DGP Notes Flashcards
person, place, thing, or idea
common noun
(n) names a general noun; begins with lowercase letter; ex) city
proper noun
(N) names a specific noun; begins with capital letter; ex) Detroit
possessive noun
(pos n; pos N) shows ownership; ex) girl’s, Roger’s
(pro) takes the place of a noun
personal pronoun/1st person pronoun
having to do with “me”
2nd person pronoun
having to do with “you”
3rd person pronoun
having to do with everyone else
singular nominative
(nom) I, you, he, she, it
plural nominative
(nom) we, you, they
singular objective
(obj) me, you, him, her, it
plural objective
(obj) us, you, them
singular possessive
(pos) my, your, his, her, its, mine, yours
plural possessive
(pos) our, your, their, ours, yours, theirs
reflexive pronoun
(ref) reflects back to “self” ex) myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves
relative pronoun
(rp) starts adjective dependent clauses ex) that, which, who, whom, whose
interrogative pronoun
(int) asks a question ex) Whose? Which? What? Whom? Who?
demonstrative pronoun
(dem) demonstrates which one ex) that, this, these, those