ECM Flashcards
Functions of ECM
Structure, Defense and protection, Nutrition, Diffusion of gases, molecules and ions, Cell growth and survival, Cell migration, Lubrication
2 Constituents of ECM
Group Substance and Fibers
Group Substance
GAGs, proteoglycans, water, adhesive glycoproteins
collagen, reticular (type III) collagen, elastic
Tissue repair with ECM
very vascular, edema, loose ECM
How does ECM drive the cell cycle
Focal adhesions of cell to ECM regulate cell division, growth and survival
Excessive accumulation of GAGs leads to what
increase in water
Structure of proteoglycans
Core protein is the backbone. Core protein is attached to link protein on hyaluronan. GAGs attach to the core protein and look like bristles
transmembrane proteoglycan. Co-receptor for FGF
What happens when you inactivate gene for perlecan
results in defective skeletal development
3 binding domains on multiadhesive glycoprotein
- Cell adhesion molecule (CAM)
- Collagen fibers
- Proteoglycans
Binding domains of fibronectin
integrins, collagen, heparin, heparan fulfate, hyaluronic acid
Location of fibronectin
connective tissue, blood plasma, embryonic tissue
Binding domains of laminin
integrins, heparan sulfate, collagen IV, entractin
Location of laminin
basal lamina
Binding domains of entactin
laminin, integrins, type IV collagen
location of entactin
basal lamina
binding domains of tenscin
syndecans and fibrorecton
Location of tenascin
embryonic tissue
Binding domains of chondronectin
Type II collagen, chondroitin sulfates, hyaluronic acid, integrins of chondrocytes
Location of chondronectin
Binding domains of Ostonectin
Type I collagen, proteoglycans and integrins of bone cells (osteocytes, osteoblasts)
Location of osteonectin