Elbow, Wrist, and Hand Flashcards
definition: Reflex neurovascular disease that is common after a Colle’s Fx occurs
RSD/CRPS/Shoulder-Hand Syndrome
What is the most common syndrome after surgery and/or trauma?
RSD/CRPS/Shoulder-Hand Syndrome
What are the s/s of RSD/CRPS/Shoulder-Hand Syndrome?
- pain or hyperesthesia at the shoulder, wrist, or hand
- limitation of shoulder ABD and ER
- limitation of Wrist EXT
- limitation of hand MCP and PIP FLX
- edema of dorsal hand and wrist
- vasomotor instability
- trophic skin changes
(true/false) With progression of RSD/CRPS/Shoulder-Hand Syndrome over time… pain and ROM decrease.
With progression of RSD/CRPS/Shoulder-Hand Syndrome over time… why does pain decrease, but ROM does not improve?
Because of the swelling/edema in the area
What can you possibly develop with RSD/CRPS/Shoulder-Hand Syndrome?
Cervical DJD
(true/false) It can take up to 18-24 months to heal RSD/CRPS/Shoulder-Hand Syndrome
definition: : compression of subclavian artery or brachial plexus due to cervical rib, tight anterior or middle scalene(s), tight pec minor or major, first rib and clavicle, trauma, (swelling guarding), postural dysfunction
What muscles should you stretch when a patient has TOS?
pec mj/minor
Lev scapulae
What muscles should you strengthen when a patient has TOS?
scapular retractors
Upward rotators
shoulder ERs
thoracic extensors
What is the most important part of treatment for TOS?
Postural training and education
Little league tear is a ____ tear from repeated (varus/valgus) stress.
UCL, Valgus
How do you confirm a little league tear?
Valgus stress test with full elbow EXT and 10 degrees of FLX
What muscles can be torn due to hyperextension in a little league tear?
Brachialis, BB, BR
definition: swelling or tearing of tendons in the lateral aspect of the arm (common extensor origin)
lateral epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)
What is the most common muscle to be affected by lateral epicondylitis?
What are the s/s of lateral epicondylitis?
- gradual increase in pain with specific motions
- severe pain
definition: swelling or tearing of tendons in the medial aspect of the arm (Common flexor origin)
medial epicondylitis (Golfer’s Elbow)
What are the s/s of medial epicondylitis?
Increased pain with elbow FLX, lifting with palm up, and palpation
What are the s/s of UCL laxity?
pain and instability with valgus stress
What can cause UCL laxity?
repetitive valgus stress or trauma
What can cause RCL laxity?
elbow dislocation/subluxation
What are the s/s of RCL laxity?
- recurring clicking
- locking of the elbow with EXT and SUP
- gapping with varus stress
definition: bony deposits in muscle after trauma and bleeding
myositis ossificans
What are the common muscles in the body that experience myositis ossificans?
quadriceps and brachialis
definition: Fx in the distal forearm that is common post-neural damage and must be surgically released (causes elbow instability)
Volkmans ischemic contracture
What are the ulnar nerve roots?
What are common areas of ulnar nerve entrapment? What is the most common?
- arcade of struthers
- cubital tunnel (medial aspect of elbow)
- between the heads of FCU (most common)
What is the most common neural injury in the elbow?
ulnar nerve compression
What are the median nerve roots?
What are the common sites of entrapment of the median nerve? Which are the most common in the forrearm and wrist?
- ligament of struthers
- bicipital aponeurosis
- 2 heads of PT ( most common in forearm)
- carpal tunnel (most common in wrist)
What are the musculocutaneous nerve roots?
What are common sites of musculocutaneous nerve entrapment?
between biceps tendon and brachial fascia
What are the radial nerve roots?
What are the common radial nerve entrapment sites?
- radial groove
- radial head
- supinator
What nerve impingement often leads to wrist drop?
radial nerve impingement
Open packed position of humeroulnar joint.
70 degrees elbow EXT
10 degrees supination
Close packed position of humeroulnar joint.
full EXT and SUP
What motion(s) do medial glides of the humeroulnar joint help restore?
