EDIT THIS Bible Myths/ The Apocalypse was Supposed To happen In The Past. Flashcards

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Edit this on laptop. From my Book ‘Death of an Evil God’
Chapter 8

By Dr. Joseph Chiapplaone
My Motto
Take It Or Leave It

Many other authors now consider that the Gospels cannot be taken as literal Truth but only as romantic symbolism. But even allowing for this latitude, it has often been stated that many orthodox theologians have no idea of the meaning of the myths in the Bible because they do not study the myths and legends of other cultures. They simply condemn them. The church destroyed not only the books and libraries which contained them, but also the people themselves.

It is not unreasonable to suggest that the evil hierarchy of the developing new Christian movement many hundreds of years after the life of Jesus, and against His will, actually created a Myth around Him by using all the facets of previous religions that were available and then set about destroying as much of the evidence as possible about these religions, in particular the Orphic, the Mithraic and the Dionysian doctrines. Others are coming to this conclusion. And, in a nutshell, Christian doctrine and religious doctrines are all about temporal wealth and power, and metaphysical destruction of Divine Beings.

So there were two elements that gave rise to the doctrines that we have today. One was the rebellion of Jehovah, in the non-material realms, to take over a particular dimension. This evil demigod rebelled against the Divine Hierarchy and declared itself the one and only God.

Secondly, in the last 2000 years in Western civilization, the evil hierarchy of the Christian movement took over the religious doctrines of other institutions and declared them its own with exclusive authority and power to do as it wished. The new movement had already been taken over and perverted by evil. The so-called Christianity that evolved was not a representation of Jesus’ teachings at all. It was, and is (for it still exists, albeit in a moribund condition) simply the new thrust for the evil demiurge’s work.

This is the exact same mechanism which had perverted Manichaeism, Zoroaster’s teachings, Buddhism, and Islam, and so on. It is not unique. However I will focus on it as a matter of convenience.

Many may think they have avoided some of the pit-falls of this plane by being very religious, but it can still be, and usually is, that they are trapped in a greater fraudulent illusion. Even within religious vocations many have grave doubts, as many others have had in the past, and they receive very strong stimuli to awaken to the Truth. Their inner conflict, if left unresolved, can be devastating and can cause great mental anguish and mental disease. But now in the Final Generation of the Planet, the Inner Being will, by force, make Itself heard in all True Beings! Everyone will be forced to awaken to the illusion in order to allow the corrective process to take place.

Some may want to point to the fact that these Avatars all seem to be ancient historical figures who have had time to be matured into godlike figures by embellishing storytellers. But that is not so. For the same energy as these ancient Avatars has incarnated in each generation, knowingly and unknowingly, to assist the trapped True Beings and continue the push for rectification. It comes as groups of beings. I will identify one such group: Haydn, Bach, Mozart and Beethoven, and others of their era, represented that energy. And those who are familiar with the history of Babaji, the guru’s guru, so-called, will know He has reincarnated three times in this century alone, and still pays periodic visits as a short-term stand-in.
Copyright Dr J Chiapplaone
January 8,2012



From a sociological perspective, it must be stated that THE BIBLE IS NOT UNIQUE. It is a compilation of many myths coming from many parts of the world. All the cultures of the world share the same fables of creation, of the flood, of a magic garden, of the Tree of Life, of its primal couple, of the wise serpent, of the Heaven-piercing Tower (of Babel), of divided waters, of a chosen race, of virgin mothers, of saviours, etc. Scholarly research has shown that both texts of the Bible are quite recent and relatively corrupt derivations from the world-wide cycle of Gnostic Truism which has been labelled Archetypal Myths.. We see in the Bible the adoption of distorted myths attached to every saviour God of all cultures. Examples follow:


Adonis was born in a sacred cave in Bethlehem, of a consecrated Temple maiden, like Mary. Like Jesus and Attis he was sacrificed at the (Northern) Spring Equinox, (the 21st of March) eaten in the form of bread and rose again from the dead on the third day as He was part of a Ritual Resurrection. Attis and Jesus were also said to be born from a virgin birth as were many others. Attis was associated by the Gnostics, and others, with the Christ spirit as were many others. The Church later made the exclusive association of Jesus and the Christ energy to suit its evil purpose. The Church did not choose the dates for the Crucifixion of Jesus and His Resurrection (the Easter dates) until the 7th century. This shows how fraudulent its claims of authenticity really are. Even Palm Sunday was copied from the Procession of Palms which glorified the sacred Kings in Ancient Babylon.


