Emergency Operations Flashcards
3 Categories of Emergency
Unplanned: No time to prepare, being Q & D
Assume brase postion and shout commands “Bend over, heads down”
Minimal: Less than 10 minuets to prepare
FD will use emergency call signal & announce “F/As prepare for an emergency landing, remain seated”
FF/A reads “Planned Emergency PA”
F/A compele as many items, in order, on the checklist as possible
Demo from a seated position
Planned: More than 10 minutes to prepare
All F/As obtain IFM & complete the planned emergency checklist in order
FF/A receives ‘TESTS’ from PIC
Type of emergency Evacuation necessary? Signal to brace, remain seated, evacuate Time to prepare cabin Synchronize time to start and finish
Repeat TESTS back to PIC
30 Second Review
Area of responsibility Brace position Commands for land & water Door control handle type Slide or slide-raft
Aborted Takeoff
Incomplete takeoff when the A/C beings its takeoff roll then suddenly slow to a Taxi & stops.
All F/As asses are of responsibility & pick up inter phones and relay conditions to FF/A
If everything appears to be OK:
FF/A will chime the FD once and standby for instructions, all other F/A remain on inter phone for further instructions
If emergency:
FF/A will utilize emergency call signal
Signaling Order:
Hand Signals: (OK) Cross & uncross arms overhead/ (Problem) Rapid open & closing of hands indicating side of the A/C
FLS: (OK) Wave FLS back & forth in a rainbow over head/ (Problem) Cover FLS x3 and wave in an arch to A/C L or R
Voice Commands: (OK) Everything appears to be ok/ (Problem) Problem on the R or L
Go Around
Interrupted landing is when the A/C is about to touchdown and suddenly climbs
F/A remain seated
FF/A makes Prior to landing announcement and adds; “ We will pass on further information to you as we receive it from the FD”
Time permitting and using good judgment F/As check the cabin
Standby for communication and/or instruction from FD
F/As May Initiate Evacuation When
FD is incapacitated or unable to proved instruction
A/C has been impacted or at a peculiar angle
Smoke or fire are present
Thread of imminent danger
Following An Evacuation When Cabin Is Clear Check For
Time permitting articles
Blocked Exit Procedure
Raise international stop sign
Shout “This exit blocked!”
Elevate and assess the cabin
Redirect PAXs to an available exit
Removal Of PAX Appearing To Be Intoxicated On Board A/C
F/A will confirm with FF/A of PAXs behavior
FF/A will notify PIC, PIC has final decision
PIC will notify CSA to contact GSC (Ground Securities Coordinator)
Station manager will ensure that local LEOs remove PAX
4 Threat Levels and Notification
Life Threatening
Attack on FD (Defend at all costs)
“Captain we are at level ___ because of ___”
Most Likely Time For Hijacking
Fist and last 45 minutes
Moto for escape
“If release is offered, take it! If escape is possible, make it!”
FD Lockdown
FD door will remain locked & no entry/ exit will be allowed from FD until disturbance is resolved
Unwarranted Evacuation
Assess situation & announce “PAXs remain seated”
Notify FD which exits are being used & got to exits and take command
F/A remain in assigned area of responsibility and maintain PAX control
If PAX have evacuated:
F/A will notify FD & F/As that they are exiting and need to assist on the ground
F/A direct PAX to a stay in a group in a safe area away from A/C
Use helper PAX to control others
Turbulence While In Asile With Cart
Wedge cart between armrests between rows
Set cart break
Clear top of cart completely or cover top of cart with blanket
F/A secure yourself into available PAX seat or sit on floor and hold securely onto seat structure.
Slide Back-Up Procedures
Slide fails to inflate: Pull red manual inflation handle
Slide still fails to inflate: Use as an apron slide
2 PAX climb down & use handholds provided at bottom of slide. Holding slide taut so remaining PAX can exit one at at time
Inadvertent Slide Inflation
Stab & slash inflation tube
Shove the slide again the door
Keep slide out of aisle
Announce to PAX that exit is no longer useable in the even of an emergency evacuation.
When to contact MedLink
Anytime there is a medical situation/ emergency within the gate area/ onboard the flight, regardless of the personnel available. When ever you are unsure/ uncertain of illness/ severity.
Information Needed By FD & MedLink
FD: Sex, age, complaint, & “Seatbelt sign turned on”
MedLink: PAXs name, sex & age. Medical history, physical onboard & symptoms.