EH1 week 11 Flashcards
what is kinesics?
what is kinesics?
Answer: the study of body motions used in communication.
what percentage of communication is verbal?
what percentage of communication is verbal?
Answer: 7%
what percentage is non-verbal communication?
what percentage is non-verbal communication?
Answer: 93%
______: Facial expressions and gestures that augment the verbal expressions of feelings
___Affect displays___: Facial expressions and gestures that augment the verbal expressions of feelings
4 kinds of gestures, what are they
hint: i.a.r.e.
3 kinds of gestures, what are they
illustrators: (exp: gestures to emphasize speech)
Adaptors: (used to relieve tension)
Regulators: (used to control or regulate convo)
Emblems: (gestures that take place of word or phrase)
what is the difference between posture and body movement?
posture is the position you put yourself in when you stop moving.
body movement what we do to move around
what are the 6 basic facial expressions
what are the 6 basic facial expressions
Answer: Anger Fear Sadness Happiness Distrust Surprised