EMT 2 Flashcards
Oral Glucose
Altered Mental Status (AMS)
History of Diabetes or Blood Glucose < 60mg/dl
Ability to swallow medication
Unresponsive/Unable to swallow
Used to treat Anaphylactic Reaction
Mimics sympathetic nervous system; constricts vessels; relaxes bronchioles
Side Effects:
Tachycardia Pallor
Pale Skin Headache
Nausea/Vomiting Anxiety
.3 mg for >66 lbs .15mg for <66lbs
Decompression Sickness
When one ascends too quickly & nitrogen starts to re-expand into the tissues
Inflammation of Pancreas
May be triggered by a variety of causes including alcohol, gallstones or infection
Pain in middle of the upper quadrants
Steps of Reassessment
1) Repeat Primary Assessment
2) Reassess & Record vital signs
3) Repeat Secondary Assessment
4) Check Interventions
5) Note Trends in Patients Condition
Retroperitoneal Organs
Abdominal Aorta
Organs in Right Upper Quadrant
Most of liver
Part of Large Intestine
Right Kidney is behind the abdominal lining
Infectious disease caused by bacterium/virus that affects the lower respiratory tract, causing lung inflammation
Leads to poor gas exchange & hypoxia
S/S: Decreased Appetite AMS Fever Cough Dyspnea Crackles/Rales Chest Pain Cyanosis
Form of Arteriosclerosis
Build up of fatty deposits on inside of Coronary Arteries
Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is a result of this
Heart condition that causes the smallest of arterial structures to become stiff & less elastic
Often referred to as “hardening of the arteries”
“Pain in the Chest”
Commonly associated with CAD
Symptom of inadequate oxygen supply to heart
Vertebrae of Spinal Column
Cervical Spine: 1-7 (most mobile & delicate) stops at bottom of neck
Thoracic Spine: 8-19 Upper Back
Lumbar Spine: 20-24 Lower Back
Sacral Spine: 25-29 Rigid posterior portion of pelvis
Coccyx: 30-33 lower fused vertebrae at the end of the Spine (tailbone)
Primary Phase Injuries
Injuries due to the pressure wave of the blast
Primarily affect gas-containing organs (lungs, stomach, intestines, inner ears & sinuses)
Flash Burn
Type of Flame Burn
Result of flammable gas or liquid that ignites quickly
Secondary Phase Injuries
Injuries due to flying debris
Injuries are obvious (lacerations, impaled objects, fracture & burns)
Tertiary Phase Injuries
Injuries occurred from patient being thrown from source of blast
Injuries similar to being ejected from a vehicle
A contained collection of blood
Similar to contusion except it usually involves damage to a larger blood vessel/ larger amount of tissue
Signs & Symptoms of Shock
Mental Restlessness Anxiety AMS Perfusion of skin Pale, cool, clammy skin Weak, thready, absent peripheral pulses Delayed Capillary Refill
Vitals: Tachycardia (early sign) Increased Breathing Rate (early sign) Narrow Pulse Pressure Decreased BP (late Sign)
Prickling or tingling feeling that indicates some loss of sensation
Flail Segment
Two or more adjacent ribs are broken in 2 or more places
Segment of chest unattached to the rest of the rib cage
Causes paradoxical movement