Ecology Flashcards
Populations are groups of individuals in one _______ and _______
place, time
A _______ _______ is the area throughout which a population occurs
Geographic Range
A _______ is the biotic and abiotic feature of a population’s range
Population _______ is how individuals are physically spaced out
Population _______ is the number of individuals and how that number changes through time
Ranges of populations change through time with _______ changes
Individuals in populations exhibit different _______ patterns (how they interact with each other)
_______ _______ : Individuals do not interact strongly with one another (not common in nature)
Random spacing
_______ _______: Behavioral interactions, resource competition
Uniform spacing
_______ _______: Uneven distribution of resources (common in nature)
Clumped spacing
_______ occur in areas in which suitable habitat is patchily distributed and is separated by intervening stretches of unsuitable habitat
In dispersal: interaction may not be _______; Populations ________ and send out many dispersers; _______ populations have few dispersers; Individual populations may become _______; Population _______ may occur
symmetrical, increase, small, extinct, bottlenecks
In _______-_______ metapopulations, some areas are suitable for long-term habitat while others are not.
In source-sink metapopulations, populations in better areas (_______) bolster the population in poorer areas (_______)
source, sink
In source sink metapopulations, the species occupies a _______ area than is otherwise might. Also, the continuous colonization of empty patches prevents _______-_______ _______
larger, long-term extinction
_______ is the quantitative study of populations
Demography measures how _______ changes through time
Population growth can be influenced by the population’s _______ _______
sex ratio
Populations with _______ generations can increase in size more quickly than populations with _______ generations
short, long
_______ _______ is determined by the number of individuals in a different age group
age structure
_______: Group of individuals of the same age
_______: Number of offspring produced in a standard time
_______: Death rate in a standard time
_______ is the percent of an original population that survives to a given age
Natural selection favors traits that maximize the number of _______ _______ left in the next generation by an individual organism. 2 factors affect this quantity: _______ and how many offspring it produces each year
surviving offspring, lifespan
_______ offspring have a greater chance of survival
_______-_______ species delay reproduction. The advantage is that juveniles gain experience before the high cost of reproduction
_______-_______ species reproduce early. Time is important; delay may mean no offspring
_______ _______ model applies to populations with no growth limits
Exponential growth
Exponential growth equation: _______
r = (b-d) + (i-e) where r = rate of population increase; b = birth rate; d = death rate; i = immigration; e = emigration
_______ _______: e = i, and there are no limits on population growth, then: dN/dt = riN. N is the _______ of individuals in the population; dN/dt is the rate of change over time; ri is the _______ rate of natural increase for the population
Biotic potential, number, intrinsic
The biotic potential of any population is _______ , even when the rate of increase remains constant.
The result of unchecked exponential population growth is _______ _______
population explosion
_______ _______: Symbolized by K, is the maximum number of individuals that the environment can support
Carrying capacity
_______ _______ _______: Applies to populations as they reach K (carrying capacity, the max number of individuals the environment can support)
Logistic growth model