EMS Manual 2019 Flashcards
When does a person become a patient? (pg.14) FC
The moment EMS provider has determined an assessment is necessary
What are the steps for a medical Emergency Custody Order? (pg.18) FC
Notify ESM Supervisor / Contact POLMD for authorization of ECO / Obtain ECO from Magistrate / Delivery of ECO by PD to hospital for POLMD signature / Delivery of ECO to scene by PD / Patient transport to hospital
When does at Durable Power of Attorney come into play? (pg.18) FC
Only when the patient is impaired
True or False: For minors, refusal of services may be obtained by telephone from an authorized decision-maker not present on the scene. (pg.24) FC
Minors who are ____ years of age or older and whose parent or legal guardian are unable to be contacted may refuse treatment or transport. (pg.25) FC
The CRT (Community Response Team) focuses on individuals or patients that call 9-1-1 greater than ___ times within ___ days. (pg.31) FC
6 / 60
What are the 5 Key parts of a DNR? (pg.34) FC
Full Legal Name / DNR Determination / Signature of Physician / Date of Issue / Patient Signature or Person Authorized for Consent
If a patient is unwilling to part with his/her firearm, what should be the next steps? (pg.45) FC
Contact EMS Supervisor, Law Enforcement, and POLMD and consider refusal of transport
Who should hoarding incidents be reported to? (pg.30) FC
Fairfax County Department of Code Compliance
Individuals who present in mental health crisis, have impaired judgment due to psychosis, suicidal or homicidal ideations, or out of medications and have no resources should contact who? (pg.32) FC
Mobile Crisis Unit (MCU)
When does a person become a patient? SB
The moment the EMS provider has determined an assessment is necessary to ensure that no illness or injury is overlooked and to ensure that the individual’s capacity to decline an assessment is not impaired by illness, injury, or intoxication. (p. 14)
What does HIPPA stand for? SB
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. (p. 15)
What does CURVES stand for in regard to assessing decision making capacity? SB
Communicate, Understand, Reason, Values, Emergent, Surrogate. (p. 16)
If police request documentation of service, a record of refusal of transport for patient in police custody which is FRD _____, shall be completed and given to the requesting officer. SB
FRD- 432. (p. 25)
Preexisting agreements between the schools and parents require students must leave school anytime one of these four medications are given: ________,_________,_______,_______. SB
Epinephrine autoinjector, Glucagon, Diastat (Diazepam), Solu-Cortef. (p. 26)