Eating Disorders Flashcards
Types of eating disorders
- anorexia nervosa
- bulimia nervosa
- binge eating disorder
Anorexia nervosa
- characterized by a morbid fear of obesity
- weight loss is usually accomplished by reduction in food intake and often excessiver exercising
- self-induced vomiting and abuse of laxatives or diuretics may occur
Anorexia nervosa manifestations
- gross distortion of body image
- preoccupation with food
- refusal to eat
Distortion in body image associated with anorexia nervosa
Individual perceives themselves as “fat” when he/she is obviously underweight or even emaciated
Symptoms of excessive weight loss
- weight less than 85% of expected
- hypothermia
- bradycardia
- hypotension
- peripheral edema
- lanugo
- amenorrhea
Obsession with food in anorexia nervosa
- may hoard or conceal food
- talk about food at great lengths
- prepare elaborate meals for others, but limit themselves
Typical age of onset in anorexia nervosa
Early to late adolescence
Goals with anorexia nervosa
- adequate BMI
- less preoccupation with appearance/food
- healthy pattern of eating
Interventions for anorexia nervosa
- immediate treatment – deal with life-compromising issues
- re-feeding may be necessary
- watch for refeeding syndrome
- precise weighing and intake and output monitoring daily
- monitor labs
- meal supervision
- behavior modification
- control issues are central
- therapeutic alliance
- team approach – family key!
- medications: SSRIs
Bulimia nervosa
An episodic, uncontrolled, compulsive, rapid ingestion of large quantities of food over a short period of time (binging), followed by inappropriate compensatory behaviors to rid the body of the excess calories
Characteristics of binging episodes in bulimia nervosa
- food consumed often has a high caloric content, a sweet taste and is a soft or smooth texture to be eaten easily
- often occur in secret and are usually terminated by abd pain, sleep, social interruption or self-induced vomiting
- self-degradation and depressed mood follow
Characteristics of purging episodes in bulimia nervosa
- self-induced vomiting
- misuse of laxatives, diuretics, enemas
- followed by fasting or excessive exercise
Weight fluctuations in bulimia nervosa
- common because of alternating binges and fasts
- most individuals weight WNL, or slightly over or underweight
Physical effects of purging episodes
- dehydration
- f/e imbalance
- erosion of tooth enamel
- Russell’s sign
Bulimia nervosa interventions
- more focused on behavior than re-feeding
- inpatient treatment less likely
- monitor electrolytes
Bulimia nervosa goals
Similar to AN
Binge eating disorder
- characterized by binge eating with the absence of purging seen in BN
- this client at risk for substantial weight gain
Characteristics of binging episodes in binge eating disorder
- over <2 hrs
- individual feels uncomfortably full
- interpersonal stressors, low self-esteem and boredom are often triggers
- followed by guilt and depression
Goals with binge eating disorder
- verbalizes importance of adequate nutrition
- verbalizes events that precipitate anxiety
- verbalizes ways in which he/she may gain more control of the environment
Predisposing factors to eating disorders
- genetics
- neuroendocrine abnormalities
- neurochemical influences
- psychodynamic influences
- family influences