What motion(s) do lateral glides of the humeroulnar joint help restore?
Mobilization of the ___ joint helps assess medial and lateral gapping.
Open packed position of the humeroradial joint.
Full EXT and SUP
close packed position of the humeroradial joint.
90 degrees elbow FLX
5 degrees SUP
Distraction of the humeroradial joint at ___ degrees increases all motion.
What motion(s) do posterior glides of the humeroradial joint help restore?
What motion(s) do anterior glides of the humeroradial joint help restore?
Open packed position of proximal radioulnar joint
70 degrees FLX
35 degrees SUP
Close packed position of proximal radioulnar joint.
5 degrees SUP
What motion(s) do anterior glides of the proximal radioulnar joint help restore?
What motion(s) do posterior glides of the proximal radioulnar joint help restore?
Open packed position of distal radioulnar joint.
10 degrees SUP
What motion(s) do anterior glides of the distal radioulnar joint help restore?
What motion(s) do posterior glides of the distal radioulnar joint help restore?
What joint is important to mobilize after a Colle’s Fracture? What can you observe while doing this mobilization?
Distal Radioulnar joint
–> may hear a “snap or pop” when adhesions and scar tissue are broken during grade III and IV mobs so it’s important to warn pts
With a FOOSH, children are more likely to injure their _____.
AC joint
With a FOOSH, adults are more likely to have a ____ or _____ injury.
distal radius fracture (Colle’s Fracture)
Radial head subluxation
What specific tests are used for Lateral Epicondylitis?
Resisted 3rd finger EXT
What specific tests are used for medial epicondylitis?
Passive wrist and elbow EXT while Supinating the forearm
What specific tests are used for ulnar nerve impingement?
ulnar nerve FLX
tinels sign
What specific tests are used for median nerve impingement?
PT test
definition: Fracture of the distal radius w/ or w/o involvement of the ulna
Colle’s FRacture
What is the most common population ot experience a Colle’s Fracture?
Female > 50 y/o
What are the 3 types of Colle’s Fracture?
Undisplaced Fx
Displaced Fx: 1 main transverse Fx with minimal cortical comminution (heals well)
Unstable Fx: broken in 2+ pieces
definition: Reverse Colle’s fracture
Smith Fracture
How does one cause a smith fracture?
Fall onto a flexed wrist
How does one cause a colle’s fracture?
IF a patient has a smith fracture, check for ____ involvement.
ulnar bone
Distal Fragments of a smith fracture are displaced in a ___ direction.
With a Colle’s Fx, the lunate acts as a wedge and shears off part of the radius in a ___ direction.
(flexor/extensor) tendons taker longer to heal.
With a tissue Injury, avoid passive stretching for ___-___ weeks post-op
6-8 weeks
When stretching tendons over the wrist, do NOT let the PIP and MCPs ______.
(true/false) With tendon repairs, you can do more damage with PROM than AROM
definition: intra-articular fx of the medial aspect of the first MC base
Bennet’s Fracture
What normally causes a bennet’s Fracture?
FOOSH and axial compression of 1st MC
After a Bennet’s Fracture surgery, AROM of the thumb and wrist begin ___ weeks after the pins are removed.
4 weeks
definition: Rupture of the UCL of the MCP joint of the thumb due to valgus stress; ligament may rupture or cause avulsion fx.
Gamekeeper’s/skiers thumb
How does one diagnose gamekeeper’s/skiers thumb?
Stress test for laxity and pain
definition: Fx of 5th metacarpal at neck; often sustained after punching or a fight
Boxer’s Fracture
Resistance should be avoided until week ___ of boxer’s fracture rehabilitation.
definition: flexion of MCP and DIP, hyperextension of the PIP; due to contracture of the intrinsic muscles
swan neck deformity
What deformity of the finger is normally seen with RA?
