Did You know? Flashcards
Did you know there were no witnesses for any of the Gospels?
All the gospels are written in the third person. If they were written by an eyewitness, they would be written in the first person.
The Gospels were all written from 45CE to 95 CE. From one to three generations after the Bible says Jesus was born.
45 CE Mark
50 CE Matthew
65 CE Luke
95 CE John
Did you know the Gospels were not named until the 5th Century?
No official name for them until after the Nicene creed meetings.
Did you know the New Testament was not created until the 5th Century?
There were over 100 Gospels, but only four got into the Bible, and these four were heavily edited to favor the Roman Government.
In fact there were many revolts and uprisings about Jesus. It took over 400 years for them to decide who and exactly what he was.
It ended up with no consensus and the Roman government just published it according to their viewpoints.
Did you know that Christmas was outlawed in the United States for 67 years?
Christmas was outlawed off and on for 200 years in different countries.
In the United States, it was outlawed soon after our Declaration of Independence. It became outlawed in 1789. It remained outlawed for the next 67 years and America did not celebrate it.
In 1856 America started to celebrate it again.
Did you know that Christmas, the Yule log, the phrase “Born Again” and the 12 days of Christmas were invented and observed in 940 BCE in the country of Scandinavia?
This was almost a thousand years before the church says Jesus was born on Christmas!
Did you know that the former name for “Christmas” was “Festival of Yule”, and it was celebrated roughly 1263 years before Constantine renamed it “Christmas” in the year 323CE? [MN: 940BCE + 323CE = 1263 years]
Did you know that Nearly every God and Savior was born on Christmas?
Did you know that Rulers and important men were also born on Christmas?
Did you know that nearly every God and Savior were born from virgins?
Did you know there are millions of Gods and thousands of saviors?
Did you know that the festival of the Winter Solstice was renamed Christmas?
Did you know that the original God for Christmas was Saturn?
Did you know that the temple they celebrated the God Saturn was named after him, Saturnalia?
Did you know that the Winter Solstice festival was celebrated for centuries before Jesus was born and was called the festival of “Sol Invictus”, the ancient sun god?
Did you know the book of Revelations is a Romantic Allegory describing the Apocalypse that Jesus and John the Baptist were telling the crowds about?
Did you know that Revelations was taken out and put back into the Bible several times?
Did you know that the Passion play of Jesus being beaten, jeered upon, and had to carry his own cross to the crucifixion site was taken almost verbatim from the popular play “The Bacchae” ?
Did you know the Bacchae was the same passion play that the Bible says happened to Jesus when we show our own Passion Play?
Did you know the Bacchae started in 405 BCE. It played for centuries first using the Greek God Dionysus going through all the suffering that the Bible claims Jesus had to go through?
Did you know that what the Bible claims Jesus said and did was said and done by earlier Gods and saviors?
Did you know the crown of thorns Jesus wore is symbolic of the first most powerful God APOLLO’s Crown of a circle of points?
Did you know the Statue of Liberty is wearing the crown of Apollo?
Did you know all the moon missions were named APOLLO?
Did you know all the planets except Earth are named after Gods?
Did you know the days of the week are named after Gods?
Did you know that Jesus being crucified on a cross is an anachronism?
Did you know the cross did not exist until the 5th century?
Did you know that everybody the Romans crucified before the 5th century was just a vertical stake? No Cross. Their hands were nailed to a vertical stake.
Did you know that nowhere in the Bible does it literally say that Jesus was crucified on a cross? (KJV)
Did you know it does say three times in the KJV that Jesus was crucified upon a TREE?
Did you know the KJV Bible says SEVEN times that Jesus will return before his disciples and the high priest die? [MN: That was over 2,000 years ago. Did you know that all of the ancient saviors promised to come back for their people, yet NONE. Not a single savior ever returned!]
Did you know we got the word Easter from the ancient Goddess Eastra, the goddess of Spring? [Also known as Eostre and Ostra.]
Did you know that Constantine decided in the year 323 CE, at the Council of Nicaea, decided that Jesus died on a Sunday and since it was a sign of a new beginning, he named the event “Easter”, in honor of the Goddess of Spring, “Eastra”.
Did you know the Easter story comes from the ancient God “Attis”?
Did you know Attis had to die to give us salvation and he died on Black Friday, now called good Friday. He was risen in three days at the Spring equinox, Easter.
Did you know that his body was eaten by worshipers in the form of bread, just like the “Eucharist” is observed in mass today?
Did you know that Attis was born and his cult started in 1250 BCE?
Did you know this is 1250 years before the church says Jesus is born?
Did you know that Constantine invented Sunday as a day of the week on March 7th, 321 CE?
Did you know that Constantine named the day “Sunday” in honor of his favorite “Sun God”, Sol Ivictus, and declared it a day of rest?
