(E3) 5 - Larynx Flashcards
What is this?
The Larynx
Functions of the Larynx
Composition of the Laryngeal Skeleton
Describe the Laryngeal Epithelium and its exceptions
What are the 3 regions of the laryngeal cavity?
Laryngeal Cavity: Describe the Vestibule
(supraglottic) – from laryngeal inlet
to the vestibular folds
Laryngeal Cavity: Describe the Ventricle
Between the vestibular and vocal folds
Laryngeal Cavity: Describe the Infraglottic
(subglottic) – from vocal folds to
inf. border of cricoid cartilage
Larynx Relationships - Anterolateral, Lateral, Posterior, Superior and Inferior
Laryngeal Cavity: Describe the vestibular fold
Laryngeal Cavity: Describe the Vocal Fold
What is this?
Thyroid Cartilage (hyaline)
What forms the Laryngeal prominence? “Adam’s Apple”
2 lateral laminae fuse anteriorly at an acute angle in median plane
What does the thyroid cartilage attach to?
Attaches to hyoid bone via thyrohyoid membrane
What pierces the thyroid cartilage?
Pierced on each side by internal laryngeal n. and
superior laryngeal a./v.
Thyroid Cartilage: Describe the Thyroid Notch
Thyroid Cartilage: Describe the Oblique Line
Thyroid Cartilage: Describe the Superior Tubercle
Thyroid Cartilage: Describe the Inferior Tubercle
Thyroid Cartilage: Describe the Superior Horn (cornu)
Thyroid Cartilage: Describe the Inferior Horn (cornu)
What is this?
Cricoid Cartilage
What does the cricoid cartilage serve as an attachment site for?
Attachment for intrinsic and extrinsic laryngeal mm.
What does the cricoid cartilage attach to?
Cricoid Cartilage: Describe the Arch
Cricoid Cartilage: Describe the Lamina
Cricoid Cartilage: Describe the Superior Border
Cricoid Cartilage: Describe the Inferior Border
What is this cartilage? (also anterior to laryngeal inlet)
Epiglottic Cartilage
What epithelium covers the anterior and posterior sides of the epiglottic cartilage?
Epiglottic Cartilage Attachments
Epiglottic Cartilage Valleculae
What are the parts of the Epiglottic Cartilage?
Function of the Epiglottic Cartilage
What cartilage is this?
Arytenoid Cartilages
Arytenoid cartilages forms the framework for the ____ vocal fold
Arytenoid Cartilages: Describe the 3 surfaces and Apex
Arytenoid Cartilages: Describe the Base with 2 processes
Describe the Corniculate Cartilages
Describe the Cuneiform Cartialges
Describe the Cricothyroid Joint
Describe the Cricoaretynoid Joint and its 2 Movements (including medial and lateral)
Vocal apparatus of larynx - What is this?
What does the Glottis consist of?
- Vocal folds and processes
- Rima Glottidis
What is the Rima Glottidis?
Aperture between vocal folds
Describe the shape of the Rima Glottidis variations
Describe the Thyroepiglottic Ligament
Describe the Hyoepiglottic Ligament
Describe the Cricotracheal Ligament
Describe the Thyrohyoid Membrane - and what it allows passage for.
What is the Quadrangular Membrane?
What is the conus elasticus and describe its 2 parts.
What is the vocal ligament?
What is the vestibular ligament?
Function and Composition of the Extrinsic Laryngeal Muscles
Function and Composition of the Extrinsic Laryngeal Muscles
Function of the Intrinsic Laryngeal Muscles
Innervation to Intrinsic Laryngeal Muscles (and exception)
Actions of Intrinsic Laryngeal Muscles
Tensor of the Larynx
Cricothyroid Muscles
Cricothyroid Muscles: Origin and Insertion
Cricothyroid Muscles: Actions
Cricothyroid Muscles: Innervation
External Laryngeal Nerve *** Exception Muscle
Relaxers of the Larynx
Thyroaretynoid mm.
Vocalis mm.
Thyroarytenoid mm. - Origin, Insertion, Action
Vocalis mm. - Fibers and Action
Abductor of the Larynx
Posterior Cricoaretynoid Muscle
Posterior Cricoaretynoid Muscle - Origin, Insertion and Action
Adductors of the Larynx
Lateral cricoarytenoid mm.
Transverse and oblique arytenoid mm.
Lateral cricoarytenoid mm. - Origin, Insertion and Action
Transverse and Oblique Cricoarytenoid mm. - Origin, Insertion and Action
Aryepiglotticus - Origin, Insertion and Action
Thyroepiglotticus - Origin, Insertion and Action
Superior laryngeal artery - Origin and Path
Inferior laryngeal artery - Origin and Path
Superior Laryngeal Nerve - Origin and Branches
Superior Laryngeal Nerve - Function
Superior Laryngeal Nerve - Path
Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve - Origin and Function
Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve - Path (right and left)
Laryngitis - What is it? Causes and treatment
Cricothryroectomy - Purpose and Procedure
Signs of Injury to laryngeal nerves
List of possible damages to laryngeal nerves
Larynx Foreign Bodies - Location, Detection and Removal