Ear Flashcards
Receives and perceives sound
External and middle ear
What lobe is responsible for auditory?
Sends sound to the brain for hearing and equilibrium.
Inner ear
The central nervous system contains
Acoustic nerve and auditory cortex
Cartilage and connective tissue and covered with epithelium that collects and transmits sound waves that transmits to the tympanic membrane.
Lined with fine hairs, sebaceous glands, and ceruminous glands
External auditory canal
The only place far produced ceruminous glands
The ear
Protective because it helps keep debris from entering and kills bacteria; first defense from infection.
The middle ear containing the temporal bone is inaccessible because it is blocked by the
It is shiny, translucent, pearly gray, slightly concave AKA ear drum
Tympanic membrane
What are the three ossicles that receive conducted sound waves
The middle ear is filled with
AIR not fluid
What connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx
Eustacian tube
Helps equalize pressure for a good transmission of sound; helps prevent the tympanic membrane from rupturing.
Eustachian tube
Connect to the tympanic membrane and moves by the vibration of sound waves by the tympanic membrane.
The three ossicles
Includes the vestibule, cochlea, semicircular canals, membraneous labyrinth, bony labyrinth
Inner ear
Series of bony canals; contains fluid that protects and cushions the organs of hearing and balance.
Bony labyrinth
Coats the semi-circle canals and cochlea with endolymph fluid
Membraneous labyrinth
Separates the cochlea and semi-circular canals; located just beyond the open window
These canals are oriented in three different planes; they are stimulated by how fast we move and direction we move
Semi-circular canals
The organ for hearing; it’s snail shaped; contains fine hairs that pick up waves and change to an electrochemical impulse for nerve impulse.
What is within the cochlea?
Organ of corti
What is inside of the organ of corti?
Seaweed like hairs
Method of transmission that goes through the entire ear until the organ of corti converts sound waves into nerve impulse
Air conduction
Sound that is transmitted from the skull and causes fluid waves into the vestibule by bypassing the external and middle ear.
Bone conduction
Controlled by vestibule and semi-circular canals as we move; fluid in the canal moves
Maintenance of body position during movement and is a type of equilibrium
Dynamic equilibrium
Orientation of equilibrium of our body to the group; maintains position of standing; essential for maintaining posture
Static equilibrium
Abnormal eye movements (twitching) can cause loss of vision
Sense that person or objects around are moving or spinning
Whatever activity caused vertigo, patient should continue in small increments to acclimate this vertigo
The inability to heat low volumes during hearing loss is associated with
The inability to hear high pitches during hearing loss is
Problem with sound waves is what type of hearing loss?
Damage to the inner ear (cochlea, organ of corti) in hearing loss?
Both conductive and sensory hearing loss?
Nothing wrong with hearing but is a result of emotional disturbance is what type of hearing loss?
Ringing of the ears?
Whisper a phrase 1-2 feet away and gradually increasing the volume until the patient can hear
Whisper test
Tuning fork test that test by vibrating fork on the mastoid bone and then moved in front of the pinna and is timed. Normal test would indicate air conduction is heard longer than bone conduction.
Rinne Test
Tuning fork test where the stem of the fork is activated and placed on the skull.
Conductive hearing loss - sound will Lateralize to the poor ear
Sensorineural hearing loss - sound will Lateralize to the good war
Normal is hearing B/L
Weber test
Diagnostic instrument used for evaluating hearing
Stimulating the vestibular system by irrigating the ear
Sits in a chair and goes in complete circles at a set rate in the dark
Rotary chair test