emergence of Nazi Germany Flashcards
When was the Weimar Republic formed?
What were the effects of World War 1 on Germany?
- Financial hardship; reperation repayements.
- Political unrest: many ideologies attempting to claim power (proportional representation). communism being the most feared
- land was lost: Ruhr had to be dimillitarised.
What is proportional representation?
electoral system in which the number of seats held by a political group or party in a legislative body is determined by the number of popular votes received.
How did proportional representation weaken the Weimar government?
No one party had a majority. This led to weak coalition governments. It also meant that no one could really agree on anything, which made it hard to pass laws.
Who was the first president of Weimar?
Friedrich Ebert
What was the Spartacist Uprising?
1919: The Spartacist Uprising was caused by the Freikorps who were ordered by President Ebert to eliminate the conspiring communists, which was successful. Additionally the organization also despised the Weimar Republic and were involved in assassinations of key members of the government.
who were the freikorps?
a paramilitary anti-communist group, members, who were almost all involved in the first war and therefore drawn to the military.
What was the Kapp Putsch?
- In response to the Treaty of Versailles, the Weimar Republic ordered the Freikorps to reduce the size of the military in Germany. The Freikorps refused to disband officers, so around 12’000 men marched Berlin and claimed their leader; Dr. Wolfgang Kapp as Chancellor. The army took no action against this putsch, so government leaders fled. However workers and conservative groups refused to acknowledge this government, so Kapp had to abandon his plan and fled, allowing President Ebert and his government to return.
The Freikorps were slowly disbanded after the arrest and death of Kapp in prison, however many still disliked the Weimar Republic.
What was the Hitler’s Beer-Hall putsch?
- Around 200 Nazis marched to a military base in Munich where they were met by police and Bavarian soldiers who killed 14 Nazis. Hitler and Ludendorff were arrested and sentenced to 5 years. Hitler only served 9 months as people sympathized for him goals. This allowed Hitler to expand his agenda and realize that a military coup would fail as long as the military supported the Weimar Republic.
What was the Ruhr Crisis?
1921 they asked to have the payments suspended until the economy could recover. This was denied by France and Belgium in 1923 who occupied the Ruhr, a key industrial production area of Germany. The German government encouraged workers to passively deny the occupation and began rapidly printing money to pay the needs of workers on strikes. That caused Hyperinflation and a loss of confidence in the Weimar Republic.
What was the Dawes Plan?
1924 the Dawes Plan, approved by France and Belgium, who retreated from the Ruhr , allowed the USA to loan money (around 2 billion) to Germany to stimulate the economy. 1 billion were paid in reparations payments. This restored some faith in the Weimar Republic from the wealthy class of landowner and industrialists.
What was the Young Plan?
1929 by Gustav Stresemann was another attempt to lighten the debt of Germany through international treaties or agreements. This plan reduced the amount to be paid to the Allies and spread the payment over the next 59 years.
Who was responsible for an increase of stability and international acceptance of Germany from 1924 to 1929?
August Gustav was made Chancellor to handle the economic crisis (he governed for 3 months). He stopped the strike in Ruhr and began reparations. In 1923 a new currency was introduced; the Rentenmark and its production was controlled. From 1923 to 1929 he was foreign minister, who created a more stable Germany and was given the Nobel Peace prize.
When was the Stock Market Crash + Great Depression and how did it affect Germany?
- the government could not decide on how to respond to the crisis, with the death of Gustav in 1929.
- wanted to avoid hyperinflation -> increased government spending without raising taxes
- Chancellor Brüning reduced unemployment benefits and salaries for government officials, which made him and the government unpopular.
Why were the SA and SS created?
20s : SA
- former members of the Freikorps.
- often used violence against their rivals
- main task was winning the ‘street battles’ against the communists.
-disrupted the meetings of political opponents
- protect Hitler, though not to the extent of the SS.
to protect Hitler. It wasn’t until 1929 that it grew to 3’000 members. In 1933 it had grown to over 200’000 members.
What and when was the Reichstag Fire?
- A young Dutch man with links to the communist party, was charged with the crime and executed.
How did Hitler manipulate the event of the Reichstag to his advantage?
- exploited by Hitler to harm the Communist (KPD) and the Socialist (SPD) parties in Germany.
- 4th of feb Hitler and his cabinet restricted the press and authorized the police to ban political meetings and marches
- the Reichstag Fire Decree, 28 February 1933) was enacted, which initiated even stricter rules. This happened because Hitler was able to convince President von Hindenburg of the potential threat to the stability of Germany.
Describe the political challenge and use of force surrounding the March 5th elections in 1933
-elections were filled with violence and intimidation by the SA and SS.
-manipulated the press and radio only to publish Nazi propaganda to influence the elections.
-arrest of 4’000 communist
-allowed the Nazis to increase the number of their seats in the Reichstag, and with the support of the DNVP (nationalist party), Hitler had enough power to govern without the support of the rest of the Reichstag.
- However to be able to change the constitution, Hitler needed ⅔ of the majority from the central party.
State the reasons as to why the central party allowed Hitler to gain more power in the 5th of May 1933 elections?
Self interest- The center party had links to the catholic and protestant church, which Hitler promised to respect. Additionally both parties hated the communists.
Fear- The central party was aware of the violence and threats used by the SA and SS as they had seen it before.
What was the newspapers published by the Nazis?
Völkischer Beobachter - 1920s onwards.
Why did the Nazis rely more on the written word to spread their message, rather than Mao/Stalin?
The Germans were well educated with a high literacy rate.
Stalin and Mao had to resort to visuals because they did not have an educated population.
Why were rallies important to the dissemination of propaganda?
Their scale helped people to be more confident. How could 20,000 people be wrong?
What are 5 reasons for Hitler being appointed as Chancellor?
they thought they could control Hitler and the Nazis, if they could keep him as their inferior.
eliminated the Nazis trying to take control through another Putsch.
the Nazis were still very popular, they controlled about a third of the Reichstag.
Upper and middle class feared the rise of communism
SS and SA continued their campaign of intimidation.
When was Goebbels appointed Reich Minister of Propaganda? What did he do?
- Led the propaganda machine. Helped to raise the profile of the group.
He also encouraged the SS to instigate street fights with other political groups. Based on the idea that all publicity is good publicity.
How did the Nazi attitude to ideology differ to that of Mao/Stalin?
The Nazis had a less established ideology. Some argue that ideology was not key to their rise, instead it was Hitler’s ability to to respond to the needs of the German people.