EMG Muscle Innervations Flashcards
C3/C4, Spinal accessory nerve
C3/C4, Spinal accessory nerve
C4/C5, Dorsal scapular nerve
C5/C6, Suprascapular nerve
C5/C6, Suprascapular nerve
Biceps brachii
C5/C6, Lateral Cord, Musculocutaneous nerve
C5/C6, Lateral Cord, Musculocutaneous nerve
C5/C6, Posterior cord, Axillary nerve
Teres Minor
C5/C6, Posterior Cord, Axillary nerve
C5/C6, Posterior Cord, Radial nerve
Serratus anterior
C5/C6/C7, Long Thoracic nerve
Pec Major
C5/C6/C7/C8/T1, medial and lateral cord, medial and lateral pectoral nerves
Pronator Teres
C6/C7, Lateral Cord, Median nerve
Flexor Carpi Radialis
C6/C7, Lateral Cord, Median nerve
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
C6/C7, Posterior Cord, Radial nerve
C6/C7/C8, Posterior Cord, Radial nerve
C6/C7/C8, Posterior Cord, Radial nerve
Latissimus Dorsi
C6/C7/C8, Posterior Cord, Thoracodorsal nerve
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
C7/C8, Posterior Cord, Radial nerve, PIN
Extensor Indicies Proprius
C7/C8, Posterior Cord, Radial nerve, PIN
Extensor Digitorum Communis
C7/C8, Posterior Cord, Radial nerve, PIN
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
C7/C8, Medial and Lateral Cord, Median nerve
Pronator Quadratus
C7/C8/T1, Medial and Lateral Cord, Median nerve, AIN
Flexor Pollicis Longus
C7/C8/T1, Medial and Lateral Cord, Median nerve, AIN
Flexor Digitorum Profundus (2,3)
C7/C8/T1, Medial and Lateral Cord, Median nerve, AIN
Flexor Digitorum Profundus (4,5)
C7/C8/T1, Medial Cord, Ulnar nerve
Abductor Pollicis Brevis
C8/T1, Medial Cord, Median nerve
Flexor Pollicis Brevis
C8/T1, Medial Cord, Median (superficial head) and Ulnar (deep head)
Lumbricals (1,2)
C8/T1, Medial Cord, Median nerve
Opponens Pollicis
C8/T1, Medial Cord, Median nerve
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
C8/T1, Medial Cord, Ulnar nerve
Abductor digiti minimi
C8/T1, Medial Cord, Ulnar nerve
First Dorsal Interosseous
C8/T1, Medial Cord, Ulnar nerve
Lumbricals (3,4)
C8/T1, Medial Cord, Ulnar nerve
Interossei (4 DAB, 3 PAD)
C8/T1, Medial Cord, Ulnar nerve
Skin over lateral forearm
C5/C6, Lateral Cord, Musculocutaneous nerve, LAC
Skin over medial forearm
C8/T1, Medial Cord, MAC
L2/L3/L4, Femoral nerve
L2/L3/L4, Femoral nerve
L2/L3/L4, Obturator nerve
L2/L3/L4, Obturator nerve
Tibilais anterior
L4/L5, Sciatic nerve, Deep Fibular nerve
Extensor Digitorum Longus
L4/L5, Sciatic nerve, Deep Fibular nerve
Extensor Hallucis Longus
L4/L5/S1, Sciatic nerve, Deep Fibular nerve
Extensor Digitorum Brevis
L4/L5/S1, Sciatic nerve, Deep Fibular nerve
L4/L5/S1, Sciatic nerve (tibial division)
L4/L5/S1, Sciatic nerve (tibial division)
Long Head of Biceps Femoris
L4/L5/S1, Sciatic nerve (tibial division)
Short Head of Biceps Femoris
L5/S1, Sciatic nerve (peroneal division)
Gluteus Medius
L4/L5/S1, Superior Gluteal nerve
Gluteus Minimus
L4/L5/S1, Superior Gluteal nerve
Tensor Fascia Lata
L4/L5/S1, Superior Gluteal nerve
Fibularis Longus
L5/S1, Sciatic nerve, Superficial Fibular nerve
Fibularis Brevis
L5/S1, Sciatic nerve, Superficial Fibular nerve
Tibialis Posterior
L5/S1, Sciatic nerve Tibial nerve
Flexor Digitorum Longus
L5/S1, Sciatic nerve Tibial nerve
Gluteus Maximus
L5/S1/S2, Inferior Gluteal nerve
S1/S2, Sciatic nerve, Tibial nerve
S1/S2, Sciatic nerve, Tibial nerve
Flexor Hallucis Brevis
S1/S2, Sciatic nerve, Tibial nerve, Medial Plantar nerve
Abductor Hallucis Brevis
S1/S2, Sciatic nerve, Tibial nerve, Medial Plantar nerve
Abductor Digiti Quinti Pedis
S1/S2, Sciatic nerve, Tibial nerve, Lateral Plantar nerve
Sensory to Lateral Thigh
L2/L3, Lateral Femoral Cutaneous nerve
Sensory to Medial Shin and Medial Calf
L2/L3/L4, Femoral Nerve, Saphenous nerve
Medial Plantar Surface of the Foot
L4/L5, Sciatic nerve, Tibial nerve, Medial Plantar nerve
Lateral Plantar Surface of the Foot
S1/S2, Sciatic nerve, Tibial nerve, Lateral Plantar nerve