ELM1 - Structure and development of nervous system Flashcards
What is decussation?
Right side of brain controls left side of body and vice versa Because sensory and motor pathways decussate at the medulla
What is cortical folding?
Increase in cortical neurons increases intelligence
Cortex is folded to increase the number and save space
What are the roles of the cerebral cortex?
Voluntary action
Perception and awareness
What is the structure of the cerebral cortex in mammals?
Have neocortex
Highly developed
All have same general structure
What is the cerebellum?
Movement control centre
Connections to cerebrum and spinal cord
What is the diencephalon?
Thalamus in sleep conscious movement and hypothalamus
What is the mesencephalon?
Links between
motor systems
eye movements
sleep and temperature regulation
What are the two types of brainstem damage?
Hydrocephalus and haemorrhage
Can cause coning where brain is pushed onto the brain stem
What is the role of the medulla?
Blood pressure and respiration
What is the pons?
Ventral surface of brain stem
Relay between cortex and cerebellum
What is the role of the hind brain in the brain stem?
Contains pons cerebellum and medulla
What is the role of the midbrain in the brain stem?
Movement and sensory input
What is the brain stem?
Controls vital functions
Contaisn the midbrain and hind brain
What do the ventral roots of the spinal cord contain?
Motor neurons (efferent)
What do the dorsal roots of the spinal cord contain?
Sensory neurons (afferent)
What is the spinal cord?
Main channel for messages from skin joints and muscles to brain and back
Surrounded by meninges and CSF
Protected by spinal column
What are the ventricles?
Containers of fluid in the brain
Connected by canals
How do the primary vesicles form?
There are 3 swellings at rostral end of neural tube
They become primary vesicles
How does anencephaly develop?
The neural tube closes from the middle and makes a pore at each end of the tube
If the anterior pore doesn’t close this causes anencephaly
What are some ways of decreasing the chance of spina bifida?
Supplementing diet with folic acid in pregnancy
What are some factors increasing the chance of getting spina bifida?
Antiepilepsy or bipolar drugs in pregnancy
How does spina bifida develop?
The neural tube closes from the middle and leaves a pore at each end
If the posterior pore doesn’t close this causes spina bifida
Gap in vertebra and spinal cord sticks out
What part of the neural tube becomes the PNS?
Neural crest
Which part of the neural tube becomes the CNS?
The walls of the tube
How is the neural tube formed?
The neural plate folds in half and fuses to itself t
What is included in the rhombencephalon?
What makes up the hindbrain?
What is inlcuded in the mesencephalon ?
What makes up the midbrain?
What is included in the diencephalon?
What is included in the telencephalon?
Olfactory bulb
What two components is the forebrain made up of?
What are the four different areas that the brain is split into?
Spinal cord
What are some features of vertebrate brains|?
Nerve cords are dorsal
Olfactory bulb
Cerebral hemispheres
Optic tectum
Medulla oblongata
What are some features of invertebrate brains?
Brain is a swelling of the nervous system
Nerve cords are under the ventral surface
Why did we develop a nervous system?
To move in response to our environment
What is the sensory division of the nervous system?
Sensory neurons detect change in environment and carry signals to CNS
What is the motor division of the nervous system?
Neurons carry signal towards target tissue or organ