Swan neck deformity
definition: extension of MCP and DIP with flexion of PIP; due to rupture of the central tendinous slip of the extensor hood
most often s/p trauma or RA
boutonniere Deformity
definition: DIP resting in flexed position due to rupture or avulsion of the extensor tendon where it inserts in the distal phalanx
mallet finger
With mallet finger, the finger can move into _____ but NOT actively.
definition: sticking of the tendon when the pt attempts to flex their finger; may snap, catch, click; due to thickening of the flexor tendon sheath
trigger finger
definition: fixed flexion deformity of the MCP and PIP, usually in the 4th or 5th finger; due to contracture of the palmar fascia
dupuytren’s contracture
Who is most commonly affected by dupuytren’s fracture?
Men, 50-70 y/o
What deformity looks like a pope’s hand?
dupuytren’s contracture
definition: tenosynovitis in the thumb affecting the abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis
De Quervain’s syndrome (Hoffman’s Syndrome)
De Quervain’s syndrome will show a (+) _______ test.
Finkelstein’s test
When splinting De Quervain’s syndrome, position the thumb in ___ and ___.
definition: avulsion fx from high eccentric load on flexor side
jersey finger
What does the median nerve pass through in the wrist along with the flexor tendons?
Carpal tunnel
What are the sensory symptoms of median nerve entrapment in the wrist?
sensory changes in radial 2/3 of palm, palmar surface of the first 3.5 digits, and dorsum of distal phalanges
What deformities can median nerve entrapment at the wrist cause?
Ape Hand Deformity
Hand of papal benediction
definition: muscle wasting in hypothenar eminence
ape hand deformity
Treatment for median nerve entrapment at the carpal tunnel includes splinting of the thumb in ___.
What are the sensory symptoms of ulnar nerve entrapment in the wrist?
sensory changes in the ulnar 1/3 of the hand, entire 5th digit, and ulnar side of the 4th digit
What nerve impingement at the wrist is most common in cyclists or with FOOSH injuries?
ulnar nerve
What nerve impingement at the wrist can be caused by compression at the cubital tunnel or Guvan’s canal?
Ulnar nerve
What deformities can ulnar nerve entrapment at the wrist cause?
Claw hand
loss of effective grasping
Treatment for ulnar nerve entrapment at the wrist includes splinting of the MCPs in ____ and IPs in ____.
The radial nerve enters the hand as the ___ nerve.
Superficial radial nerve (sensory)
What are the sensory symptoms of radial nerve entrapment in the wrist?
sensory changes over the radial 2/3 of the dorsum of the hand and thumb, the proximal phalanx of the 2nd and 3rd and half of the 4th digit
Treatment for radial nerve entrapment at the wrist includes splinting to maintain wrist ______.
wrist EXT
Anterior glide of the radiocarpal joint restores _____.
wrist EXT
Posterior glide of the radiocarpal joint restores _____.
wrist FLX
Ulnar glide of the radiocarpal joint restores _____.
radial deviation
radial glide of the radiocarpal joint restores _____.
ulnar deviation
What is the splinting position of the radiocarpal joint?
- slight wrist extension
- 70* MCP flexion
- IP in neutral or slight flexion
- thumb abducted and/or opposed
Ulnar glide of the thumb CMC joint helps restore ____.
Radial glide of the thumb CMC joint helps restore ____.
Posterior glide of the thumb CMC joint helps restore ____.
radial glide of the thumb CMC joint helps restore ____.
Anterior/palmar/volar glide of the 2nd-5th CMC joints helps restore ___.
Posterior/dorsal glide of the 2nd-5th CMC joints helps restore ______.
Anterior glide of MCP, PIP, and DIP joints helps restore ___.
Posterior glide of MCP, PIP, and DIP joints helps restore ___.
Radiocarpal joint movement is (convex/concave) on (convex/concave)
convex on concave
Thumb CMC joint movement is (convex/concave) on (convex/concave) for FLX/EXT
concave on convex
Thumb CMC joint movement is (convex/concave) on (convex/concave) for ABD/ADD
convex on concave
The 2nd-5th CMC joint movement is (convex/concave) on (convex/concave)
concave on convex
The MCP, PIP, and DIP joint movements are (convex/concave) on (convex/concave)
concave on convex