ELM19: Learning and memory 2 Flashcards
Why are aplysia used to study learning and memory?
They only have 20000 neurons so can link behaviours to specific behaviours
How long are aplysia?
What is the gill and siphon withdrawal reflex?
It changes shape when touched for protection
What are the three stages in non-associative learning in aplysia?
What is habituation?
Loss of response because of repeated stimulus
What is dishabituation?
Recovery of innate response
What is sensitisation?
Response stronger than normal
What is associative learning in aplysia?
Classical conditional
What is the link between classical conditioning and aplysia?
No learning with backward pairing
Optimal learning happened if CS preceded US by 0.5 seconds
What is the STM of aplysia?
What is LTM of aplysia?
Days or weeks
What was distributed training in aplysia?
10 trials every day for 4 days
What was massed training in aplysia?
40 trials in one day
What makes up the nervous system of aplysia?
How do ganglia communicate in aplysia?
Through connectives
How are ganglia arranged in aplysia?
Arranged bilaterally in symmetrical pairs
What is the role of the abdominal ganglia in aplysia?
Controls heart rate blood circulation and respiration
What is contained in the abdominal ganglia of aplysia?
Primary sensory neurons
What are the three types of mechanistic analysis of learning?
Synaptic Biophysical Molecular
What is the process of biophyscial analysis (sensory neruon)
- Serotonin closes potassium channel
- Less potassium leaves cell 3. Slower repolarisation of membrane
- Increased calcium influx
- Increased transmitter release
- Enhanced excitability
What is molecular analysis?
cAMP is a second messenger and activates PKA
PKA phosphorylates substrate proteins
What is needed for long term memory to occur?
Production of new proteins and structural changes in neurons
What neurotransmitter is key to learning?
What is the process of mechanistic analysis of LTM?
- Repeated serotonin or cAMP applications
causes phosphorylation or synthesis of proteins - Long term increase in synaptic facilitation
- Long term increase in synaptic transmission
4 . Growth of sensory neuron processes - LTM for sensitisation