Emergency and First Aid Flashcards
What is the role of Hospital Staff in an emergency?
Recognize emergency ->Care->Monitor
What are the Keys to identifying an emergency? (3)
Assess on the phone.
Rapid Accurage Assessment
Ask questions
What are some questions you can ask on the phone to assess an emergency?
Are they breathing? What happened? When did it start? Why is it an emergency now? What do their gums look like? What have they eaten?
What are the normal body temperatures of dogs and cats?
38-39 degrees
What is the normal heart rate range of a dog?
70-160 beats per minute
What is the normal heart rate range of a cat?
130-190 bpm
What is the normal respiratory rate of a dog?
What is the normal respiratory rate of a cat?
What is the normal Capillary Refill Time (CRT) of cats and dogs?
1-2 seconds
What should colour should a cat/dog’s Mucous Membranes (MM) be?
What is the normal BP of a dog?
What is the normal BP of a cat?
100-180 (in clinic)
What is the normal Urine output for dogs and cats?
1-2 ml/kg/hr
Do large dogs have higher or lower heart rate?
Generally lower.
At what point is the blood pressure in a cat dangerously high?
At what age of cat should their blood pressure be monitored routinely and why?
10 because high BP can lead to kidney disease
What are the abnormal Mucous Membrane Colours (MM) and what could they suggest?
White: Anemia, shock Blue: Poor oxygenation Yellow: jaundice, liver disfunction Brick Red: overheated, excess CO2 Petechiation: coagulation issues
What are the steps to Assessing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation?
Airway: make sure its clear, extend neck, close muzzle to breath into nose
Breathing: notice pattern and depth
C: Circulation: Capillary refill time, mucous membrane colour
When performing CPR, how many beats and breaths should you give?
30 beats, then 2 breaths, don’t lift head
How do you perform the Heimlich maneuver on a dog/cat?
Abdominal thrust with animal in lateral recumbency
chest compressions over heart.
What are the steps to providing first aid to a patient? (5)
Handler Safety Measures (confirm blood is animal not human) Assess Patient (vital signs/injurys) Stop Bleeding (pressure, tourniquet) Poison injestion steps Transport to hospital
What are some items used to increase handler safety?
Muzzle, towels, blankets
What are some ways to stop bleeding?
Apply Pressure or use tourniquet if heavy bleeding (life or limb scenario)
How often should you release a tourniquet to lower risk of limb damage?
5 minutes on, 10 seconds off.
What do you do if you see an emergency in the field?
Assess–> Stabilize–> Transport
What is the Primary Response to an Emergency in Hospital?
Determine most important issue ABC's (airway, breathing, circulation) Full Assessment of patient Mentation (response level) BAR/QAR/Unresponsive Pupil size Gait TPR (temp, pulse, respiration)
What is the Secondary Response to an emergency in Hospital?
Assess other possible injuries and illnesses after all immediate measures are taken.
What is the “Crash Cart”
Emergency supplies located in one spot for easy access during an emergency
What is some advice you can give for profuse bleeding?
Apply pressure
Possible tourniquet
Get to vet
What advice can you give for Respiratory Distress?
Bring to vet to remove blockage
Heimlich maneuver
What advice can you give for a near drowning?
Hang upside down if able
Get to vet
What advice can you give for an Electrocution?
Look for enter and exit wound
Blood vessels likely damaged
Take to vet
What advice can you give for Overheating?
Cool down with room temperature water
Cool down paws with spritz bottle
Do not use cold water or body will go into shock and cause organ failure
What advice can you give for shock?
Physiological response to trauma
Keep warm, need IV so get to vet clinic
What advice can you give for Dystocia?
Determine if puppy/kitten is stucl
See if contractions are still happening
Take to vet
What is Gastric Dilation Volvulus? (GDV)
When the stomach flips on itself with food still in it. The stomach distends and causes gas buildup.
Fast killer, get to vet
What advice can you give for Poisoning?
Vomit if recent (unless dangerous to do so)
Call ASPCA’s poison control center
get to Vet, bring label
What advice can you give for decreased/absent urine output or obstruction?
Clients will often think their animal is constipated
Urine will just keep building so need to come in immediately
What advice can you give for Severe burns?
Dehydration and infection are concerns
Pain control
Needs to come in immediately
can put cool water on but no oil
What advice can you give for prolonged seizures?
if they are unusual, or longer than 5 minutes, come into vet
What advice can you give for prolapse of organ?
Stabalize and take to vet
What advice can you give for a snakebite?
Need antivenom take to vet
What advice can you give for Open wound?
Stabilize and get to clinic
What advice can you give for a Penetrating thoracic or abdominal wound?
Do not remove object
bring to clinic
What advice can you give for loss of consciousness?
Usually heart or BP related
Bring to clinic
What is water toxicity?
Injesting too much water interrupting normal electrolyte balance.
Prevention is key.
What are some items you can have in an emergency kit for at home?
First aid booklet/guide Towel Scissors Stethoscope Thermometer Lube Hand sani Kotex pads syringe gloves