Education Flashcards
the ________ _______ - the ways in which the education system has fundamentally changed in modern society. - the extent that it had shaped our social life through socializationm institutions, etc
the schooled society
there was a growth i n modern schooling in canda - especially for
mass enrollment in post-secondairy education
what negative come from mass enrollment in post-secondairy schools
Creates a difficulty for the uni institutions keeping up - esp service workers/employment
The faculty and service workers have not grown proportionally
how has schooling become increasingly important to the government and how do they view it
Gov’s view education as a means of increasing national productivity - they try to get people in role
Seeking growth in jobs requiring higher education — more stable, better pay.
Historically, schools trained reading, writing, basic math
whats changed
Now: Sex and physical ed, medial literacy, drug & alcohol awareness, environmental awareness
Modern schools are seen as ways to solve a myriad of ______ ______
social prblems
The education system has changed too, such as an increase in _______
Tensions between amount of _________out toward public education - vs some people saying if they’re willing to _______ the money for better education, i should be able to
Unequal outcomes: Higher levels of educational attainment for private school students. WHY?
Education at these schools - is the quality of education better at private schools? Class sizes? Bigger budget?
Higher SES of the students - the families able to afford private schools prolly have higher SES (unequal from the start?)
educational arrangements like privitisation may amplify already existing ________
differentiate between manifest and latent function
Manifest functions - the obvious and intended functions
Eg teaching basic knowledge skills
Latent functions of education are its unintended consequences
Reproducing inequalities
Informal education, etc
the functions of education are following, assign the proper sociologist to each
socialisation - durk
selection - weber
legitimation - marx
Recall: Durkheim focuses on the factors that affect _____ and _____ in society
durk thus focuses on education system’s _________ in socialising children
solidariy and cohesion
durk says a function of education is to socialise children into ______ and ______
the basic ealy activities that create _______
citizenship and adulthood
according to durk, what is the purpose beund reciting the national anthem everyday
Transmits national identity, create social cohesion - the national anthem as an example instills the patriotic idea that this is who you are
used other times in schools
durk sees schools as instilling key societal ______ such as consent, and manners
Recall: Weber focuses on the _________ processes of modern society
“__________ is a way of solving problems that envolve calculation, control, efficiency, etc
Problems - has to socialize people, do so ________
what is weber’s manifest funcion of education
Large, bureaucratic process provides mass education
mnifest function of education (weber) sees the process of ________ students into various occupations (SES outcomes) as also a _______ ______ process
bureaucratic rationalization
manifest functions (weber) of selecting student into occupations
Efficiently produces _________ degrees (4yrs)
Equal and _________to the populace
_______-based rewards and selection processes
Program that judges competency according to a vigorously monitored ______
The classes have to be large to do the broad ______ and _______ - to has many important functions
streaming and selection
webers latent functions of education
De-________ - to have the equality, unique circumstances tend to be ignored
produces __________ - bureaucracy has caused people to need specific certification for specific jobs
- stopes people from entering certain ______
-reudcing the ______ pool (eg. maybe you’re just a bad test taker)
talent pool
Recall: Marx focuses on the ways that educational institutions reflect and ______- the interests of the _______ _______
ruling class
weber’s take on education
Whoever controls most of the resources, will also have _______ power over the ______ of society to shape what gets ________
marx says schools systematically reproduces _____ ______
class relations
marx discusses The “_______ _______” — promotes docility, punctuality, hard work
The “hidden curriculum” — promotes docility, punctuality, hard work
the hidden curriculum is another ______ ______ of education
makes people receptive to _______
reinforces _____ culture (makes you feel good about giving up your time for labour
latent function
marx says that The entire structure of the classroom of designed to create _________ _______ (in rows, quietly working, moving in a line, etc)
industrial sensibility
Modern education system serves many functions
Socialize children into _________
Guide all individuals toward an _______
Systematically provides ________ education to large group
Both the socialization and selection serve also to instil the views and practices needed to
perpetuate ________ _______
occupations (streaming)
capitalist production
Using theories from - durkheim, weber, marx
who would talked about legitimation, selection and socialisation + brief description
durk - socialisation - schoold socialize you into citizenship and adulthood
weber - selection - education selects and streams people occupations/ses
but also causes de-personalization , hyperspecialization and credentialing
lmarx - legitimation - education had a hidden curriculum that socializes and selects children into instilling practices that perpetuate capilalist production
Video - valedictorian speech
He says he wasn’t chosen for his intelligence and work, he says its cause of his ______
GPA had become like _______ in a game of ________
He says he climbed the GPA ladder rather than take part in ______ ______ like his peers, he missed out on a fuck ton
currency, monopoly
what are the manifest functions of the “land-based education video”
- helps indigenous yotuh connect to their lands and community
- tols for living well on the land
- understanding of colonial realities
what are the latent functions of the “land-based education video”
- stregthens sovereignity anf self-determination of indigenous nations
- resisting colonial formd of education
- respect for indegenous knowledge
“land-based education video”
involve reconnecting intellectual traditions with the _______
Theory provides the academic language and concepts to understand issues like ________ (e.g. rights)
Practice applies the _______ knowledge and builds on it with concrete _________
academic, experience
the “land based learning” vid has a cobination of what 2 lenses
conflict and functionalist
how do we explain the correlation between class and educational attainment on a micro level
Differential expectations: Beliefs and values about what is possible, desirable.
