what is a biosphere? (1)
the total area of the earth and its atmosphere that is inhabited by living organisms.
what is the population? (1)
a group of members of the same species that interact with each other.
what is a habitat? (1)
a division of the biosphere with its own unique characteristics and conditions.
what is a community? (1)
a group of populations of different species living together in one habitat.
what is an ecosystem? (1)
a collection of communities and their non-living surroundings, which form a stable, self-perpetuating system in which there is an energy flow and nutrients are recycled.
what is chemosynthesis? (1)
the use of chemical energy from the oxidation of inorganic compounds to synthesise organic compounds.
what is a food chain? (1)
a feeding relationship in which a carnivore eats a herbivore, which itself has eaten plant matter.
what is the initial source of energy in a food chain? (1)
light energy.
what do the arrows point to in a food chain? (1)
the arrows point to the consumers and indicate the direction of energy transfer.
what does a food chain tell us? (1)
a food chain tells us about the feeding relationship of organisms within an ecosystem but they also show quantitative relationships rather than providing quantitative data.
what is a food web? (1)
in a whole ecosystem food chains are interconnected in many different ways to form a complex food web.
what is meant by a trophic level? (1)
a level in aa food chain defined by the number of energy transfers an organism is from the primary energy source.
what are the different trophic levels? (5)
-primary or first consumer
-secondary consumer
-tertiary consumer
-quaternary consumer
why is the amount of the suns energy used by plants so low? (2)
the remainder of this energy is reflected into space as light or heat energy, some of the wavelengths transmitted aren’t the right wavelength and therefore cannot be absorbed by plants.
what does GPP stand for? (1)
Gross primary productivity
what is GPP? (1)
the total amount of light energy fixed by photosynthesis in a given area and fixed time.
what are the units of GPP? (1)
KJ m-2 y-1
what does NPP stand for? (1)
Net primary productivity
what is NPP? (1)
the total amount of light energy fixed by photosynthesis in a given area and fixed time, which remains available to the next trophic level after losses and uses by a producer.
what are the units of NPP? (1)
KJ m-2 y-1
what equation can be used to work out NPP? (1)
What is biomass? (1)
the total mass of a living organism in a given area.
what do plants transfer light energy to? (3)
green plants light energy to the chemical energy of sugars in photosynthesis.
some is also transferred in the reactions of respiration that drive metabolism.
much is transferred to essential metabolites used in growth and devlopment of the plant.
what happens to the energy stored in a plant when it dies? (1)
on death of a plant, the remaining energy passes to detritivores and saprotrophs when dead plant matter is broken down and decayed.
how is energy transferred in a consumer? (4)
energy is transferred in the consumer when it eats, digests and then absorbs nutrients. It transfers energy in muscular movements for which it hunts and feeds and as it seeks to escape from predators (lost as heat energy). some of the food eaten remains undigested and is lost as faeces. heat energy is a waste product of the reactions of respiration and of the animals metabolism.
what happens to the energy stored in a consumer once it dies? (1)
on the death of the consumer the remaining energy passes to the detritivores and saprotrophs when dead matter is broken down and decayed.
what is the first consequence of limited energy transfer between trophic levels? (1)
the energy loss at transfer between trophic levels is the reason why food chains are so short, few transfers can be sustained when so little of what is eaten by one consumer is potentially available to the next step of the food chain.
what is the second consequence of limited energy transfer between trophic levels? (1)
feeding relationships in a food chain may be structured by a pyramid, at the start of the chain is a very large amount of living matter (biomass) of green plants. This supports a smaller biomass of primary consumers , which in turn supports an even smaller biomass of secondary consumers.
how can we illustrate feeding relationships quantitatively? (3)
-pyramids of numbers
-pyramids of biomass
-pyramids of energy
what is a pyramid of numbers? (1)
counting the number of organisms at each trophic level and representing them by horizontal bars on top of each other
what are the drawbacks of pyramids of numbers? (3)
accurately estimating the actual number for a whole ecosystem is difficult.
the bars simply compare counts of organisms but these organisms are of very different sizes and therefore distort the actual picture
the scale could be impossible to select on one axis as you would have cope with one producer and thousands of primary consumers.
what are the drawbacks of pyramids of biomass? (2)
the biomass of all living organisms is made up of 80% water which is not helpful in illustrating relationships - we must find the dry biomass of organisms.
finding the dry biomass means that all organisms have to be killed.
why is there a time unit in the conversion units? (1)
this is a vital part of the total energy calculation and overcomes the difficulties of different life-spans.
what re saprotrophs? (1)
mainly fungi and bacteria; feed by secreting extracellular enzymes to break down dead organic matter and reabsorb the products
what are scavengers? (1)
opportunist feeders on the remains of dead animals.
what are detritivores? (1)
animals that feed off dead and decaying organic materials.
what is saprotrophic nutrition? (1)
microorganisms can produce extracellular enzymes that break down dead tissues in decay processes, the products of this enzymic digestion are then reabsorbed into the cells of the microorganisms to be used as respiratory substrates or raw material for synthesis.
what is hyphae? (1)
the large network of of fine threads that fungi produce in growth.
what is a mycelium? (1)
a network of hyphae.
what law does energy flow follow? (1)
obeys the law of conversation of energy, it cannot created or destroyed, only changed from one state to another.
what are the limitations of dry biomass? (3)
- it is more accurate to calculate dry mass
-drying out organisms is destructive to the ecosystem
-wet mass is usually measured - different species may release different amounts of energy per unit mass
why is less than 1% of the suns energy used in photosynthesis? (4)
-reflected by clouds and earths surface
-used to heat the earths atmosphere
-used to evaporate water
-is the wrong wavelength