hearing loss due to injury
septic shock
shock by severe infection; usually bacterial
shallow respirations
low tidal volume breathing
condition which the circulatory system fails to maintain function; hypoperfusion
tubes that drain
simple pneumothorax
no drastic vital change
skeletal muscle
muscle attached to bones; sirrated or voluntary muscle
under the tounge; medication
somatic nervous system
regulates voluntary control
muscles that contract/constrict a duct
spina bifida
spinal cord or mengies protrudes
spontaneous pneumothorax
rupture causing air to leak into pleural space
spontaneous respirations
non assisted respiratons
damage to ligaments
standard of care
written levels of expected care
START Triage
simple trage and rapid treatment ( walk? Resp? hemodynamic status (pumping heart/circulation)? neurologic ?
status epilepticus
seizures recur every few minutes or last longer than 30 min s
statute of limitations
time on which a legal case must be commenced
removed microbial contamination
sternocleidomastoid muscles
allow head movement
opening leading to an organ
stratum corneum
outermost layer of skin
harsh, high pitched respiratory sounds by partial blockage
subarachnoid hemorrhage
bleeding into the space where CSF circulates
subcutaneous tissues
directly under dermis
subdural hematoma
blood beneath dura matter
medication delivery under tounge
superior vena cava
carries blood to the upper extremities
supine hypotensive syndrome
low blood pressue from a pregnant female’s inferior vena cava compression when supine
sympathetic nervous system
fight or flight
joints that grow toghether for a stable connection
syptomatic hyperglycemia
unconcious from ketoacidosis, dehydration due to polyuria, hyperglycemia
syndromic surveillance
monitoring by local or state departments
synovial fluid
joint lubrication
synovial membrane
secretes synovial fluid into joint space
systemic circulation
system outside of heart and lungs
systemic vascular resistance
force the blood needs to overcome to move
contraction of heart
systolic pressure
increased pressure with each contraction (systole)