Chapter 5 - Globalization and Development Flashcards
what is globalization
A processes of increasing interconnectedness of people, products, ideas, and places
what forces have lead to globalization
Improvement in transportation systems and in communication and information technologies
These developments facilitate the easy movement of people, products and ideas, leading to political, economic and cultural integration
what three ways does globalization increase interconnectedness
1) material or physical connections increase
2) Places that once felt far away, now feel much smaller
3) americanization n shit
what is the spatio-temporal element of globalisation
Makes the impacts of foreign catastrophes across the world more relevant in our lives
Eg. the impact wars on the other side of the wold have on out lives
who coined the global village
Marshall McLuan
what is McLuan’s concept of the global village
globalization created a grater global responsibility for social betterment thought heightened awareness
Eg. seeing an McDonalds in a foreign country
what is this an example of
the dissemination of ideas and culture thought the world
what are the negative and positive impacts of dimmemination of ideas and culture throughout the world
Positive Eg - the spread of the concept of human rights - The UN has a big part in this
Neg Eg - what cultural ideals such as consumerism and materialism can spread from country to country - like the unreachable beauty standards found in North America spreading to other parts of the world due to social media
Globalisation does not occur in one _______
(we aren’t simply becoming more globalised) - it is a process that advances and regresses
3 main categories of globalisation and global inequality in sociology
Modernisation theory
World systems theory
World society theory
the ______ theory Claims that countries are poor cause they cling to transition and inefficient attitudes, technologies, and institutions - with enough time they can become modernised and develop like western societies
the modernization theory says there are 5 stages to globalization, name them in order
traditional society
preconditions for takeoff
drive to maturity
high mass consuption
according to modernization theory what is the first stage of econ growth? what triggers the movement to the next stage
traditional societies
-Little economic mobility
-Based on farming or hunter-gather to feed their own families (not sell)
Demand for raw material pushes them to dev more productive agriculture called Cash Crops (crops to be sold instead of consumed by the producers)
according to modernization theory what is the second stage of econ growth?
Preconditions to takeoff - Tech advances to support (irrigation, transportation, etc) + changes increase social mobility
according to modernization theory what is the third stage of econ growth?
Economic takeoff
able to profuse good for both domestic consumptions and export
Markets emerge
Rise of individualism - individual material enrichments which can undermine family ties and time-honoured norms and values
according to modernization theory what is the third stage of econ growth?
Technological maturity
All sectors of society become more involved in market production and international trade arises
Cities grow. Ppl leave rural areas for opportunities
individualism and increased sense of efficiency generates social movements demanding universal education and increase rights for groups such as women and minorities
according to modernization theory
what is the last stage
high mass consuption
How did countries start to move out of poverty?
During the middle ages, a increase in exploration and trade brought wealth to a growing share of people in western europe
The growth of capitalism and the industrial revolution also created hew wealth
what is the Modernization Theory’s Opinion of economic growth
They say the change that needs to be made in this country is to focus on cash crops of high-yield agricultural products
what are some disadvantages of cash crops
Can be volatile and unsustainable - prices for cash crops are at the maker’s mercy
Environmental disadvantages - damage soil, lead to growth of parasites, increase crop vulnerability
what does movernization theory fails to recogniza about how rich countries got to where they are
Fails to recognize that rich nations industrialised from a positions of global strength, colonising other countries and taking their resources
modernization theory is sometimes considered ________ as it assumes western countires are doing whats right
who developed wolrd systems theory as a crtitique of modernization theory
immanual wallerstein
WST highlights the inherent ________ that occurs through globalisation and global development
WST sees the world as a transnational division of labour between what three types of countries
core, semi-periphery and periphery countries
______ countries are the most powerful
what is the power of core countries based on
Their power is based on their economic diversification, high level of industrialization, high skill-labour, and focus on the manufacturing of goods instead of simply extracting new resources for export
________ countries are the least powerful of the three
why are periphery countries the least developed
Not economically diversified, minimally industrialised
Focus on extracting raw material for core countries
why are periphery countries benificial to core countries
Attractive to core countries business interests as they tend to have more lenient labour and environmental laws
______-_________ countries combine the two others characteristics
China, india, brazil and south africa
are all _________ countries
what is it that combines the two others’ charateristic for semi pheriphery countries
Moving toward industrialization and economic diversification
World Systems Theory is based on what
Marx’s conflict theory; think of core countries as the capitalists, and the periphery countries as the proletariat
explain how the capitalist countried benifit from the proletariat countries
