Ear Flashcards
Draw a diagram of the ear
Name the three sections of the ear
Outer ear, Middle ear, Inner ear
Name the parts of the ear
Pinna (cartilage), ear canal, eardrum, oval window (stirrup fits against this), Eustachian tube, Cochlea, Auditory nerve, semi-circular canals, hammer, anvil, stirrup, bone (skull)
outer visible ear, funnels sound into the ear canal.
Ear canal
tube leading to the ear drum. It has hairs and wax glands to trap dirt and germs.
Membrane of skin that vibrates when sound waves his it.
Middle ear
Air- filled cavity containing three small bones [ossicles] and the Eustachian tube
3 small bones [hammer, anvil and stirrup], that amplify the sound.
Eustachian tube
Keeps air pressure equal on each side of the eardrum. It opens when we swallow, cough, etc.
When does the eustachian tube open?
When we swallow, cough, etc.
Inner ear
Contains a coiled, fluid-filled tube called the coclea and the semi-circular canals.
Contains nerves that convert sound vibrations into electrical impulses
Semi-circular canals
help us keep our balance and posture
Draw a diagram of how we hear
What does the pinna (ear lobe) do?
channels the sound (vibrations in the air) towards the eardrum, which then vibrates.
When the eardrum vibrates what happens?
It vibrates the hammer, anvil and stirrup bones, which amplify the sound
What happens when the hammer, anvil and stirrup vibrate?
The stirrup pushes on the oval window of the cochlea, moving the liquid inside.
What happens when the liquid inside the ear vibrates?
Special hairs on 30,000 receptor cells detect the movement and send signal to the brain along the auditory nerve.
What happens when signals are sent to the brain?
The brain interprets these as sounds, and we “hear”.
semi-circular canal
help us keep our balance and posture
What can deafness be caused by?
Deafness can be caused by long exposure to a high level of noise, drugs, or ear infections.
What can damage to the eardrum, ossicles [bones], and cochlea be caused by?
Can be caused by loud sounds, produces incurable deafness.
What are workers exposed to prolonged sounds of over 90 decibels [dB] obliged by law to do?
Workers exposed to prolonged sounds of over 90 decibels [dB] are obliged by law to wear ear protection
What does any exposure to 140dB cause?
Immediate damage to hearing
What is the sound level that if workers are exposed to it for long periods of time they must do something. Is this required by law?
90 dB, yes
What are the semi-circular canals composed of?
three curved tubes, each about 15mm long and filled with fluid
What are head movements detected by?
nerves inside the semi-circular canals
How does the brain respond to head movements detected? Why?
By sending messages through the cerebellum, which trigger reflex actions in our muscles. This helps us keep our whole body balanced as we move.