The culture of Attis strongly influenced early Christians. But the story and symbolism have been reduced to virtually useless myth: He was the Son of the virginal Goddess Nana (another aspect of the Great Goddess, the Divine Celestial Mother) who conceived Him by eating an almond. He was slain in order to bring salvation to mankind. His body was eaten by worshippers in the form of bread and he resurrected as the most high God. This Passion of Attis was celebrated at the Spring Equinox and His birth was on the 25th of December, the time of the Winter Solstice. So you see, Christianity claimed the same dates for the conception and birth of Jesus. When quarrels ensued between the plagiarizers and those who knew the significance of the myths and the plagiarism that the Christian Church was engaged in, the Christians declared that: “The devil had established pagan mysteries in imitation of Christianity before there was a Christianity.” This was actually quite ridiculous.

Attis cult members eventually lost the battle, as did the followers of Adonis, Mithra, Apollo, Orpheus, Tammuz, Osiris, Hermes and others who were all inter-related aspects of the Christ essence. The so-called Christian Church took over. The 25th of March was made the day of the Enunciation by the Church and of course, the 25th of December was made Christmas Day. But these dates were not accepted by the Church until 656 AD The day of Attis’s death was known as Black Friday or the Day of Blood, for then the God Attis died and was buried. He then descended into the Underworld and on the third day He rose again from the dead. And this was Sunday, the Day of Joy. Familiar? Of course it is, for you see, the Rites of Easter have arisen from the mysteries of Attis.

Like the risen Christ, Attis arose when the sun made the day longer than the night for the first time in the new cycle. Attis in the myth, is the God of Vegetation and came from the Phrygian region of central Turkey. He was known as the Son of Zeus, the leader of the Pantheon and this myth has been traced to the 12th century BC

The day of Attis’ death was also the day of His cyclic reconception. Symbolically, Attis represented a rejuvenation of spirit, but this became corrupted into a rejuvenation of earth and a cyclic salvation of crops, important to those people who depended on the production of crops.

Zeus was of the Godforce essence and was the Father (essence) of Orpheus, Apollo, Dionysus (Adonis) Hermes, Osiris, Isis, Horus, Moses and Jesus, as well as Mithra, Tammuz and Attis. Adonis (Dionysus) was equivalent to Tammuz. Hence, what we truly have is the same energy with different names. These are all representatives of the Christ energy.

Of course knowledge of these connections had been destroyed by the vandalism of the Catholic Church. However, little traces remain. In the Siena cathedral Hermes Trismegistos is revered as the contemporary (and brother in essence) of Moses. Horus is represented there also. “What, in a Catholic cathedral?” What did the ancients know that has been kept from us? Did they know that Moses was the incarnation of Horus? Yes they did! They knew it was the same essence, just as they knew that all those I have named above were “brothers in Christ” and of the same essence.

They knew that Hermes was the Light of the World as was Dionysus, Mithra, Jesus, and Apollo (who became canonized as St. Benedict under his title of Benedictus) and all the others, and they knew that Zeus was their Father. When this is realized the patterns of the Archetypal myths all begin to make sense do they not?

Zeus was the Divine father of Dionysus, who in turn was the Divine father of Orpheus. Zeus was none other than an aspect of the “Masculine” energy of the Godforce. Do you see how this early knowledge of inter-connected Divine Beings was perverted into myths which still had some basis in spiritual terms and were further distorted and applied directly to the sacrifice of Jesus and His Resurrection?

