ECG III Flashcards
What is sinus bradycardia and what is its ECG presentation?
Slowing of normal heart rhythm <60 bpm
Normal P wave and QRS complex
What is a junctional escape rhythm and what is its ECG presentation?
Junctional escape beats arise from AV node or His bundle
No P wave (impluse originates below atria)
Normal QRS
Slower rate (40-60bpm)
What is a ventricular escape rhythm and what is its ECG presentation?
Ventricles are depolarized from a more distal point in the conduction system
Widened QRS, no P wave
Slow rate (15-40 bpm)
What is First-degree AV block and what is its ECG presentation?
Benign, asymptomatic AV conduction block
Lengthened PR interval (>0.2 seconds)
What is Second-degree AV block: Mobitz type I and what is its ECG presentation?
Benign AV block
Progressive increase in the PR interval until a single QRS is absent, after which the PR interval shortens to its initial length and the cycle starts over
What is Second-degree AV block Mobitz type II and what is its ECG presentation?
Conduction block beyond the AV node
Sudden intermittent loss of AV conduction without preceding gradual lengthening of the PR interval
QRS often widened
Indicates severe disease
What is Third-degree heart block and what is its ECG presentation??
Complete failure of conduction between the atria and ventricles
No relationship between the P waves and QRS complexes
QRS may be widened (distal escape) or normal (AV node escape) depending on where the escape rhythm is being generated
What is sinus tachycardia and what is its ECG presentation?
SA node discharge rate >100 bpm
Normal P waves and QRS complexes
What is an atrial premature beat and what is its ECG presentation?
Beats originate from an atrial focus outside the SA node
Earlier than expected P wave with an abnormal shape
QRS is normal
Asymptomatic, but may cause palpitations
What is atrial flutter and what is its ECG presentation?
Rapid, regular atrial activity at a rate of 180 to 350 bpm
Usually two or more atrial beats per ventricular beat because they reach the AV node during its refractory period
What is atrial fibrillation and what is its ECG presentation?
Chaotic rhythm with very fast atrial rate (350-600)
No P waves or only a fine, high frequency, very low voltage wavy record
QRS-T normal, except for some irregular timing
What are paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardias (PSVT)?
Type of sudden onset supraventricular tachycardias that often involve reentry at the AV node, atrium, or accessory pathway
What is atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT) and what is its ECG presentation?
Most common form of PSVT in adults
P waves may not be apparent (hidden or retrograde) because they’re inscribed at the same time as QRS
tachycardic rhythm
What is Ventricular Pre-excitation Syndrome and what is its ECG presentation?
Aka Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome, Atrial impulses conduct through the accessory pathway and AV node, causing early stimulation of the ventricles
Short PR interval (<0.12 sec)
QRS has as slurred rather than sharp upstrok (delta wave)
Widened QRS
What two types of PSVTs are common in patients with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome?
Orthodromic AVRT - no delta, retrograde P wave
Antidromic AVRT - Widened QRS with retrograde P wave