EMT 12 Flashcards
Invades cells–> multiplies
Smaller than bacteria, require host cell to reproduce
Resistant to antibodies
Most viruses are mild
Conditions caused by viruses: AIDS HIV pneumonia Hepatitis A/B/C Chicken Pox
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
Microscopic single-celled organisms that have the capability of reproducing on their own without a host
Common Diseases Produced: sinus infection ear infection Pneumonia Strep Throat Tuberculosis Urinary Tract Infections
Typically responds to antibiotic treatment
2 layers of connective tissue surrounding the lungs
Visceral pleura- innermost covering
Parietal Pleura- thicker, most elastic, outermost layer
Monitor content of oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, Hydrogen Ions & pH of the blood
Parts of the Radio Report
1) Identify Unit
2) Patients Age & Sex
3) Patients Chief Complaint
4) Brief Pertinent Medical History
5) Patients Mental Status
6) Baseline Vitals
7) Pertinent Findings in Physical Exam
8) Your Interventions
9) Their Response to Interventions
10) Current Condition
Decorticate Posturing
Patient flexion of arms toward the trunk
Sign of severely altered Mental Status
Commonly associated with trauma to the brainstem
6 Ps in bone break
Pallor–> color -skin distal to the
injury side may be pale
Paralysis- unable to move extremity
Paresthesia- numbness
Pressure- pressure sensation within extremity
Pulses- pulse distal to injury may be absent
- indicates damage to arterial tissue
cyanotic or pale= 0 points
Blue hands with pink core= 1 point
Whole body pink= 2 points
No pulse= 0 points
<100= 1 point (serious finding)
>100= 2 points
Grimace (reflex irritability):
No Reflexive Activity= 0 points
Only Some Reflex= 1 point
Causes Grimace, Cough, Sneeze= 2 points
Displays No Movement= 0 points
Some Movement= 1 point
Actively Moving= 2 points
No Breathing= 0 points
Slow or Irregular Breathing= 1 point
Goo Breathing= 2 points
7-10= GOOD 4-6= Okay Provide Stimulation 0-3= BAD
Open Pneumothorax
“Sucking Chest Wound”
Result of an open wound to chest created by a penetrating object
Air may be heard escaping/entering chest wound
Tension Pneumothorax
Results from Pneumothorax that confines to trap air in thoracic Cabot with no relief
Look for one side of chest rising, JVD, Tracheal deviation
Medulla Oblongata (3 control centers)
Respiratory: controls rate & depth of respiration
Cardiac: regulates heart rate & force of contraction of the ventricles
Vasomotor: controls blood pressure, which constricts & dilates blood vessels
The Meninges
3 protective layers of tissue that protect the brain
Dura Mater- outermost
Arachnoid- middle
Pia Mater- last layer in contact with brain
All 3 layers enclose brain, brainstem, Spinal cord
Classes of Hemorrhage
Compensatory Shock
1st Stage
Hypothalamus releases hormones in attempt to restore arterial wall tension
Able to maintain near normal BP & perfusion
BP may appear normal
Narrow pulse pressure is early sign of shock
Decompensatory Shock
2nd Stage
Advance stage of shock, body can no longer maintain BP & perfusion
Cells, tissue, organs become ischemic from lack of perfusion
Acid begins to build up in blood
Viscous cycle continues to breed more shock