Titles and Honours too were plagiarized with great abandon: Osiris was described as the Good Shepherd. Mithra was described as the Light of the World. Dionysus was described as the King of Kings, and God of Gods. Vishnu and Mithra were both the Son of Man and the Messianic energy. These were all described as Saviours of the World. These labels are quite familiar, for the Church plagiarized them and misused them to describe Jesus ONLY.

Plagiarism knew no bounds. The miracles supposedly performed by Jesus also have many precedences.

– The Dionysian Rite practised at Sidon in Alexandria gives us wine from water - the very miracle Jesus performed at Cana.

– The priestesses at Nineveh cured the blind by applying their spittle to the eyes.

– The Goddess Demeter, a form of the Great Mother, multiplied loaves and fishes, healed the sick, raised the dead and performed exorcisms.

– In the Magic Papyri, anointed ones (Christs) walk on water.
of fools”.


At the time of the created myth of Jesus, Tammuz (Thomas), also called the Only Begotten Son, was a Christos or sacred King, who was sacrificed annually in symbolism in the Temple at Jerusalem. He was dedicated to the Goddess, Ishtar or Mari, the Queen of Heaven and He was the Hebrew version of Dionysus (Adonis). Tammuz was equivalent to Osiris and to the Sumerian Saviour God, Damu. Each year on the Day of Atonement, He was sacrificed in the form of a Lamb. Hence, all these, like Jesus, were the manifestations of the same energy. But the Church sought exclusivity. So you see that the myth that was eventually formulated around Jesus was one which was fairly widespread at the time. I mention these facts, not to detract from the Divinity of Jesus, but to demonstrate the destructive exclusivity the so-called Christian church sought to give itself in order to trap the True Beings and gain power and wealth. And in these things, history tells us it succeeded for almost 2000 years.


Dionysus, otherwise known as Bacchus, Adonis and Pan, was not only known as the Wine God (as a corruption) but also as The Liberator. This is a Gnostic term found only in Gnostic Eschatological Doctrines. He was the son of Zeus whom I have identified as the “Father” energy. Hence, he was the son who would rescue the Mother. This being was quite significant before the Church destroyed the writings relating to, and the memory of, the implication of this being. Dionysus was of such importance that He was represented, in fact, on one side of a coin the other side of which portrayed Jehovah, an aspect of the evil demiurge which took over the whole show. It was Jehovah who eventually displaced Dionysus as God in the culture which grew around Jerusalem. And the Hebrews became Jehovah’s chosen race. But we can conclude that at least some people at some stage felt that Dionysus and the others were celestial Beings. The Saviour myth was also applied to Dionysus and He too was eaten after sacrifice in the form of bread and wine which represented His flesh and blood. And this was the classical Dionysus Sacrament at Eleusis. This makes a mockery of the Last Supper myth does it not?

Dionysus is said to have later reincarnated as Orpheus. He was known also as the King of Kings, the God Begotten, the Virgin-born and the Anointed one, the Christos. At Eleusis, Dionysus was represented as the Holy Child in a manger.

Apart from these various Saviours, the VIRGIN BIRTH was also attributed to Zoroaster, Sargon, Persius, Jason, Miletus, Minos, Asclepias, Zeus and Plato.


The Moses myth is really a compilation of 3 antecedent ones as well as other stories:

A. From India there was the Hindu myth when Kali gave birth to the Sun God and placed him in a basket of rushes on the Ganges.

B. The same myth was reproduced for Sargon, the King of Akkad, in the 3rd millennium BC King SARGON, a son of a virgin bride of God, was set afloat on the river and rescued by the Divine midwife. He then spent a period of exile in the wilderness where he was tempted by evil spirits and later was elevated to the throne. The fatherless hero born of waters was a universal image of the Saviour king and has been repeated in the myths of Persius, Horus, Jason, Oedipus, Joshua and Jesus.

C. An Egyptian model existed: The miracles attributed to Moses have been derived from Egyptian myths for there is an Egyptian model for the myth of Moses in Heracles of Canopus.

