Educational terminology Flashcards
What is a 504 plan?
Bans agencies that receive federal funding from discriminating against a person because of their disability; may be used in place of an IEP if the person does not qualify for SPLED; derived from the rehabilitation act of 1973
What is a self-contained classroom?
A classroom in which all students are identified as needing SPLED (i.e., special education)
What is the least restrictive environment?
an environment where a student is given the least amount of support in order to succeed academically
What is inclusion?
the idea that children, regardless of their ability, be placed in general education classrooms and be given as much support as needed to succeed academically.
In education, who are the agents of intervention?
SLP, cooperative learning groups, parents, teachers, and older or same-aged peers
What are the service delivery models that allow SLPs to provide services in a school?
clinical model (pull out or push in), language-based classroom, resource room setting
What is consultation?
helping teachers find new ways to help students succeed academically
What is collaboration?
working with teachers to implement strategies to help students succeed academically
Possible consultative suggestions include
Give preferential seating; contextualize language; decrease the time of presentation; decrease stress placed on students; limit distractions; provide redundancy
CPSE stands for
Committee on Preschool Special Education
CSE stands for
Committee on Special Education
NCLB stands for
No child left behind act
FAPE stands for
Free and Public Education
TSSLD stands for
teacher of students with speech-language disabilities
ENL/TESOL stand for
English as New language/Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
PLEPS stands for
Present level of educational performance standards
What is included on an IEP?
Statement of regular education participation; justification for LRE; annual goals and objectives with criterion for success; summary of all SPLED services and related services (e.g., transportation); frequency and duration of services; date that services will be; statement of accommodations needed for the student, proposed date of review of the IEP