Electrocardiogram (ECG) Basics Exam 2 Flashcards
-Diagnostic procedure that graphically records the conduction, magnitude, & duration of the electric current generated by the heart
-Electrical current radiate from the heart to surrounding tissue to the skin
-ECG & EKG are interchangeable
__ Leads Are Created By __ Electrodes
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Information that can be Determined from ECG
-Heart Rate
-Axis Deviation
-Conduction Abnormalities
-Presence of ischemia or injury
-Influence of medications
Reduced blood flow
ST Segment Abnormalities
Clinically significant ST segment changes in at least 3 continuous cardiac cycles
Most indication of Myocardial Ischemia
ST Segment Depression
Types of ST Segment Depression
Horizontal, Downsloping, & Upsloping
ST Segment Depression Severity
Patient Placement for ECG Prep
-Supine Position
-Arms by side and shoulders relaxed
-Legs not crossed
Skin Prep for ECG
-Avoid lotions & creams day of
-Remove hair by shaving
-Dry skin
-Remove dead skin cells by red dot tape or hand towel
-Clean skin W/alcohol prep pad
Electrode Application
-Check electrodes to make sure gel is moist
-Avoid placing electrodes over bones & locations with lots of tissue movement
-Make sure electrode adhered to skin well
ECG Artifact
-Heart’s electrical current is very small
-Not uncommon for interference in ECG (messes w/ accuracy)