Capitalists in core countries sell the goods produced in the periphery countries to the workers in the periphery - bringing the profits back to the core countries so that poor nations just get poorer and poorer
The unequal trade relations between core and periphery countries create many problems for the periphery such as what
They’re pressured to proceed a small variety of cash crops that are oriented to export
Urged tp to extract natural resources in their raw formats and export them to core countries to be processed
Created low wage and low skill work in the periphery while taking the higher skill work to the core
Local industries in the periphery cannot compete with companies form the core
same some criticisms of the WST
Foreign trade with rich countries has assisted some poor countries
Modernization theory priests foreign investment stimulates growth, not economic decline
The ability of countries to move into core counters idea that globalisation will lead to increased poverty in the periphery
what is World Society Theory
Argues countries are becoming increasingly similar
explains global change as the consequence of emerging global institutions and a “world culture” since World War 2
who created the world society tradition
John W meyer
Both individuals and nation-states tend to adopt summon ________ frames , resulting in one ______ ______
Both individuals and nation-states tend to adopt summon cultural frames or perspectives, resulting in one world culture
is WSocT for or against globalizaiton
Emphasises positive elements of globalisation
why is WSocT for globalization
Speed of ideal human rights, science, tolerance
from the Feminism reading:
one of the main pillars of male dominance in the econ syst is the ________ ________ of _________ in the family and market
sexual division of labour
from the Feminism reading:
what thing perpertuate gener inequality
social relations
from the Feminism reading:
the feminist lens helps us understand the ______, _______, the _______ and _______
the family
household (dynamics)
from the Feminism reading:
the concept of work ceased to be associated with __________ ________ activites
income generating activities
from the Feminism reading:
women are more prone to poverty because they are assigned the role of _______, and thus it is more difficult to _______ making an income. also _______ is seen as non-work
from the Feminism reading:
women’s working life imoacts their success in the ______ market and ____ life
from the Feminism reading:
_________ is a public problem which perpetuates poverty - it is a social ____
what is the story of the dish with one spoon
theres stu in a pot in the center of the room
The room also has a number of people, who are malnourished and sickly, and depressed
Attached to each person is a long spoon
Dude see a guy try to dip into the spoon, but the spoon is longer than his arm, so he can’t reach his face with it
Realised that people cannot actually gain, even tho the stu is right in front of them - this is hell
In the next room; people are well fed, have spoon strapped to their arms - have the same spoon ting going on, the difference is they feed each other - god days this is heaven
people sometimes incorrectly think priviledge is a direct _______ on them
what are the three conceptual tools we use to understand phenomina such as globalization
Describe - what are the key facts, issues, and relationships
Diagnose - what are the underlying factors and processes that the ‘root’ of the issue
Prescribe - what policies, theories, or method should we adopt in light of our analysis
explain what macro, meso and mirco focus on
Large-scale systems and structures, nations
Groups, organisations, subcultures
Individuals are their interactions
for globalization where we start depends on what
the story we want to tell
what is globalization
globalisation is a process of increasing interconnectedness of people, products, ideas, and places
The connections that exist in the world
what is the meaning of “global village”
he idea that we can have shared experiences about global events (eg. how war impacts us all)
the ______ persp Focused on the social processes that maintain hierarchy, domination, and oppression
what is the Human Development Index
what things does the HDI use as indicators of scores (3)
Combines indicators of “development”
Life expectancy
Education (avg years of schooling)
Standard of living (gross national income per capita)
Indicators combined into an index score of ___ to ____
0 to 1
is country has an HDI of 1 they are ____ probably _______ country
core country (high on index
a low score on the HDI, give exmaple
Anything below 0.4 ish
the ______ index measure equality on a scale of 1-0 where 0 is perfect, 1 is bad
The gini index shows us how equally the distribution of wealth in a country is, ireland is an example of a country with ______ index (more equality) and china is an example of a country with a _____ index (more inequality)
ireland - low
china - high
_________ theory states that Societies develop through distinct stages
global inequality is perpetuated by People and products extracted firm periphery
and then what
and brought back to the core refined, and then sold back to the periphery countries
___________ countries are exploited a little by the core, things are also sold back to them
How can a country (and world economy) “develop” so much growth yet leave so many people behind?
Under global capitalism, wealth generated in LICs and MICs is concentrated among a small elite
Class interests charred by elites in rich and poor countries
Economies may grow, but the wealth hardly trickles how to the rest of society
World Conflict Theory: Example _______ diagnosis
Artificially created hunger has become an instrument of _____
countries that are truly the worst victims of hunger could be the highest producers of food
Feminism draws attention to systems of male domination in _________, ________ and _____ spheres (conflict perp)
economic, political, social
feminism called for greater __________ within the spheres
__________ is a practice where a field is used for production of pure stands of one crop only.