EFU Flashcards
Goal of first aid
The three p’s of rescue process:
1. Preserve life
2. Prevent injuries
3. Promote recovery - tell them to go to a doctor
When approaching a incident you should first…
Check your hazards
You should contact EMS for victims who are….
Why use Self protection (barrier devices)
To protect you and the victim from each other
Legally implication of first aid
CPR - one rescuer
How to treat shock
Rest and reassurance
Semi- prone position
Primary assessment
Secondary assessment
When to stop treatment
Abstracted airway
Bystander management
Heart attack
When to stop CPR
External bleeding
Self rescue from cold water
Self rescue from moving water
Self rescue cold water (HELP)
3 types of rescues
- Open water
- Talk rescue
- Unconscious rescue
Rescuers check list
- Hazzards
- Assists
- Entries
- Approaches
- Reverse, Ready, Reassess
- Removals
- Follow up
Self- rescue from moving water
Recognize, Assess, Act
Poisonous gas inhalation smoke, suffocation and drowning may relate in bresthing difficulty caused by
reduced oxygen supply
AVPU assessment stands for
Alert Voice Pain Unresponsive
When preforming CPR you should apply
- Allow the chest to fully recount in between compressions
- Minimum interruptions in between compressions
- Push hard and fast performing 30:2 compression to breaths
Shock is
Inadequate circulation to the body’s vital something (brain, heart lungs)
For a victim experiencing chest pains a first aider can provide this over this over the counter medicine
Acaycilyic Acid (ASA) (Aspirin)
The FAST (Face arms speech time) acronym is used to identify
suspected stroke
A drowning victim my experience symptoms up to 72 hours after an event due to:
aspiration of cold water and liquid
Asthma is a breathing disorder in which airway sensitivity is Increased. is sensitivity results in:
Treatment for hyperventilation should include
- Contact with EMS if condition betts worse