Egypt Flashcards
What was the main source of Egyptian life and income?
The river Nile
What was the social structure of Egypt?
Good, with heirarchy
Name 5 types of people in ancient Egypt
Priests Doctors Workmen Scribes Lawyers
Would fathers train daughters to a profession in ancient Egypt?
Yes, but only if he had no sons
What allowed Egyptians to progress in medicine through trial and error?
They could write.
Were religious beliefs present in ancient Egypt?
Yes, and they effected medicine dramatically
What were the most important books in ancient Egypt?
Books of Thoth
What is the most important book that remains from the ancient Egyptians, what does it contain and who wrote it?
Papyrus Ebers, Maurice Ebers, and over 700 cures
How did doctors use the papyrus Ebers initially?
They followed it exactly, if they didn’t and things went wrong they were executed
What natural resources did the Egyptians use for medicine?
Minerals, plants and animals
How did Egyptians learn about human anatomy?
From embalming, which prepared the body for the afterlife.
What limited the Egyptians knowledge of human anatomy?
They didn’t dissect fully into the body because they wanted to preserve it, however they know where the organs were
To what extent did the egyptians perform surgery?
They performed minor surgery, such as removing tumours and repairing dislocated joints. No major surgery.
How often did the river nile flood?
Once a year
How did the Egyptians keep the water flowing?
Channel irrigation.
What did the Egyptians deduce from the Nile?
The channel theory, if a channel was blocked then life began to stop.
How did the Egyptians clear the ‘channels’?
Vomiting, blood letting and laxatives
Despite their knowledge of channel irrigation, what did the Egyptians not implement, which would have improved hygiene?
Drainage systems
When was the Ancient Egyptian time?