Elevator and Escalator Emergencies Flashcards
What are two most common types of hoisting mechanisms associated with elevators in the NOVA region? (pg.1) FC
Hydraulic / Traction
Hydraulic elevators have a maximum travel speed of ____ft per min. (pg.1) FC
Hydraulic elevators are typically installed in low rise buildings with __ to __ floors. (pg.1) FC
2 to 8
What are 3 categories of hydraulic elevators? (pg.1) FC
Holed / Hole-less (Telescoping) / Roped Hydraulic
Where are hydraulic elevator machine rooms located? (pg.1) FC
On the lowest level adjacent to the elevator shaft
These elevators are used for mid rise and high rise applications. They are raised and lowered by rolling steel ropes over a deeply grooved pulley called a sheave. (pg. 4) FC
Traction Elevators
Where is it common to find machine rooms for traction elevators? (pg.4,5) FC
Rooftop or penthouse / Directly above the hoistway of the elevator they serve
_______ is an enclosed vertical area through which an elevator car travels to reach multiple building levels. (pg.11) FC
No personnel should enter the pit unless ______. (pg.11) FC
Power to all elevators in the hoistway has been disconnected
When a portion of a hoistway passes a floor or landing without an opening to it, that portion of the hoistway is referred to as a __________. (pg.11) FC
Hoistway Blind or Blind Shaft
If an elevator stalls in a hoistway blind and cannot be lowered, departments should request a ___________. (pg.11) FC
Technical Rescue Response
____ is an elevator operating mode that overrides normal service and automatically moves elevator cars to predetermined floors. (pg.13) FC
Emergency Recall Service (ERS)
True or False: Building fire alarms automatically activate Phase 2 ERS. (pg.14) FC
What does flashing fire helmet icon indicate? (pg.15) FC
Car has received a smoke detector activation from the machine room, hoistway, or pit.
Code requirements for high rise buildings more than 120ft include installation of what elevators? (pg.17) FC
Fire Service Access Elevators (FSAE)
True or False: No personnel should get onto or into an elevator car when car movement is present. (pg.22) FC
When a passenger is removed from a stalled car, they should be taken ________ of the car if practical. (pg.31) FC
Up and out
When are personnel allowed to release elevators machine brakes? (pg.35) FC
Only certified elevator mechanic are allowed
How many personnel can be on top of a car at the same time? (pg.37) FC
Personnel must use stairs to access the fire floor for fires occurring up through the ___ floor. (pg.38) FC
The counterweight is equal to what percentage of the car weight?
70 % (pg 4 Elv)
In a building over ________, an electric transaction elevator is typically required.
60 feet in height (pg 7 Elv)
_________ is located in the elevator shaft, which prevents the elevator from descending or ascending too low or too high in the shaft.
Final Limit switch (pg 8 Elv)
_________ is located in the car which, when manually operated, removes electric power from the driving machine motor and brake of an electrical elevator.
Emergency stop switch (pg 8 Elv)
Hoistways are constructed of non-combustible material and should have a _______ fire rating.
two- hour fire rating (pg 11 Elv)
__________ is the area of the hoistway, which extends from a point 18 inches below and 18 inches above the landing.
The Landing Zone (pg 15 Elv)
Hydraulic elevators or typically found in buildings less than _________?
60 Feet (pg 12 Elv)
Machine Roomless Elevators were initially designed for buildings __________.
between two and 20 stories high (pg 17 Elv)
Part of an escalator machine that is actuated by centrifugal force and trips a switch when the motor speed has increased 20 percent over its rated nameplate speed.
Over speed Governor Switch (pg 18 Elv)
This area is the bottom of the hoistway shaft. NO personnel shall enter this area unless power has been disconnected to all elevator hoistways.
The pit (pg 18 Elv)
When normal or final terminal stopping device fails, the car will stop on a ________.
Buffer (pg 20 Elv)
True or False: After victim removal from an elevator, FD personnel should get the elevator back in service as not to disrupt building operations?
False: At no time will any member of the FD repair or reactivate an elevator that has been deemed unsafe. (pg 21 Elv)
True or False: During an elevator emergency personnel shall not remove a victim until a licensed elevator mechanic deems the work area safe?
False: in an emergency situation, the lack of an elevator mechanic should not delay the actions of the FD and safe removal of victims. (pg 21 Elv)
Personnel must have __________ when working near an open hoistway.
A lifeline attached. (pg 23 Elv)
Once power has been removed from an elevator, if it cannot be locked out/ tagged out then _______________.
A member with a radio shall remain at the panel until the rescue has been complete. (pg 25 Elv)
_______ is less dangerous than _________. Lifelines must be used while working around an open shaft.
poling down, Poling up (pg 29 Elv)
What are the two types of drop over keys?
Single drop and double drop. (pg 32 Elv)
You should never lower the car past ________?
The lowest floor landing and the final limit switch. (pg 34 Elv)
Placing the car in the inspection mode will reduce the traveling speed of the elevator from up to 2000 feet per minute to ________.
150 feet per minute (pg 35 Elv)
True or Flase: If there is evidence of fire, smoke, or water, elevators in that hoistway must be marked and updated to command before using.
False: those elevators WILL NOT be used. (pg 42 Elv)
Where can you find the maximum load for an elevator?
Stamped on a nomenclature plate (pg 42 Elv)
Companies shall stop ________ below the fire floor and use stairs the remainder of the way.
Two floors below (pg 43 Elv
In Phase II emergency recall, what are typically the three commands available?
ON, Hold, and Off. (pg 45 Elv)
The emergency shutoff for an escalator is located________?
at the bottom of the escalator under the handrail. (pg 50 Elv)
Escalators have many safety control devices that prevent the machine from running____.
Backwards (pg 51 Elv)
Four types of hoisting mechanisms are associated with elevators are_______, ________, _________, and ____________?
Hydraulic, traction, climbing, and pneumatic. (pg. 1)