biology lc some in chem

This class was created by Brainscape user Eleanor Ronan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (24)

The Human Digestive System
Herbivores eg,
Carnivores eg,
Omnivores eg
93  cards
Five Kingdoms
What are monera mostly composed of,
What kingdom does bacteria belong to,
What type of organisms are bacteria
97  cards
Sci method and experimentation
What are the eleven principles of...,
What is planning and design,
What are safety procedures
22  cards
Cells and the microscope
0  cards
Food notes
0  cards
Diffusion and Osmosis
0  cards
0  cards
Respiratory System*
Draw a diagram of the human respi...,
What are the parts of the respira...,
What is another name for the trachea
133  cards
What is the natural source of lig...,
Other than natural light what sou...,
Where is artificial light used an...
92  cards
The Brain
What is brain composed of and wha...,
What is the brain protected by,
Draw a diagram of the brain
45  cards
The Eye
Draw a diagram of the eye,
Name the parts of the eye,
What is the function of the eyelid
32  cards
Draw a diagram of the ear,
Name the three sections of the ear,
Name the parts of the ear
28  cards
Endocrine System
What is sensitivity,
What is response,
What is the endocrine system
34  cards
What is ecology,
What is an environment,
What is an ecosystem
115  cards
Plant Structure
Draw a structure of flowering plant,
What are the two portions of a plant,
What are the parts of a plant
147  cards
Draw a diagram of the skeleton,
What do skeletons provide,
How many bones in the skeleton ho...
78  cards
Blood and Heart
What is the name of the system in...,
What are open circulation systems...,
What are closed circulation syste...
94  cards
Human Reproduction
Draw a labeled diagram of the mal...,
What are the parts of the male re...,
What are the two main parts of th...
223  cards
What is respiration,
What is usually the food involved...,
What is internal respiration cont...
82  cards
Excretory System in the Human
What is excretion,
How does the excretory system pla...,
What is homeostasis
67  cards
What are viruses made of,
Where do viruses grow,
What can viruses be considered ou...
85  cards
Cell Division
What do all cells develop from,
What are the steps to form a new ...,
What are chromosomes
51  cards
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
Draw the structure of a flower,
What is the function of the sepal,
What is the function of the petal
79  cards
What must be for a new species to...
143  cards

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biology lc some in chem

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