D. Other stories added to the myth include:

* The Parting of the Waters, as attributed to both Kali crossing the Ganges and Isis.
* Mother Rhea striking water from a rock.
* She had also given Law tablets on a Holy mountain.

The story of the TEN COMMANDMENTS which were supposedly given to Moses on the Mount was copied from

I The story of the Canaanite god Baal-Berith, the “God of the Covenant”.

Ii The Commandments of the Buddhist Decalogue.

Iii The life of Zoroaster who had also received the Law from Ahura Mazda from the mountain top, and

Iv King Hammurabi who received the Laws from the Babylonian God from a mountain top also.

The basis of the myths concerning Moses also included the expulsion of Jews from Egypt during an outbreak of pestilence. Other sources (Choeremen, Manetho, Lysimachus, Tacitus) say that the oracles blamed the infection on foreign workers who were called the Children of Israel and the offenders were evicted from Egypt and sent into the desert. This is very different from what has been written in the extant Old Testament which claims the Jews were liberated by Jehovah’s intervention.

The Jews claim they are the Chosen race of God. The True Jews, and not all born into the Jewish race are True Jews, in fact, were the chosen race of the demigod Jehovah (JHWH, Yaldabaoth). According to the Roman historian Tacitus, the Jews were “a race detested by the gods.” I will discuss why this was so in a later chapter. Tacitus, who has given us much insight into non-Christian history, also claims that everything before the Exodus was from non-Jewish sources.

Many stories of the Old Testament were changed. For example, the story that the firstborn of Egypt were killed by Yahweh who spared the Jewish firstborn, for the Jews had redeemed their sons with the blood of the lamb, was a fabrication and the Passover myth was an Egyptian custom which had originated in China. Hence, like the Christian Church which rewrote the New Testament, the Jews rewrote the Old Testament to create a mythical, self-aggrandizing history for their nation out of customs, sayings and legends borrowed from others.

True Beings should never, never forget that religious doctrine is created by men, using the evil essence. And, as Lactantius, a Father of the church in those formative years admitted, “All religions are based on fear and they resist True knowledge and aspirations.”

Pope Leo the Great endorsed the death penalty for erroneous beliefs in order to defend what the evil beings were doing. There is no doubt that the myths the church created did oppress the people. The ones around Jehovah were both irrational and vindictive for they punished the whole race for an alleged “Original Sin” and metered out punishment in Hell which lasted forever in merciless agony. The Church ruled with an iron fist and not only did it prevent the people reading the Bible and endorsed the death penalty for erroneous beliefs, but it also insisted, as it did again during the Reformation, that it was the sole interpreter of the scriptures. And of course this oppression, its overt evilness and the exposure of its manipulation of texts, and its profiteering by selling indulgences, eventually led to revolution and the Reformation.

Much of the Old Testament was distorted and plagiarized also. It is generally conceded that the Pentateuch, supposedly written by Moses, was re-written by the priest, Ezra, much, much later.


The early Christians saw Mithra, the Persian Saviour, as a rival who was more successful than the myth that they created. Those so-called Christians copied the Mithra religion in great detail. Mithra too was born on December 25th of a virgin. His birth was witnessed by shepherds and by Magi who brought gifts to his sacred birth cave. He performed miracles and raised the dead, healed the sick, made the blind see and the lame walk. He cast out devils and, as Son of the Petra Genetrix, He carried the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. He ascended to Heaven at the Spring Equinox (Easter), but before His ascension, He celebrated a Last Supper with His 12 Disciples, the 12 Signs of the Zodiac. In memory of this, his worshippers partook of a sacramental meal of bread marked with a Cross. (Holy Communion). This was one of the seven sacraments and was the model for the Christian sacrament called the Mizd (Missa, Mass).

The Mithraic doctrines also had the story of the Great Flood, a story based on the Hindu flood version of Manu. Hence, it is obvious the story of the flood went from the Hindu states to Persia to Babylon and into the Old Testament and each version contained within it the story of the end of the world which would be by fire, and the story of the battle of the forces of Good and Evil.

