Emergency Equipment Pre-Flight & Operation Flashcards
EEMK: Emergency Equipment Pre-Flight & Operation Enhanced Emergency Medical Kit
Pre-Flight: Presence, Locked with a seal, Confirm kit type
Notes: Small pouch on the top has reusable itmes & is Not Sealed
Operation: Notify FD there is a medical situation; ask to contact MedLink P/A for Medial Assistance; Check credential if time permits MDs & DOs may use the entire contents of kit; everyone else may only use non-medicinal items unless authorized by MedLink FF/A must have the attending medical personnel complete the accompanying form
When Done: Notify FD kit was used; return it to original S/S Fill out incident report: Turn in all reports to InFlight
Uses: Assists medically trained personnel Always used before EMK
EMK: Emergency Equipment Pre-Flight & Operation Emergency Medical Kit
Pre-Flight: Presence Locked with a seal Confirm kit type
Operation: (Same as EEMK) Notify FD there is a medical situation; ask to contact MedLink P/A for Medial Assistance; Check credential if time permits MDs & DOs may use the entire contents of kit; everyone else may only use non-medicinal items unless authorized by MedLink FF/A must have the medical personnel complete the accompanying form
When Done: Notify FD kit was used; return it to original S/S Fill out incident report: Turn in all reports to InFlight
Used: Assist medically trained personnel Only used if EEMK is not available
ELT: Emergency Equipment Pre-Flight & Operation Emergency Locating Transmitter
Pre-Flight: Presence
Operation in Seawater (B767 & A330): Unroll free end of lanyard & tie to slide raft Place in water Antenna will automatically be released as tape dissolves Lasts 50 hours and transmits 200 mile radius
B767 Operation in Land or Fresh Water: Manually release antenna by tearing water soluble tape Fill attached polyethylene bag with non-flammable liquid & add salt from attached salt packet Immerse ELT bottom into liquid & remain upright to operate
B767 Retrieval: FWD ELT: F/O responsible, FF/A backup AFT ELT: F/A #5 responsible, PIC backup
A330 Differences: Liquid activated Polyenthylene & salt packet are not included ELT does not need to remain upright
A330 Retrieval: FWD ELT: (same as B767) F/O responsible, FF/A backup AFT ELT: F/A #4 responsible, PIC backup
A330 Path Lighting: Emergency Equipment Pre-Flight & Operation
Photo-luminescent floor path lighting with leads to emergency exists
Not part of EELS
Pre-Flight: FF/A turn cabin lights to bright for 15 min to charge path lighting
EELS: Emergency Equipment Pre-Flight & Operation B717
Pre-Flight: RED protective cover intact
Lead wire seal intact
Operation: Lift RED protective cover Flip toggle switch to the ARM position Release to on position
Lasts 15min
Illuminates: EPICTT Exit signs & placards, Path lighting, Interior & exterior exit lights, Ceiling lights, Trailing edge of the wing, Tail-cone jettision handle
EELS: Emergency Equipment Pre-Flight & Operation B767
Pre-Flight: Protective cover intact
Operation: Lift protective cover Push button
Lasts 15min
Illuminates: EPIC Exit signs & placards Path lighting Interior & exterior exit signs Ceiling lights
EELS: Emergency Equipment Pre-Flight & Operation A330
Pre-Flight: Protective cover intact
Operation: Lift protective cover Push EMER
Last 10min
Illuminates: CLIDE Ceiling lights LCR Interior & Exterior exit lights Door control handle Exit signs & placards
AED: Emergency Equipment Pre-Flight & Operation Automated External Defibrillator
Pre-Flight: Presence Locked in bracket or S/S No chirping sound (Chirping indicates battery is low) Status indicator light is an alternating hour glass If no seal is present; unit is operable Green seal; unit has been serviced by maintenance & is operable
Red seal; unit must be opened & investigate further. If NO CHIRPING, STATUS INDICATOR is alternating & at least ONE SET OF SEALED PADS are present; unit is operable. Relock with RED seal & NOTIFY FD.
If chirping or status indicator shows solid black or X perform Battery Insertion Test (BIT); remove battery and re-install (AED runs self test). If BIT fails then close with RED seal, return to bracket & notify FD.