Differential association: The people whose examples you can follow
Differential preparation: Access to opportunities and supplementary resources and supports
how do we explain the correlation between class and educational attainment on a meso level
Streaming - placing students with comparable skills together
how do we explain the correlation between class and educational attainment on a macro level
Economic Access
Canadian students concerned w
ith rising tuition fees and student debt have started the Education Is a Right campaign.
name some advantages and disadvantages to treaming in education (meso)
Teachers can tailor style to the types of students in the class a (less one-size fits all)
Students can advance according to learning ability, bright students won’t get bored
Self-fulfilling prophesy — the consequences of a false “definition of the situation.” (IS, p. 287)
The Pygmalion Effect and the Power of Positive Expectations (VIDEO)
what was themain point of this video
Positive expectation put on a student by a teacher can make the performance, IQ, self image, etc of students in a positive manner
Feedback - if more is expected for the kid, they are given more positive reinforcement for right answers and more negative reinforcement for wrong answers
When they have low expectations of kids, they tend to give less feedback in general
______ capital: (what you have) material resources that one controls or possesses
______ capital: (who you know) Networks of contacts and acquaintances that can be used to secure or advance one’s position
______ ______ Provides access to the support and resources of others (e.g., Career “networking” events; fraternities)
social capital
_____ _____: (what you know) Wide variety of non-economic resources, incl.: Non-economic social assets that promote social mobility.
cultural capital
Verbal facility (british accents associated with high class, foreign accepts disadvantages)
Aesthetic preferences (“street clothes”)
this is an example of
cultural capital
what are the 3 states of cultural capital
Embodied state - the form of knowledge that resides within us
Objectified state - material objects we use to indicate social class
Institutionalized state - the way society measures social capital
give three examples of embodied, objectifies and instituionalized states
embodied - Being taught your ABC’s before kindergarten, getting help with homework, etc
Objectified - apple products
institutionalized - Eg. degree levels increasingly being associated with value of person
The education system works to ________, ________, and _______ knowledge in our society.
The education system works to socialize, select, and legitimize knowledge in our society.
Not all individuals have equal access to or perform equally well in the _______ _______
education system
The education system perpetuates, and potentially alleviates, s______ _______
social inequality
Rising ________ fees illustrates the widespread changes occurring in education in Canada and around the world, changes that have important implications for educational ________ across groups.
tutition, outcomes
_________ is the attestation of qualification or competence issued to an individual by a party with authority to do so, such as a uni
a curriculem would be educations _______ function
a hiiden curriculum would be educations _______ function
educationa systems provide the opportunity to make things equal and _________
yet all western counties had a clear patter if inequality suggesting that the educational system is not _________
differential ________ - values from an upper class family for example
differential _______ - children from lower class backgrounds less likely to have role models who ere high achievers in school
differential _______ - children from familities with more money are more likely to have private tutors
_____- also known as ______, is the practice of placing student with comparable skills or needs together
streaming, tracking
the _____-______ ________ is caused by streaming
the stigma of being attached to a _____ group might dicourage the learning of children
self-fulfilling prophecy
canadina women attend post-sec at higher rates then men - how can we understand this gender reversal in educational outcomes
changes expectations/less religious
birth control pills - now that they can control how many children they’ll have they can contorl their education
since the womens movement in the 60’s women are entering workforce at higher rates
“the not so picky ivory tower”
______ graduate from sollege at higher rates but ______ are far more likely to graduate from college now than ever before
women’s higher rates of graduation are due to the fact that women’s ______ faster than men’s did- this happend when their ____ opportunities grew
____ ____ is the strongest predictor of who will attend an graduate college
social class
women are disproportionately repped in less ______ programs
men tend to still ____ more and go into the degrees that ____ more
the amount of money a _______ spend on tertiary education is directly related the amount of ppl with a _____
the funding unis get from _______ is going down, while funding from ____ is increase
_______ can take form of naming campus buildings after major donors or corporate sponsors