Embryology and congenital malformations Flashcards
What embryological structure does the nervous system develop from?
Embryonic ectoderm
When does the CNS appear?
Around the beginning of week 3
When does the neural tube form?
When the neural folds migrate towards the midline and fuse
What conditions may result from failure of the neural tubes to close?
Spina bifida (posterior neuropore)
Encephalocoele (rostral neural tube)
Anencephaly (anterior neuropore)
What causes spina bifida?
Vertebral arches don’t close
Posterior neuropore doesn’t close
This affects tissues of the overlying spinal cord
What is a sign of spina bifida oculta?
Tuft of hair
Most mild form of spina bifida
What is a sign of spina bifida cystica?
Sac on back
Spinal cord protrudes through gap in vertebral arches
What are some methods of prenatal screening?
Maternal blood screening
What embryological structure does the ventricular system form from?
Lumen of the neural tube
Where does the choroid plexus lie?
3rd, 4th and lateral ventricles
What is the function of the choroid plexus?
Produces CSF
How does the choroid plexus drain?
In the sub-arachnoid space via an opening in the roof of the 4th ventricle
What is hydrocephalus?
Enlarged brain/cranium due to accumulation of CSF
What forms the PNS neurons and glia?
Neural crest
What kind of cell differentiates to form neurons, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes and ependymal cells?
Neuroepithelial cells
What are the benefits of cortical folding?
Saves space
Brings different regions closer together to optimise functional organisation
What are the effects of lissencephaly (“smooth brain”)
May result in seizures
Abnormal muscle tone
What are the effects of polymicrogyria (excessive number of small gyri)?
Mental retardation
Motor deficits
What causes porencephaly (CSF filled cysts)
Post-natal stroke
What is diastematomyelia?
Split cord longitudinally
What does diastematomyelia cause?
Foot deformities
What is the most common cause of intellectual impairment?
Maternal alcohol abuse
What are some causes of intellectual impairment?
Genetic (Down's) Radiation Infectious agents (rubella) Trauma Maternal alcohol abuse