Operation: Used for PAU (no pulse, absence of breath, unconscious) Can be used as a heart monitor, on a person experiencing chest pain or difficulty breathing. Do Not use radio frequency devices within 6ft of unit
Notify FD AED needs to be used & contact MedLink Turn on using green on/off button Follow screen voice prompts Don’t turn AED off until PAX is removed from the A/C; AED may not leave A/C but pads may go with the PAX
When Done: Notify FD, return to original S/S & fill out incident report. Turn in all reports to In Flight
Contents: (2) Batteries, Disposable Pads Razor, Gloves, Scissors, Forms 5 Red Seals
MEG: Emergency Equipment Pre-Flight & Operation Megaphone
Preflight: Presence Press button & tap wire grid Listen for amplification of sound
Operation: Hold MEG up to mouth Press button Speak into mouth piece
FAK: Emergency Equipment Pre-Flight & Operation First Aid Kit
Preflight: Presence Seal intact or shrink wrapped Confirm kit type
Operation: Notify FD; ask them to contact MedLink P/A for medical assistance; check credentials if time-permits Anyone can use FAK
When Done: Notify FD kit was used, return to original S/S, write incident report, & turn in all paperwork to IN Flight
O2 W/A: Emergency Equipment Pre-Flight & Operation ALL
Pre-Flight: Presence Mask is attached to the High outlet Pressure gauge reads between 1800-2000 PSI If 1500-1800 PSI (notify FD) If below 1500 PSI (notify FD and write it up)
Operation: NASTWAM Notify FD that oxygen needs to be administered; ask them to contact MedLink Announce “No Smoking Oxygen is being administered at this time” & request for medical assistance Secure bottle to your self; then to PAX, PAX companion, or empty adjacent seat (using seatbelt) Turn bottle ON by rotating the knob counter clockwise and check the oxygen flow Wipe PAX lips Apply mask over the PAX nose and mouth Monitor both the PAX and O2 Use large bottles first
When Done: Turn bottle off by rotating the knob clockwise; secure bottle to yourself Secure bottle to their exact location Notify FD of the # of bottles used and their exact locations Fill out incident report and turn in all paperwork to In Flight Do not deplete bottles below 500 PSI; this is for emergency “crew use” only
Liter Flow: 3-4 LPM
B717: 40 min
B767: small 20 min, large 60 min
O2 W/A: A330
A330 Difference Pre-Flight: Mask is attached to the outlet Pressure gauge reads 1850 PSI If below notify FD and write it up
Operation: NASTWAM (with exceptions) Rotate handle until desired liter flow appears in window MedLink will determine recommended Liter Flow.
Liter Flow: 2 LPM, 120 min 4 LPM, 60 min
PBE: Emergency Equipment Pre-Flight & Operation Protective Breathing Equipment
Pre-Flight: Presence PBE pouch appears hard and shrunk Tamper seals intact Located with in 3ft of very required extinguisher
Operation: Remove pouch from stowage area Tear pouch open and remove PBE Place palms prayer style into neck seal and open Don PBE from back to front Ensure all hair is in and clothing is clear of hood, creating an air tight seal To activate O2 flow pull 2 black straps FWD Pull black straps back to secure mask over nose & mouth Signs that O2 is flowing (hear rustling sounds & feel heat on the back of neck) O2 will last for 15min When O2 is running out hood will collapse Leave area while still facing the fire source Remove PBE from front to back Shake O2 molecules out of hair Don another PBE if necessary
When Done: Notify FD that PBE was used, fill out incident report, turn in all paperwork to In Flight
Halon: Emergency Equipment Pre-Flight & Operation ALL
Halon: B717
Pre-Flight: Presence Red full indicator disc installed and intact Pressure gauge is in the green band
Operation: LASS Lift the safety catch Aim at the base of the flame Squeeze lever Sweep in a side to side motion
Halon: B767
Pre-Flight: Presence Seal on trigger, pull pin intact Pressure gauge reads full or in the green band
Operation: PASS Pull pin to break wire seal Aim at base of the flame Squeeze lever Sweep in a side to side motion
Halon: A330
