And you trust the Bible's promise of eternal life? Flashcards
Where did Aaron Die?
Num. 33:38 Aaron died on Mt. Horeb.
Dt. 10:6 Aaron died in Moshera (Mt. Horeb is not in Moshera)
How many brothers did David have?
1 Sam.16:10 David had seven brothers.
1 Chr.2:13-15 David had six brothers.
Who killed Goliath?
1 Sam.17 David killed Goliath
2 Sam. 21:19 Elhanan killed Goliath
How many horsemen did David take from hadadezer?
2 Sam.8:4 David took 1,700 horsemen from Hadadezer.
1 Chr.18:4 David took 7,000 horsemen from Hadadezer.
How many Syrian soldiers did David kill?
2 Sam. 10:18 David killed the men of 700 chariots.
1 Chr.19:18 David killed the men of 7,000 chariots.
How much did David pay for the property he bought? Was it gold or silver?
2 Sam.24:24 David paid 50 shekels of silver for the property.
1 Chr.21:25 David paid 600 shekels of gold for the property.
How many stables did Solomon have?
1 Kg. 4:26 Solomon had 40,000 stables.
2 Chr.9:25 Solomon had 4,000 stable.
Who was Joseph’s father?
Mt.1:16 Joseph’s father was Jacob.
Lk.2:23 Joseph’s father was Heli.
Was the name Yahweh revealed to Abraham?
Gen.15:7,8 The name Yahweh was revealed to Abraham and he used it to address him.
Ex.6:3 The name Yahweh was not revealed to Abraham.
Does Yahweh tempt people?
2 Sam.24.1 Yahweh tempted David to make a census.
Jam.1:13 Yahweh does not tempt anyone.
Can someone see Yahweh’s face and live?
Gen.32:30 Jacob saw Yahweh “face to face”.
Ex.33:20 “No one can see Yahweh’s face and live.”
Who bought the field with money from Jesus’ betrayal?
Mt.27:6,7 The priests bought the field.
Acts 1:16-19 Judas bought the field.
When did Satan enter Judas?
Lk.22:1-7 Satan entered Judas before the Passover meal.
Jn.13:27 Satan entered Judas specifically during the Passover meal, the instant when Judas took the bread.
Where did Paul go immediately after his conversion?
Acts 9:1-22 After his conversion, Paul went immediately to the synagogues of Damascus to preach the gospel.
Gal. 1:15-17 After his conversion, Paul went immediately to Arabia before returning to Damascus.
Did the witnesses to Paul’s conversion stand or fall down?
Acts 9:7 The witnesses stood speechless.
Acts 26:14 The witnesses all fell down
Does Yahweh show favoritism?
Rom.2:12 Yahweh does not show favoritism.
Mk.4:11-12; Rom.9:12-18 Yahweh shows favoritism.
Are we justified by works?
Gal.2:16 “A man is not justified by works of the law but by faith.”
Jam.2:24 “By works a man is justified, not by faith only.”
Is it alright to call people “fools”?
Mt.5:22 Jesus said to not call someone a “fool”, and those who do are in danger of hell.
Mt.23:17 Jesus called the Pharisees “fools”.
How many blind men did Jesus heal at Jericho?
Mt.20:29-30 Jesus healed two blind men at Jericho.
Mk.10:46; Lk.18:35-43 Jesus healed one blind man at Jericho.
Did Jesus come to judge the world?
Jn.9:39 “I have come to judge the world.”
Jn.12:47 “I have not come to judge the world.”
What time of the day was Jesus crucified?
Mk.15:25 Jesus was crucified at the third hour.
Jn.19:13,14 Jesus was crucified after the sixth hour since he was still before Pilate at “about the sixth hour.”
Was the rock rolled away when Mary Magdalene (and others) arrived? Were there guards there?
Mt.28:2 The women went to the tomb, then the rock was rolled away after an angel descended with a violent earthquake, while the guards looked on.
Mk.16:4; Lk.24:2; Jn.20:1 The rock was already rolled away and no guards are mentioned.
Who was at the tomb when Mary Magdalene (and others) arrived?
Mt.28:2 One angel was at the tomb.
Mk.16:5 One young man was at the tomb.
Lk.24:4 Two men were at the tomb.
Jn.20:11,12 Two angels were at the tomb.
Where exactly were the angels/men in relation to the tomb?
Mt.28:2 The one angel came and sat on top of the rock, outside the tomb.
Mk.16:5 The young man was already sitting inside the tomb.
Jn.20:11,12 The two angels were already inside the tomb when Mary Magdalene looked.
Lk.24:4 The two men suddenly appeared after the women went inside the tomb.