EMB 3 Heart development Flashcards
when does circulation begin?/when the heart beats?
heart is derived from what layers?

Heart fields
types develop into?

folding and the pericardial cavity
where does it start and end?
what germ layer?

Heart primordia
germ layer?
Angioblastic (cardiogenic) cords have what?
do what?
Dorsal mesocardium is what?

heart primordia
heart is from what germ layer?
different layers?
What does the dorsal mesocardium do?
what does it form?

Neural crest contributions
originate f rom where?
migrate where?
participate in formation of what?
what regulates cardiac neural crest migration and differentiation?

Heart formation
starts off with what?
primitive structures and location?

Heart formation: folding

normal folding vs when it is opposite?

Septation of Atrioventricular canal (AV)
when does it start? end?
disruption of what can cause defects?

Septation atrioventricular canal
explain what happens?

Sinus venosus
horns give rise to what?

Septation Atrium
creates what?
what do these have?

septation atrium
what forms where?
(picture explanation)

septation: ventricle
at first what happens

septation: bulbus cordis and truncus arteriosus

interventricular septum
made of what?
this will separate what?
Membranous part will separate left and right ventricles
Also left ventricle from right atrium due to folding

cardiac valves

valve development
what happens when bulbar ridges fuse?
what tells us number of leaflets?
what creates the vavle cusp?

congenital cardiac anomalies

Patent ductus arteriosus
Cyanotic or acyanotic?
persistent ductus arteriosus?
High pressure on left side makes it so blood goes into ductus arteriosus from aorta so left to right shunt.

PDA why doesn’t it close?
what treats this?

PDA x-ray

Atrial Septal Defect
cyanotic or ancyanotic?
oxygenated blood flowing over to the right side

ASD types?

Ventricular septal defects
acyanotic or cyanotics?
embryologic basis?

AV septal defect
acyanotic or cyanotic?
what other features would you see?
results in what?
what population is at high risk?

AV septal defect type?

corrected transposition of the great vessels
acyanotic or cyanotic?

transposition of great vessels
acyanotic or cyanotic?

Double outlet right ventricle
acyanotic or cyanotic?

Truncus arteriosus
acyanotic or cyanotic?

Tetralogy of Fallot
acyanotic or cyanotic?
embryologic basis?

Critical pulmonary stenosis
acyanotic or cyanotic?

critical Aortic Stenosis
acyanotic or cyanotic?

Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
acyanotic or cyanotic?
dependent on?