Did you know that the church did not choose the dates for crucifixion of Jesus and his resurrection until the 7th century?Did you know that it took 400 years after the birth of Jesus for the Romans to decide who Jesus was? Was he God or man? Was he a man who turned into a God? The people of Rome had no idea what Jesus was or who he was supposed to be. They had centuries of bitter civil wars over this subject. Finally after all this confusion the Emperor Constantine decided who Jesus was and that he was three Gods in one, a Trinity.
These characteristics were just pulled out of thin air by Constantine and his cronies. Many thousands of people were killed, beheaded, burned at the stake, etc. who challenged Constantine’s dictum on Jesus. After awhile, all that was left were the people who believed it. A couple of generations later, everyone was brainwashed from the cradle onward that these attributes Constantine decreed for Jesus was the Gospel truth.
NOT VERIFIED: DO NOT USE. Did you know that the story of the three wise men (The Magi) that traveled to see the Baby Jesus and give him gifts was made up in 1813 and added to the Bible?
Even more fantastic, did you know that a Cathedral in Germany says they have the bones of the Magi stored in the Cathedral for safe keeping?
Did you know that the Catholic sign of the cross was taken from the Greek God, Hermes?
Did you know that Hermes cross was not a cross but the numeral 4? It represented the four ways to get to Zeus! The pattern directions are different from the Catholic pattern directions. Hermes directions trace the numeral 4 . Starts Right side, left side, top then bottom.
Hermes sign of the cross was in use for making contact with Zeus for roughly one thousand years before it was adopted by the Catholic church.
Did you know that Hermes was also the God Mercury? He has wings on his feet and is known as the messenger.Did you know that Hermes’ staff had magical powers to wake people from sleep. It is often confused with the Rod of Asclepius. Both are used on Ambulances and hospitals, Prescriptions of medicine, etc. today.
Hermes staff has one snake on the staff, like the snake Moses used to heal people. Asciepius staff has two snakes. Do you know why the snakes for hospitals, medicine and healing?
[because a snake sheds it skin. This to ancient people looked like being “Born Again” and healing by shedding the diseased skin. Look at the emergency rooms, the ambulances, the Rx prescriptions today and you will see that the whole world still uses ancient pagan symbols.]
Did you know that all the religions we have today are a mixture of ancient religions from thousands of years ago?
Long story short, it is like they took the most popular attributes and stories and put them in a blender for 15 seconds, then poured out the absolute truth for your religion today.
Psychologists call this “Syncretism” Not too many countries are overtaken and conquered today, but for many thousands of years nations were conquered and the people made slaves and captives. The captives lived in these conditions for many generations. Naturally, the captives had to join the local religious group or else be killed. After a few generations everybody was a believer in the latest God of their conquers.
All the original captives died off long ago, and their previous religions died with them.
Israel, for example, was captured an amazing fifteen (15) times. This is why what Christians are taught today is what got poured out of the blender in the example above.
There is no record in the history of Rome that a census required people to go to an ancient relative’s place of birth.
You are talking about the entire Roman empire with over a million people knowing where their ancestey line started a thousand years ago! Common sense does not support this. Nobody would know where to go.
Do you know where your ancestors were born a thousand years ago?
Historians say there are no records of this happening in the Roman empire.
Experts say the people who wrote Luke just made up a story to satisfy the prophet Isaiah stating the savior will come from Bethlehem.
Actually this is simple syncretism to copy and paste a previous God and make it look like Jesus came from Bethlehem.
How syncretism works. From the beginning of time, people told stories about their folk heros that never happened. They just wanted to make THEIR story more Jaw dropping miraculous.
For over 1,500 years the various Kings would would have their own Bible version. Each King would greatly inflate THEIR BIBLE VERSION so it would TRUMP all the previous versions.
So the Kings copy and pasted ancient Gods history and added something more fantastic into their version!
The Bible we have today is chock full of plagerisms about what the Christian religion did in the past, but all these great quotes, stories and events are copied from ancient Gods and historic great men, and credited to the modern Christian Bible.
We all grew up believing this great news that Bible heroes did all these wonderful things. But, Alas, it is all Pulp Fiction.
They wanted their religion to trump all other religions, so they made up or changed the story to make it seem the Christian religion did all of this.
Also they had to make the story believable.
For example: If you were to built a new type of car, wouldn’t it have a steering wheel, 4 tires etc.
So they changed the quotes, the spectacular miracles, they completely MADE UP miracles to make their version better.
A perfect example is the story of the woman caught in adultery and Jesus says the wonderful quote, “Let him without sin cast the first stone.” This never happened. Its like putting lipstick on a pig! There are many earlier Bibles that DO NOT tell this story. Why? Because it was completely made up then crowbarred into the gospel of later Kings to make their version the greatest Bible ever!
The Bible is full of these made up stories and syscretisms from ancient Gods.