It is from the Mithra religion that labels such as the “Saviour of the World”, and “Soldiers for Christ” were obtained, for Mithra was the Supreme Patron of the Roman armies. From it, we celebrate Sunday and from it arises the claim that the Saviour’s death was marked by an Eclipse. Mithraism had seven Sacraments and a pope, for the Mithraic High Priest was called the Pater Patrum.

Mithraism and Manichaean Christianity (Persian Gnosticism) had much in common. They contained the same Gnostic truths. In the Mithraic Festival of the Epiphany, the Magi come to the child Saviour with gifts. This was adopted by the Christian Church in 1813, as the Festival of the Epiphany, eighteen centuries after the birth of Jesus.


The Christian Sign of the Cross was taken from the knowledge of Hermes, who was called the Logos by the Neoplatonists. Hermes was the “God within”. Until the Middle Ages, Hermes Trismegistos was acknowledged as the one who gave knowledge to Moses, hence his presence in the Siena cathedral. Hermetic lore described the Arabic numbers and Alchemy. It is felt that in 1460, the occurrence of the Corpus Hermeticum being given to Cosimo de Medici began the renewed epistemological movement which became known as the Renaissance. The writings of Hermes were of Gnostic Truth.


Osiris, the consort of Isis, was also known as a Son of God, a Light God and the Lord of Death. He was the Lord of Lords, King of Kings and God of Gods. He was the Resurrection and the Life; the Good Shepherd. He was the God/man who suffered and died, rose again and reigned eternally in Heaven. His coming was also announced by Three Wise Men and they are represented by the three stars on Orion’s belt which point to Sirius. Sirius is taken to be the Messiah and is a symbol of Hermes. Osiris was also a devoured Host and Communion was taken by eating cakes of wheat, the plant of Truth which bestowed a total life to the partaker. From the cult of Osiris comes the 23rd Psalm -“The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want… etc.”

The Christian Cross comes from his Ankh and the Bishop’s Crozier comes from the Osirian Shepherd Crook. The Rosary was also copied from Egypt.

What one can conclude is that the same symbolism was used in the stories of each of these “Myths” which represent the same Celestial Being, be it by a different name in each era or area.


Dionysus, Orpheus, Apollo, Hermes, Horus and Moses are the same energy (from Zeus). Note that from Osiris (through Isis) Horus was born. Hence, Horus was also Osiris the Lord, the Life. And being the same essence as Hermes, Horus was another aspect of the Hermetic Messiah. Moses was the incarnation of Horus, and Elijah was the reincarnation of Hermes. The beings existed, it is just that the myths around them were fabrications for the most part.

Who accompanied Jesus at the Transfiguration, a symbolic representation of the Father/Mother/Son Trinity? Moses did, and he who was the same essence as Horus, who was of the essence of Osiris, who was also the essence of Tammuz, who was also the essence of Dionysus (Adonis) who was from Zeus, the “Father energy”, the Masculine Aspect of the Godhead. And Elijah did, for He was of the essence of Hermes, who was also of the essence of Isis. And Isis was the Feminine Aspect of the Godhead. She was the “Mother energy”. Jesus represented the “Son Energy.” This Trinity theme is very much a Gnostic one, as I explained in the discussion on the Celestial Error. It was distorted into the Father/Son/Holy Ghost Trinity by the so-called Christians to exclude the Divine Mother. More about this exclusion later.

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But the story of apocalypse is an old one, one of the oldest humans tell. In ancient religious traditions beyond Christianity — including Judaism, Islam and Buddhism — it is a common narrative that arises in moments of social and political crisis, as people try to process unprecedented or shocking events. Ref: NY TIMES 2021 online


The apocalypse is not a future event. It is a past event that never happened, preached from John the Baptist and Jesus about the end times of the planet that was supposed to end back in the days of Jesus. Back then there was no heaven or hell.

Jesus was coming with his big armies to save mankind and set up his kingdom here on earth so when somebody died they just stayed on earth they didn’t go to heaven or hell .


Heaven and hell didn’t come around till the book of John and then Jesus became a savior instead of a Jewish rabbi that Matthew, Mark and Luke say he was!

