Economics Y10 Chapter 1 EoT test Flashcards
name the factors of production
enterprise, capital, labour and land
what is enterprise
the facotor of production that takes a risk in organising the other three factors of production
what is an individual in enterprise called
what is capital
the factor that relates to the humna-made aids to production
what is labour
the factor that is concerned with the workforce of an economy in terms of both the physical and mental effort involved in production
what is land
the factor that is concerned with the natural resources of an economy
is money a factor of production
no, it helps you acquire the factors
what are factors of production
resources used in the production process
what two aspects determine the efficiency of the factors
quantity and quality
name some things which the efficiency of labour depends on
population size, migration, working age, education, health, training
what are the 3 main economic groups
consumers, producers, government
what do the economic groups do
make decisions about goods and services
what is a producer
a person, company or country that supplies goods and services and makes choices about what to produce and how
what is a good
a tangible product
what is a service
an intangible product
what is the production
the total amount of goods and services produced by a firm or industry in a given time period
what is interdependence
one economic group responding to the actions of another group
what are the three parts of tax revenue
VAT, corporate tax and income tax
what does VAT stand for
value-added tax
what is the economic problem
the problem of choice that arises due to unlimited human want and the scarcity of resources having alternative uses
what are wants
things a consumer has to improve their quality of life
what are needs
things a consumer must have for survival
is a work laptop a want or a need
can consumers want a good or service that they cannot afford to buy