Emptiness Flashcards
What is emptiness?
Emptiness means dependent origination and dependent origination means the middle way, not nihilism and not absolutism!!
==> Emptiness means the middle way!
!!!!How is emptiness the dependent origination?
5 points:
1. emptiness is:
- emptiness is a short form of emptiness of independent existence:
- emptiness of independent existence means “nothing exists independently”
- nothing exists independently means “everything exists by dependence”.
- everything exists by dependence => “everything is dependent originated”.
How does dependent origination equal the middle way?
The opposite of Dependence is the Independence.
Independence and Absolutism are synonymous.
Therefore when saying dependent it rejects the extreme of absolutism (the first part from dependent origination)
Origination is when something comes into existence which rejects the extreme of Nihilsm.
Combining the 2 is rejecting the 2 extremes which means following the middle way! So emptiness means the middle way!
What are the three conditions of cause and effect taught by Arya Maitreya to Arya Asanga?
- Unwavering condition
in context of Buddhas teaching means: because this exists that exists - Condition of impermanence
means because this is produced that is produced - Condition of potentiality
Because of ignorance the karma is created therefore conciousness comes into being, because of this name and form comes into being, and than the sense sources, contact, feeling, attachment, grasping, becoming, birth, aging and death ==» bewilderment, confusion arise!
Unwavering condition
where there is an effect there must be a cause!
==» because this exists that exists
Condition of impermanence
the cause must be impermanent!
==» because this is produced that is produced
Condition of potentiality
the cause should have the potential to give rise to a result!
the cause must be concomitant.
==> f.ex.: when wanting mangos you can not grow apples.
3 different levels of dependent origination:
- dependent origination of the results dependent on causes
(The flower is the result depending on it’s causes, which are the seeds, water, sun, etc. = causes it depends on)) - dependent origination of the wholes dependent on parts
(The flowers is the whole depending on the parts, it comes by dependence on the stem, leaves, etc.) - dependent origination of dependence on mere mental designation (mental imputation)
(When going closer it is only atoms, so on the atomic level there is no flower. There are two perceptions: flower and a bunch of atoms. Flower is what mind inputs on the basis of our designation, it is mental imputation.)
What are the 5 sets of opposites?
The 5 sets of opposites:
1. subjective as opposed to objective
2. conventional as opposed to ultimate
3. dependent as opposed to independent
4. deceptive as opposed to true existence
5. relative as opposed to absolute
Subjective, conventional, dependent, deceptive mean the same!
Objective, ultimate, independent, true existence and absolute mean the same.
!!!!What is the difference of subjectivity as opposed to objectivity in the different schools?
Permanent phenomena being imputed/subjective (Imputed by the subject) ==> Subjectivity as opposed to substantial reality.
Objectivity is not rejected, but Substantial existence is rejected with respect to the imputed nature!
when they talk about everything is mind ==> Mind is subject so again they talk about subjectivity.
==> Here Subjectivity is opposed to External reality,
It is not about (it is not as the Sautrantika, see above, saying Subjectivity as opposed o Substantiality!) > They say everything is mind and reject external reality! They do not reject substantial existence of flower, f.ex.: flower is made of substance, they do NOT reject the substantiality of flower but they do see that the flower is just the nature of the mind! Meaning the externality of the flower is rejected!
Savatantrika Madhyamaka
talks about imputation/subjectivity: They do not reject objective existence!
For them
==» subjectivity is opposed to true existence!!
They accept objective existence!! They reject true existence!!
Subjectivity as opposed to true existence!!
==» Subjectivity as opposed to objective existence. (Only Prasangika reject objective existence thoroughly, by not falling into Nihilism) They retain the middle way view
!!!Various connotations on the objects to be negated are depending on the various connotations of the understanding of what is subjectivity and objectivity in between the different schools!!!
Maximalist redundancy:
Maximalist redundancy:
When hitting the marble more than necessary.
If you identify more than what has to be negated! Form is empty ==> There is no physical form. Wrong! Problem is that there was no proper identification of the object of negation, because he falls into the maximalist redundancy.
Minimalist inadequacy:
What is the mark of having identified the objective of negation well.
The moment you reject the Object of negation = similtaniously you also realize emptiness!!!
What is ignorance?
The distorted mind whose apprehension of the object does not telly with reality
What is wisdom?
The discerning mind whose apprehension does telly with reality
Reasoning of the 4 Essentials to Establish Emptiness
1) Essential of identifying the object of negation
2) Essential of understanding the emptiness of the object being intrinsically one with its parts
3) Essential of understanding the emptiness of objects being intrinsically different from its parts
4) Essential of understanding the pervasion that anything that is empty of being intrinsically one or different from its parts, entails the emptiness of objective existence of that thing
Reasoning to Establish Emptiness by Rejecting the 7 Modes (Archarya Chandrakirti)
1) Oneness
There is nothing other but the elements - no self to be found
when there is no one, than there is no different
3) Dependent
4) Dependee
5) Appropriation/ Possession
6) The Collection
7) The Special Shape
6 elements in our body
6 elements:
earth is the layer of skin, fat tissue, bones,
water is the blood
fire: calories, jules
air: the air in our lungs
space: the space between the neutrons
mind: our conciousness
Meditation of emptiness of the person though ultimate analyses:
- Identify the object of negation
(seeing the subject by ultimate analyses: seeing 6 elements) ==> - 6 elements ==> see them due to ultimate analyses
- 2 questions:
- What are you seeing: I am seeing the 6 elements
- Where is this self: Self is not there, when seen objectively in the eyes of ultimate analyses = it is empty of objective existence! (When getting the answer stay in this experience! There is no solid self to be seen in the ultimate analyses, which means self is empty of objective existence!) ==> that is:
- Meditative equipoise of space like emptiness == just like space, there is no solid object to be seen, likewise in this experience there is no solid self to be identified.
That than is the isolate of the non affirming negative of the emptiness of the objective existence of the self. When you really get there stay in this analyses for a while. Than sometimes fear comes. Tickling in the body can come, a tranquil experience in the heart can happen. Than coming out of this meditation ==> - Post meditative experience of illusion like emptiness.
After the self appears again to mind, you are shifting from ultimate analyses to conventional analyses, than instantly the self appears, earlier it was empty from object, now it is there again as the self on the subject level. It is purely subjective, which means it is like an illusion. Try to maintain that awareness of illusion like appearance!!
What is the Meditative equipoise of space like emptiness?
The experience of no solid self to be seen in the ultimate analyses, which means self is empty of objective existence
What is the Post meditative experience of illusion like emptiness?
After the self appears again to mind, you are shifting from ultimate analyses to conventional analyses, than instantly the self appears, earlier it was empty from object, now it is there again as the self on the subject level. It is purely subjective, which means it is like an illusion.