E3 Chapter 9: Memory Flashcards
Exam 3
What is the process of acquiring new information?
What are the characteristics of sensory memory? (Time course, Capacity, Conscious Awareness, Mechanisms of Loss?)
Time course: Milliseconds to seconds
Capacity: High
Conscious Awareness: NO
Loss: Primarily Decay
What are the characteristics of short-term/working memory? (Time course, Capacity, Conscious Awareness, Mechanisms of Loss?
Time course: Seconds to minutes
Capacity: Limited (7+/-2 items)
Conscious Awareness: YES
Loss: Interference and Decay
What are the characteristics of long-term memory DECLARATIVE AND NONDECLARATIVE? (Time course, Capacity, Mechanisms of Loss?
Time course: Minutes to Years
Capacity: High
Loss: Primarily interference
What is the main difference between Nondeclarative and declarative LTM?
Nondeclarative LTM have no conscious awareness, while Declarative LTM has conscious awareness
Declarative LTM is also called?
Explicit memory (facts and events)
Non-Declarative LTM is also called?
Implicit memory (Procedural and classical)
What are the three major stages of memory?
- Encoding
- Storage
- Retrieval
What stage of memory converts information into a form usable in memory?
What stage aids Retaining information in memory?
What stage aids in bringing stored information to mind?
What disorder makes patients not be able to remember events prior to brain damage?
Retrograde amnesia
What disorder prevents patients from forming new memories?
Anterograde amnesia
What is retrograde amnesia extending back in time but does not include the entire life of the individual?
Temporally limited
What type of retrograde amnesia tends to be
greatest for the most recent events?
Temporal gradient (Ribot’s Law)
Memories of factual information
Semantic memory
Memories of personal events.
Episodic Memory
A type of LTM that stores information about how to perform tasks and actions (part of implicit)?
Procedural Memory
Neurodegenerative diseases that are commonly associated with the
pathological misfolding of particular proteins that are prone to cluster
in the brain
Most common type of dementia?
Alzheimer’s Disorder