Embryogenesis of the Pituitary Gland and the Male or Reproductive System Flashcards
What are the 3 types of embryonic germ layers?
Endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm
What stems from endoderm germ layer?
Digestive system, respiratory system, most glands
What stems from mesoderm germ layer?
Reproductive system
- gonads (male or female)
- uterus, cervix, part of the vagina
- epididymis, ductus deferense
- accessory sex glands
What stems from the ectoderm?
nervous system - hypothalamus, pituitary gland
reproductive tract - portions of vaginal and vestibule, penis, vahina
What part of the pituitary gland comes from neurohypophysis?
Neural tissue developed from infundibulum
What part of the pituitary gland comes from adenohypophysis?
Glandular tissue developed from Rathke’s pouch
What is the sella turica?
Protective cavity around pituitary
Where do primordial germ cells migrate to and from?
Inner yolk sac –> midgit –> mesentary –> genital/gonadal ridge
What is the function of PGC’s?
- colonize genital ridge
- stimulate connective tissue proliferation
- form compact strands of tissue (primitive sex cords)
- cause genital ridge to enlatge
Pronephric kidney
non-function, remnant of lower animals
Mesonephric kidney
functional, bilateral, intermediate kidney
What are the mesonephric ducts also called?
Wolffian duct
Metanephric kidney
Final renal form - adult
Paramesonephric ducts
What is male differentiation controlled by?
SRY protein
What does TDF do?
Acts on sex cords of primitive gonad – stimulate male sertoli cells / testis development