Effects of Driver Condition Flashcards
What can controlling your emotions do?
help you reduce and manage risk
As a passenger what can you help the driver do?
remain calm and focused on the driving task
What do strong emotions result in?
focusing on a single item or event rather than the big picture
Visual Acuity
how well you see objects
What do you use your central vision for?
see things clearly
What do fringe and peripheral vision allow you to do?
see a wider angle than central vision
What are conditions that can affect your vision while driving?
color blindness, depth perception, night vision, glare, and speed
What senses other than vision help you drive safely?
hearing, smell, and motion
What are some sensory distractions to limit while driving?
operating the car stereo, talking on the phone, playing loud music, and wearing headphones
temporary disability that impairs driving
What is the best solution to fatigue?
What can have physical effects on drivers?
medications and carbon monoxide
What do people with permanent disabilities have to drive?
special adaptive equipment
What is one way to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning?
check your exhaust system regularly
Temporary glare blindness at night might occur when..
an oncoming vehicle’s headlights turn toward you and your pupils remain smaller after the bright light passes
What does smoking inside a closed vehicle do?
increase the carbon monoxide level in the blood of the vehicles occupants
What does fatigue do?
slow mental and physical processes; take more time to identify hazards
When you drive at 55 mph, your clear side vision is…
less than half as wide as it was at 20 mph
While driving a vehicle, the driver must be the _______ of those in the vehicle because…
leader; the driver is responsible for the safety of those in the vehicle
What does depth perception involve?
judging distance between you and other objects
What must an applicant pass to get a license or learner’s permit?
visual acuity test
What does your sense of hearing help you to do?
alert you to critical traffic sounds
Coping with emotions while driving includes…
anticipating emotion-producing situations
A person with a chronic illness might be licensed to drive if…
the person provides medical proof that the illness is under control
Assume the driver of the vehicle you are riding in is acting recklessly and does not respond to your intervention. You may have to…
encourage the driver to let someone else drive
What is carbon monoxide present in?
all exhaust from all gasoline engines
Glare recovery time
the time your eyes need to regain clear vision after being affected by glare
How does a happy, excited driver relate to an angry one?
one can be just as bad as the other
Most people have a clear field of vision of about…
180 degrees
How can carbon monoxide get into your car?
an open window, your heater, or your air conditioner