According to NT expert, Bart D. Erhman, Jesus never declared himself divine or a savior in Matthew, Mark or Luke. He was always a Jewish Rabbi Preaching the end of the world, which is called the Apocalypse.

The Apocalypse is really focused on in the book of Revelations. But, the NY Times tells us that the Apocalypse was always coming up throughout history whenever there was social and political unrest.

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During the time period of Jesus, Rome had attacked the Jewish city in the Jewish wars and Rome had dominion and total control over the Jewish community. Jesus and his cousin, John the Baptist were voices in the wilderness preaching about the end times of the world. In the gospels, it was written that Jesus promised to return SEVEN TIMES! But he never came back. Upon further study of other Gods and saviors, they never came back either. The Jewish people expected Jesus to return before all of his disciples and the high priest were dead, just like the Bible says Jesus promised SEVEN TIMES. After Jesus was gone, people wondered what happened. Then the gospels started appearing.


About 65CE the gospel of Mark was written. The salvation plan was Death of Jesus paid the price. Jesus is not divine, he is a Jewish Rabbi.

About 70CE the gospel of Matthew is written. Mainly copied from Mark. Salvation plan is keeping the Jewish Law. Jesus is not divine.

About 80CE the gospel of Luke is written. Mainly copied from Mark. Salvation plan is forgiveness that comes from repentance. Yet again, Jesus is not considered a divine savior.

About 95CE Gospel of John is written. Salvation plan is faith that Jesus is the “I am” God of Moses and you must be born again. Suddenly Jesus is DIVINE! This is the very start of Christianity. Before this, the religion was completely Jewish Apocalyptic. MN: So the faithful Jews held their religion over 4,000 year but suddenly the world thinks God changed his mind and made a new religion, Christianity.

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150CE Jewish Apocalypticism comes into existence. Centuries later, Jesus in three of the synoptic gospels is viewed as an Apocalyptic Rabbi.

About 180CE Names of authors assigned to the Gospels. For almost two centuries they had no author name assigned. Ref. P. 296 Godless.

As the centuries marched on, powerful attributes were added to this invisible monotheistic God, like he is everywhere at the same time, and he knows every thought you can think. This idea was copied into the creation of Santa Claus!

The people needed something to tell us about God. So over a span of many centuries, the Bible and the Koran came into existence.


The Bible was never a book written about God. The Bible got much of its content from old campfire folk tales, and folklore. Plagiarizing oral stories was a cottage industry. In the case of the Old Testament shamelessly plagiarizing writings from the ancient pyramids of Egypt. Rewriting and changing stories around from the Book of the dead. The Bible has mankind’s fingerprints all over it, forcing a general theme of a supernatural being and his chosen people.

This was done by virtually every religion in the world. It is called “Syncretism”.

Syncretism is copying and pasting older popular world religions into their new God and saviors. Do a Goggle search. Most saviors were all born on Christmas. Most saviors came from a virgin birth. Most saviors had a mother named Mary, Marie or a dozen other female names that sound like Mary.

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Most of Jesus’s miracles, most of his witty quotations, most of his stories were said and done in a previous popular religion. Many people doubt that Jesus even existed. They suppose he was a fictional person.

No where in any country’s history is there a recorded record of Jesus or any of his miracles. Now I ask you, if God indeed came to Earth and did what the Bible claims Jesus did, don’t you think there would have been some headlines? In Rome, they have volumes of everything discussed by the Roman senate, but not a word about a great God and Savior named Jesus.


So after this time period the Book of Revelations was written. It was put in the Bible and taken out of the Bible several times.

Revelations is a rhapsody about the Apocalypse Jesus and John the Baptist were preaching about.

There were perhaps 200 gospels that drifted in and out of the Bible we have today.

The Apocalypse never happened because it is all drummed up hype about the end of the world. The same thing happened during the 200 years the Black Death was in Europe. Just hype by and for the people supporting it. (continue with page saying card#2 Reformation then wrap up or whatever.

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