Pre-Flight: Presence Seal intact Pressure gauge in the green band
Operation: LPASS Lift the white carrying handle Push down on the black safeguard Aim at the base of the flame Squeeze lever Sweep in a side to side motion
PK: Emergency Equipment Pre-Flight & Operation Protect Kit
Pre-Flight: Presence Tamper seals intact
Kits: A (Biohazard Clean-Up): Fluid Solidifier, Scooper, Wipes B (Personal Protection Equipent): Open Back Gowns, Shoe Covers, Mask C (Hazmat Disposal): Placards, CPR Mask, Sharps Container D (Restraint Devices): Tuff-tie wrist restraints I (Medical Instruments): Thermometer, Blood Pressure Kit, Stethoscope M (Medications): Aspirin, Antiacid Tablets, Ibuprofen
Aero-Med: Emergency Equipment Pre-Flight & Operation
Pre-Flight: Mask is attached outside of the A/C Pressure gauge reads 1800-2000 PSI PAX has prescription from physician indicating prescribed liter flow; if not prescription notify FD or CSA to contact MedLink to see if they are “Fit to Fly” Notify FD Aero-Med is on A/C F/A briefs Aero-Med PAX to continue use in the event of decompression
Operation: Turn On: Rotate knob counter clockwise to prescribed liter flow
Turn Off: Rotate knob clockwise Fill out incident report and turn into inflight
Warning: Do not disconnect mask on the A/C nor deplete below 40 PSI
Seating: B717/A330 Excluding exit rows or bulkheads; any available seat, ideally a window seat
B767 F/C: 3AB/HJ (under own seats) M/C: Excluding exit rows & bulkheads; any AB/HJ seat, ideally a window seat
Transportation: B717: 4AB/DEF OHB; 5 AB OHB if needed B767: 11AB/HJ OHB; 12 AB OHB if needed A330: 2R closet, 2L closet if needed
Infant Life Preservers: Emergency Equipment Pre-Flight & Operation
Pre-Flight: Presence Correct color (yellow), type and amount (B717- 10 2nd to the Last OHB A/C L, B767- 14 3RW OHB, A330- 7 Last Center S/S A/C R F/C & Zone B)
Operation: Pull tear tab & remove preserver from pouch Place arms though sleeves Loop strap from front to back between legs Attach buckle to buckle & velcro to velcro; matching color Pull red tab to inflate while still in A/C, may be inflated orally through red tube Lanyard on Infant Life Preserver may be attached to Adult Life Preserver Child must be under 35 lbs
Infant Bassinet: Emergency Equipment Pre-Flight & Operation
Pre-Flight: Presence Green seal on pouch intact indicating it has been sanitized Only on WW flights except PPT & PPG Procedure: Only used above 10,000 ft for infant under 25 lbs Used only at bulkheads; A330 Row 14, B767 AFT of all bulkheads except exit rows Secured after 10,000 ft and remove prior to 10,000 ft descent. PAX must hold infant during taxi, take off, landing, and turbulence. Operation: PAX must request 24 hrs prior to flight via reservations CAS provides FF/A with PAX seat locations FF/A will confirm request with PAX Release velcro straps and remove the bassinet from stowage space Remove the bassinet from pouch by freeing the snaps Release buckles and push down on floor of bassinet to unfold Align horizontal bar to match the two top fitting on the bulkhead Press blue button to secure (listen for click) Follow same procedure for L-Shaped bar Once in place tug on basinet to insure its secure
FLS: Emergency Equipment Pre-Flight & Operation Flashlight
Pre-Flight: Presence Red LED light blinks ever 6-8 seconds, if longer than 8 seconds notify FD
Operation: Used in dark or smoke filled cabins, is water resistant & battery-operated Remove from bracket; automatically turns on
Lavatory Trash Receptacle Lid: Emergency Equipment Pre-Flight & Operation
Pre-Flight: Cover is closed and spring-loaded Compartment is empty at the start of each flight Supplies/products may not be stored around trash bin
F/A J/S: Emergency Equipment Pre-Flight & Operation
Pre-Flight: Seat bottom must retract quickly & fully into recessed compartment upon downward pull and release Shoulder straps must lock upon downward pull and retract completely Seat belt buckle should securely fasten Adjacent or with in arms reach to each F/A J/S: FLS, Crew-member Life Vests (Fuchsia), and O2 Masks